28 September – 25 October 2018
ICAE2018 Yerevan Opening at National Gallery of Armenia
“Soundlines of Contemporary Art”, curated by Mazdak Faiznia and Marina Hakobyan and created and organized by Shaula International LLC, is held under the high patronage of the Presidency of Armenia and the patronage of the Canadian Government, the Ministry of Culture of Armenia, the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism of Italy, the cultural promotional project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy Vivere All’italiana, the Italian Embassy in Armenia. The event is further supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, the EU Delegation to Armenia and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU).
ICAE2018 Yerevan Opening at National Gallery of Armenia
“Soundlines of Contemporary Art”, curated by Mazdak Faiznia and Marina Hakobyan and created and organized by Shaula International LLC, is held under the high patronage of the Presidency of Armenia and the patronage of the Canadian Government, the Ministry of Culture of Armenia, the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism of Italy, the cultural promotional project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy Vivere All’italiana, the Italian Embassy in Armenia. The event is further supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, the EU Delegation to Armenia and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU).
Roland Emile Kuit - Tomas Rajlich - Herman de Vries
28 September till 25 October in House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian Yerevan
Hay Art Mshakutayin Cucasrah Kentron, Yerevan
"As a European based composer - sonic artist, I am approaching Yerevan with an open ear. I feel the philosophy and arts have roots into the long history of this country. Armenia proves with the TUMO Center where education, culture and science meet in such a special way, that this form of learning is working and even expanse to other counties through the world. I find this mindset in the ICAE2018 of Shaula International LLC too. A courageous way to blend new forms in arts and new cultures in this wonderful event "Soundlines of Contemporary Art". As composer - artist, I am creating new forms by sound research and morphology. My exhibition in the A. Khachaturian House Museum will be a perfect audible example for this as I blend painting and sound together in the audio sculpture "Acrylic Intonations". For this occasion I recorded the painting proces of Tomas Rajlich. By analizing these sounds, I could re-synthesis these processes into a new form whereby time, frequency, amplitude and space are dealt with seperately, and therefore having the possibilliy to seize new sonic shapes." - Roland Kuit
photography by Ed Tadevossian
With artist Walid Siti, curator Mazdak Faiznia, Karin Schomaker and Roland Kuit
Minister of Culture Armenia Lilit Makunts and composer - sonic artist Roland Emile Kuit Photography by Ed Tadevossian
First teaching at the TUMO center for Art & Technology in Yerevan, directing students to a sonic work of art.
Presentation installation "Soundmapping Yerevan"
With students, Karin Schomaker and Roland Kuit
- It certainly looks like a spectacular event.
In the press:
(for Dutchies) this news radio interview.
Zo klinken schilderijen / This is how paintings sound