Joe Frawley

"Recurring dreams and repressed memories. Irrational fixations and secret desires. The rich underworld of the subconscious is the subject of Joe Frawley Music, which is as much its own singular genre, as it is an independent record label. With elements of dark ambient, classical Romanticism, sample-based sound collage and musique concrete, Joe Frawley's music resists categorization. Frawley's work has been described by listeners as "audio David Lynch", and "cinema for the ear"- apt phrases to describe the music's power to conjure haunting visual images, and stimulate the imagination."
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"I think it was... two years ago?, a year ago, I think, maybe. I went to kind of a carnival, and there were fortunetellers and psychics in these little booths and stuff. So, of course, I wanted to go get my fortune read, and, in one of the tents, one of the ladies told me I had some unknown, divine power that I hadn't discovered yet."

Piano, found sounds, synthesized sounds, electronic processing and arrangement, Joe Frawley.
Breathing and spoken French/English text, M
Joe Frawley Ensemble is:
Rachel Rambach - singing, lungs, larynx, mouth sounds
Greg Conte - guitars, electronic effects
Joe Frawley - piano, Casiotone, found sounds, electronic processing & arrangement
Released 06 June 2009
Rachel Rambach, voice. Greg Conte, pedal steel guitar & electric upright bass. Joe Frawley, piano, found sounds, synthesized sounds, electronic effects & arrangements. All music composed & performed by Joe Frawley Ensemble
- Name your price @ Bandcamp.
Includes samples from Olivier Messiaen's "Turangalila-Symphonie", William Walton's "Passacaglia (Death Of Falstaff)", and Earl Kim's "Ophelia" from "Where Grief Slumbers".
- Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet tint ends and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blendingly enter into the other? So with sanity and insanity.
- Herman Melville
Joe Frawley, piano and sound collage
Greg Conte, guitars and electronics, cymbals
Melanie Skriabine, vocals
Additional vocals by Rachel Rambach
- "Composition, found sound arrangement and electronic treatment by Joe Frawley, with additional musical improvisations from Conte and Skriabine."
- "Somewhat more experimental in nature with its cut and paste dialogue, filmic references, and unsettling yet melodic David Lynchian undertones and atmospheres, Joes album takes Time Released Sound in a slightly off kilter direction .to a somewhat darker and more mysterious place."
- Time Released Sound.
released 01 February 2013
Michelle Cross: voice and piano
Joe Frawley: sound collage, electronic treatment & arrangement, piano on tracks 7 & 11
Win Ridabock: flutes
Tracey Kroll: electronic percussion on track 5
"Dolls have the unintended ability to evoke in us a special brand of melancholy. But dolls don't breath or wake or rise except under the most unnatural and emotional of conditions. Dolls Come To Life, the disturbingly beautiful collaboration between Chicago singer/songwriter Michelle Cross and experimental composer/sound collage artist Joe Frawley, explores in sometimes direct, sometimes abstract fashion this unsettling what-if scenario. . . ."
Dolls Come To Life - The Groundskeeper's Daughter
Michelle Cross, voice and piano
Joe Frawley, sound collage, piano, effects
Greg Conte, ghost guitar on tracks 3, 6 and 9
Win Ridabock, flute on tracks 5 and 11
Alex Greene, spoken word samples on tracks 3 & 7
Har, ambient guitar on track 8
- ". . . . . Their new album, The Groundskeeper's Daughter, pushes further into uncharted territory of song and soundscape. A non-linear story emerges, in which the image of a garden is central. An inner awakening? Memories of an ancient trauma? A young girl coming of age among the topiary, the ivy, the hidden paths? There are ghosts in the garden, of that we are sure. Or are the events merely the disappearing ink of a fast fading dream? Whatever interpretation the listener may arrive at, The Groundskeeper's Daughter will certainly haunt you."
Joe Frawley, piano and sound collage.
- "Includes samples and interpretations of the following songs: "Molly" written by Steve Karliski ©1962, EMI; "Meet Me In My Dreams To-Night", music by Horatio Nicholls, words by Jos. Geo. Gilbert, ©1930, The Lawrence Wright Music Co.; "I've Heard That Song Before" music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Sammy Cahn, ©1942, Imagem Music LLC O.B.O. Cahn Music, Morley Music Co. Inc.
All other music composed by Joe Frawley.
Some voice samples from Chawner Family reel-to-reel tape recordings, public domain; others courtesy of J.C, found cassette tapes and reel-to-reels, private collection.
Track 8 singing by Michelle Cross. "
- Generally a bit too peaceful for my taste, but there's some really excellent tracks.
Thanks for the heads up BN, looking forward to hearing this in full
Joe Frawley - Piano (prepared)
Greg Conte - Guitar (prepared), electronics
Recorded live at The Harkness Chapel, 3-20-2017
Joe Frawley: piano, prepared piano, MIDI keyboard, marimba, harmonica, field recordings, found sounds, electronic manipulation and arrangement.
Greg Conte: electric guitar, prepared electric guitar, amplified bass kalimba, electronic effects.
Michelle Cross: vocal on 'Identity Rift'.