Emusers Label & Linernotes Database
Some time ago I posted a list of interesting labels on the other board as a response to all the complaints about labels leaving emusic, nothing left to go for and all that kind of stuff. I then promised to post the list "on the forum where threads never grow old" , as well as resurrecting http://www.emusic.com/messageboard/viewTopic.html?topicId=315914#1680938 Vivaldi55's thread about sources for linernotes. - That will have to wait a bit, afaic, there's no limit to what this thread could be used for, - - - Jonah's Jazz label list ? each Emusers "interesting labels" list ? . . . I'm in the process of preparing an "other labels of interest" . . .
ETA: the Classical Labels on Emusic has moved downthread
ETA: the Classical Labels on Emusic has moved downthread
Moved from upthread because of the problem with editing of old posts.
(aka. the code gibberish syndrome)
Classical Labels on Emusic:
AEON - (mostly contempotary)http://www.outhere-music.com/en/labels/aeon
Alba - Alba Musica
Albany Records - http://www.albanyrecords.com/
Alice Musik Produktion (Sweden -inactive since 2012)
Alpha Classics - https://outhere-music.com/en/labels/alpha
Arabesque Recordings
Ars Harmonica - http://www.lamadeguido.com/cat_4_2.html
Atma Classique
Avant Media - (Cage)
Between The Lines
BMOP Sound - http://www.bmop.org/
Bridge Records Inc. - Bridge Records - http://www.bridgerecords.com/
Canadian Music Centre Distribution Service - https://www.musiccentre.ca/recordings/distribution
Cantaloupe Music - http://cantaloupemusic.com/
Carrier Records - (contemporary) - http://www.carrierrecords.com/
Cedille - http://cedillerecords.org
Centrediscs - https://www.musiccentre.ca/recordings/centrediscs
Centaur Records - http://www.centaurrecords.com/store/albums.html
CDKlassisk - (Danish)
Classico - (Danish contemporary + more)
Cold Blue - http://www.coldbluemusic.com/
Col Legno - http://www.col-legno.com/de/home/
*Composers Voice - A subdivision of Donemus http://www.donemus.nl
Cypres - http://www.cypres-records.com/
Dacapo Sacd
Dacapo - http://www.dacapo-records.dk/en/
Danacord Records
Delos - https://delosmusic.com/
ECM New Series (Europe only) - https://www.ecmrecords.com/home
Edition Zeitklang - (contemporary)
First Editions
GB Records - GB Records new - (Gavin Bryars)
Groupe Analekta, Inc - Groupe Analekta old https://www.analekta.com/
Harmonia Mundi - http://www.harmoniamundi.com/
hat ART CD
Hat Hut - http://www.hathut.com/
Hat(now)ART - http://www.hathut.com/hatnowart
Ilk Music - (Danish, Contemporary and avantgarde)
Ina Archives
INA GRM - http://boutique.ina.fr/cd
INA Mémoire vive
Ina, musique(s)
Innova - http://www.innova.mu/
Kairos - Kairos new (july 2015) - (Germany) - http://www.kairos-music.com/home.php
KOCH Classics - (inactive since 2008)
L'Empreinte Digitale - http://empreintedigitale-label.fr/
Linn Records - http://www.linnrecords.com/
Lovely Records - http://www.lovely.com/ - (Ashley, Lucier, Behrman)
Mangora Classical
Materiali Sonori
Minabel - (Dai Fujikura)
MINMAX - A subdivision of Starkland - http://www.starkland.com
Mode Records - http://www.moderecords.com
Motus - http://motus.fr/categorie-produit/motus-acousma/
Music and Arts Programs of America - https://www.musicandarts.com/
Musicube - (France - Bruno Letort))
Label musikFabrik - Germany - (avantgarde)
Musiques Suisses - Primarily contemporary classical
Naïve - Naïve Classique - http://www.naive.fr/en/
Navona - http://www.navonarecords.com
Naxos Special Projects - (new, nov. 2014)
Naxos Special Projects - France (new, nov. 2014)
Naxos Sweden (new-2014)
*NBELive - (Netherlands Blazers Ensemble)
NEOS Music - https://neos-music.com/
New Albion (inactive since 2008)
New Amsterdam - http://newamrecords.com/ - http://www.newampresents.org/
New Focus Recordings - Olde Focus - http://www.newfocusrecordings.com/
New World Records - http://www.newworldrecords.org
NMC Recordings - (new, august 2015) - http://www.nmcrec.co.uk/
Other Minds - Other minds (old) - http://otherminds.org/
Phono Suecia - (Sweden) - Web
Ravello Records - (Contemporary, part of PARMA Recordings)
Recital - (Sean McCann) http://www.recitalprogram.com/
Shiin - (Ferrari, Radigue etc.)
Signature / Radio France
*Signum Records - (Tavener, Tallis, Britten etc.) - http://www.signumrecords.com/
SkarboSoundmark - prestoclassical.co.uk
Solstice - https://www.solstice-music.com
Sono Luminus - http://www.sonoluminus.com/
Starkland - http://www.starkland.com/
Stradivarius - Stradivarius 2- (Romitelli, Ferrari etc.) - https://www.stradivarius.it/
SWR Music
Telarc old - new
Timpani - (Ivo Malec) - http://www.timpani-records.com/
Unseen Worlds - (Recent distributor change) - http://www.unseenworlds.net/
Urban Noisy - (Urban Sax, Gilbert Artman)
Urtext - (Mexico - contemporary) - http://www.urtextonline.com
Vision Into Art Records - http://visionintoart.com/via-records/
Wergo - http://www.wergo.de/cms/php/Proxy.php/en_UK/wergo/
12k - http://www.12k.com/
Alien Transistor / Morr Music - (Fourtet)
Aperture - http://www.aperturerecords.com/
Audiobulb - http://www.audiobulb.com/
Backwards Records - https://backwardsrec.bandcamp.com/music
Balance Point Acoustics - http://www.balancepointacoustics.com/
Baskaru - http://www.baskaru.com/ - https://baskaru.bandcamp.com/
Bella Union - (flaming Lips) - http://bellaunion.com/
Blackest Ever Black - New - http://blackesteverblack.com/
Brocoli - (France - Pierre-yves Macé, Minizza etc) - http://www.brocoli.org/
Bureau B - (Germany - Faust, Cluster etc.) - http://www.bureau-b.com/
Care in the Community Recordings - (Ergo Phizmiz)]
*Celestial Harmonies - (Roach, Riley etc.) - http://www.harmonies.com/menu.html
Cherry Red Records
Clang - Lars Graugaard etc. http://clang.cl/ https://clanglabel.bandcamp.com/music
Clapping Music - (France - Egyptology, Yeti Lane) - http://clappingmusic.com/
Cold Spring - http://coldspring.co.uk/
Cuneiform - http://www.cuneiformrecords.com/ - https://cuneiformrecords.bandcamp.com/music
Dais Records - http://www.daisrecords.com/
Denovali Records - http://www.denovali.com
De Stilj Records - http://www.destijlrecs.com/
DiscMedi S.A (Pascal Comelade)
Editions Mego - http://editionsmego.com/
El Paraiso - http://www.elparaisorecords.com/ - (Danish, Jonas Munk & Jakob Skøtt.)
Escho - https://www.escho.net/
Faitiche - http://www.faitiche.de/ - https://faitiche.bandcamp.com/
Felmay Records
Fonal - (new dist. 2014) - http://www.fonal.com/
Gazul - 2 - Gazul/Musea - Musea - http://www.musearecords.com
Grönland Records - http://groenland.com/
Head Heritage - (Julian Cope)
*Hibernate - 2 - https://www.hibernate-recs.uk/ - https://hibernate.bandcamp.com/
Hidden Shoal
Home Normal - http://homenormal.com/ - https://homenormal.bandcamp.com/
Honest Jon's
Hubro - http://hubromusic.com/
I dischi di angelica - (Frith, Curran, Goebbels etc) - http://www.aaa-angelica.com/aaa/dischi - http://idischidiangelica.bandcamp.com/
Important Records - http://www.importantrecords.com/. - https://imprec.bandcamp.com/
Infiné - http://www.infine-music.com/ - https://infine-rec.bandcamp.com/music
In Poly Sons - InPolySons- (France - Bastien, Fenech, etc.) - http://inpolysons.free.fr/index.html
In-possible Records - (Art Zoyd)
Intakt records - http://www.intaktrec.ch/ - https://intaktrec.bandcamp.com/
Ipecac Recordings - Ipepac new (2015) - http://ipecac.com/
KAB America - (Sakamoto)
karaoke kalk
Klanggalerie - http://www.klanggalerie.com/ - https://klanggalerie.bandcamp.com/music
Kning Disk - https://kning-disk.myshopify.com/
Kompakt - http://www.kompakt.fm/
Kompakt Digital
Kontrans - (Jaap Blonk)
KormDigitaal - (Frans De Waard)
Korm Plastics - http://www.kormplastics.nl/
Kranky - http://www.kranky.net/ - https://kranky.bandcamp.com/
*Kvitnu - http://kvitnu.com/
Mengi - (Iceland) - https://mengi.net/
Monotype Records - http://monotyperecords.com/
Morphine Records - http://test.morphinerecords.com/
Mundo Recordings - (Murcof)
Ninja Tune - http://ninjatune.net/
Northern Spy Records - new - old - http://northernspyrecords.com/
Not Not Fun
NOTON - http://noton.info/
*Ohm Resistance - http://www.ohmresistance.com/
Pascal Comelade / Because Music / Because
Pickled Egg Records - old - Pickled Egg - new - http://www.pickled-egg.co.uk/
Pogus Productions - new - old (If. Bwana) - http://www.pogus.com/
Public Eyesore Records - http://www.publiceyesore.com/
RareNoiseRecords - https://www.rarenoiserecords.com/
Real World Records - (Peter Gabriel's label - Portico Quartet, Nusrat etc.)
Rocket Girl - (Piano Magic, God Is An Astronaut)
R&S Records - (Aphex Twin etc.) - http://www.randsrecords.com/
Rune Grammofon - (Norway) - http://www.runegrammofon.com/
Sahko Recordings - (Finland)
Shelter Press (Saloman, TQA etc) - http://shelter-press.org/
Signature, Radio France (Redolfi, Ferrari, Bastien, etc)
Smalltown Supersound - old - new - (Scandinavian, Jagga Jazzist)
SOFA - (Norway) - http://www.sofamusic.no/
*Soft Abuse
Soleilmoon Recordings - https://www.soleilmoon.com/
Sonic Pieces - (Skodvin, Totland etc.)
*Sonig - (Mouse on Mars, Vert etc.)
Spectrum Spools (Part of Editions Mego) - http://editionsmego.com/releases/spectrum-spools/
Staubgold - (Kammerflimmer) - http://www.staubgold.com/
Students of Decay - http://studentsofdecay.com/
Sub Rosa - http://www.subrosa.net/en.html
*Superior Viaduct
Tambourhinoceros - http://www.tambourhinoceros.net/ - (Denmark)
Tapu Records - (Michel Banabila) - http://tapurecords.tumblr.com/
Time Released Sound - http://timereleasedsound.com/ - https://timereleasedsound.bandcamp.com/
Tompkins Square - http://www.tompkinssquare.com/ - https://tompkinssquare.bandcamp.com/
Trost Records - http://www.trost.at/ - https://trostrecords.bandcamp.com/
Type - http://typerecords.com/
Tzadik - https://tzadik.com/
Unsounds - http://unsounds.com/
Winter & Winter - http://www.winterandwinter.com/
I am frequently adding and editing, so I thought it might be useful with:
ADDITIONS AND EDITS (A and E) (date>month>year):
09.03 2018:
A: : Kompakt Digital
A: Mengi - (Iceland) - https://mengi.net/
E: The Helen Scarsdale Agency (Is back, jay !) (ETA: and gone again
A: National Sawdust Tracks - https://nationalsawdust.bandcamp.com/music (VIA Records)
A: L'Empreinte Digitale - http://empreintedigitale-label.fr/
A RareNoiseRecords - https://www.rarenoiserecords.com/
A: Minabel - (Dai Fujikura)
A Time Released Sound - http://timereleasedsound.com/ - https://timereleasedsound.bandcamp.com/
E Bridge Records Inc. (empty atm.)- Bridge Records - http://www.bridgerecords.com/
A: Tompkins Square - http://www.tompkinssquare.com/ - https://tompkinssquare.bandcamp.com/
See http://www.omnifoo.info/pages/eMusic%20Labels.html for brief, flippant descriptions of subgenres, quality, examples of artists, etc. As of mid-July 2019, significant/interesting labels still on eMusic in...
(I make an effort to note what labels disappear and when on my personal website, above. I'll keep adding new labels as of summer 2022 here, but finding and subtracting all the departed would probably require someone to pay me a salary.)
Rock/Alternative/Indie (a shadow of its former self, but still lots out there):
*Memphis Industries; *Feeding Tube; *Polyvinyl; *Lost Map; *Gare du Nord; *Thin Man;
*Jealous Butcher; *Audio Antihero; *Catapulte; *Overground; *The Valiant; *Chimera;
*Song, by Toad; *Jabalina; *Sagitta; *Treesare; *Sonic Book; *Light Organ; *Stolen Body; *Hassle;
*Shinkansen; *Because Music; *Carpark; *Moshi Moshi; *Static Caravan; *Love Thy Neighbour
*Righteous Babe; *The State51 Conspiracy; *Stroll On; *Strange Ways; *Swoon; *Velocette; *Opposite Number;
*Kalejdoskop; *Shelflife; *Artesa de Arte; *CVRA LVDORVM; *Discos de Kirlian; *Áureo Rex; *Ground Control; *Rasal; *MonoMyth; *GREEN UFOS;
*Young Gods; *Clone; *Damaged Goods; *Deepdive; *Mushroom Pillow; *Fika; *Lux; *Humble Soul; *Deaf Ambitions; *Bakery Allstars; *All the Madmen;
*Jam in the Van LLC; *Concert Live Ltd.; *Setco; *Live Here Now; *Enterprise Music and Distribution; *Inbetweens; *Che Discos; *Pseudonym;
*Western Star; *Witchwood; *Cool Thing; *O Genesis; *Beast Discos; *Intolerancia Música S. de R.L. de C.V.; *Gandula; *Armatoste Brazo Discográfico; *Cassette Alternativo; *I*M; *Blancmange Lounge; *Sounddict; *Faro Discos; *The John Colby Set; *The Indian Runners;
*FERAL MEDIA; *Zeitstrafe; *Esmerarte; *vietnam; *Red Poncho Producciones; *El Dromedario; *Sello Recolector; *Sunset Road; *SR Distribution; *Petrol Chips; *América Media; *Beach Hut; *Escápula; *Split Records; *Baby Blue; *Osborne Again; *Sorted;
*OHR; *One Little Indian; *Menlo Park; *Blue Pie; *604; *Sports Day; *Stroom; *Records on Ribs; *Sello Trigal; *Hero Rhymes with Zero; *Cigar City Management LLC; *Medical Records; *Very Clever; *Pontiaq; *GrindEthos;
*AED; *Bad Elephant; *Deltasonic; *Ernie; *Les Disques du 7eme Ciel; *Sink & (and) Stove; *Выргород; *Closer; *Crai; *Sharawaji; *Loner Noise; *Balaclava; *Happy Prince; *I'm Not from London; *AmpliCriativa; *Sones;
*SpaceDog!; *WinGo Music Media; *Icing Culture; *Dirty Bingo; *Clap Clap; *Rock Indiana; *Demony; *Стихия Мьюзик & Чудесаунд / Союз Мьюзик (two labels); *Lanzallamas; *Karate Body;
*Strong Island; *Superstar Destroyer; *Anticodon; *Kimahera; *Zero; *Grundsound; *Copa; *Camera Obscura; *Salvation; *1974 Records; *Forward Music Italy Srl; *Estrus; *Cuaderno Roto; *Pool Notes
*Olive Grove; *Tape Club; *Subterfuge; *SugarBomb; *Subroutine; *AEROSTELLA; *Jazz & Milk; *Doris Discos; *Producciones Sin/Con Pasiones; *Jazz Life; *FlorCaveira; *Primavera D'Hivern; *Ocean Waves Productions; *Azul de Tróia; *Brille; *Pataca Discos;
*Jur/Starwood Media Gmbh; *Recordiau Cae Gwyn; *Records Records Records Records; *Hook Ediciones Musicales; *PGD/Titanium Digitals; *Bureo; *Tourist Info; *Kamikaze Récords; *Music Bus; *Subaquatic; *Sleazy; *Órbita M; *Cadeira Amarela; *Maple Death; *Mains Spike; *Citizens' Loft; *Lev Group Media; *Ciudad Oasis; *alma music;
*Dragora; *Arcadia; *Flor y Nata; *Monstro Discos; *Discos Walden; *Capitan Simio; *Chavalote; *Monqui Albino; *El Genio Equivocado; *Semifusa Estudio; *Pynandi; *PHLUXX/ELLASTIC; *RIP Ben Lee; *The Animal Farm; *Novelty Noose; *Limen; *Tiny Lights; *Acople; *Drastic Decline; *Domino Produzioni Musicali; *Coalición; *Linier Discos; *Turista Universal; *Fauna; *Earth Libraries; *Bunker Producciones SA de CV; *MUZAI; *Nervous; *Polvorosa;
*Miranda Records Brazil; *Vir; *Toca Discos; *Italian Beach Babes; *Rootsound; *A NEW LABEL; *Борт номер один (RU); *Lavina; *ООО «Национальный Цифровой Агрегатор»; *Defamation; *Lagartija; *Atlas 32; *Secret Dinosaur; *Discos Imprescindibles; *PAMPA; *DROMA; *Spyro; *Xino-Xano; *Roadkill; *Nacho; *Save Your Generation; *Screamlite; *Recio; *Soviet; *El Pulso Arte;
*Future Farmer; *Greenway; *Instinctive Racoon; *Bubblegum; *Produlam; *BoneRag; *Kids on Coffee; *Magic Cat; *Rock Revolution; *Eden Records; *Platform; *Megapolis; *btq; *Daddy Max; *Real Vision; *Intruder; *Platinum Records; *Hobo Castle; *The Animal Farm; *Parloscope International; *Main Offender; *Lunar Discos; *Taïaut; *ODSS;
*Recordiau JigCal; *Music for Heroes; *Music for All; *Mundano; *Wonderfulsound; *Inclusive; *Crea; *Art Music; *Betty Records; *Hr. Larsen; *3.Stock Entertainment; *Ineffable; *Holier Than Thou; *The Animal Farm; *Frederikse; *Ofiura; *Indica; *Walnut Grooves; *Beatclap; *Mad House Plus; *Volendam Music BV;
*Cannibal Hymns; *Something in Construction; *Raygun; *Little Room Labs; *Music in My Soul Portugal; *Alvo Discos; *Six Thirty; *Blanco Sur; *Zepedabros; *ESPANTAPAJAROS; *Auburn Jam; *EO! Música; *Pennybags; *El Señor Guindilla;
Electronic (still doing pretty well, IMHO):
*LOaF; *Burning Witches; *Civil Music; *Rotters Golf Club; *Ghost Box; *030303; *Exceptional; *Moller; *Bit-Phalanx
*Dutty Artz; *Just Music; *Tummy Touch; *WordSound; *Skam; *Cassauna; *Mindwaves; *Xtraplex; *PRIME; *Beacon Sound;
*Illicit Recordings; *Lo; *Pork; *Leaving Records; *Pedigree Cuts; *Shadow; *Ledokol; *Romeda; *dingn\dnts; *Greater Fools; *Off Me Nut; *Jellyfish; *KWAIOTO; *Orion; *WW Records; *LANTERN; *Good News Boppers;
*Hydrogen Dukebox; *More than Human; *Turbo Recordings; *Giallo Disco; *12K; *Igloo Pop; *Electronic Emergencies; *Scuba; *Arkestra Discos; *Break Koast; *Sempre Musica; *Black Athena; *Trace Recordings;
*NOTON; *Painted Word; *Activa Benz; *Poker Flat; *Czaszka; *Blueprint; *Ed Banger; *Pig Balls; *Process Recordings; *Abstract Sonics; *Embers; *Bastard Boogie Tunes/Союз Мьюзик; *Rellman Enterprises; *Amselcom; *MOR Records; *Peder Mannerfelt Produktion; *kaico;
*Pinecone Moonshine; *Hypnotic Room Japan; *Blast First Petite; *New State; *Audio B; *hfn; *Intellegenix; *Agatone; *Soul Deep Exclusives; *Soul Deep Digital; *Triplicate Audio/Maad Ting; *BizWithTheBubbles; *Sentimony; *Microcosmos; *FireScope; *Maeg Music; *Power Vacuum; *No Shame; *Meakusma; *Dekmantel; *Modern Obscure; *Firecracker; *Synthadelia; *Castles in Space;
*Digital Hardcore; *The Third Movement; *Gran Depot/Couch; *No Corner; *Perfecto; *NBS; *Kraftoptical; *Not Applicable; *Knekelhuis; *Golf Channel; *Round in Motion; *Arrhythmia; *Unknown Capability; *Strange but True Crew; *Headcount; *Sweat Taste; *Bunker; *Elastic Dreams;
*AMAdea; *Aperture; *Audiomatique; *Avian; *Monochrome; *Dub Recordings; *Gentle Soul; *Triartum; *Goldie; *Cowshed; *Abstrasension; *Monkery Collective; *Passive Front; *Ermitaño; *Gravitas; *Melody As Truth;
*Instinct; *Mole Listening Pearls; *Love Love; *Ground Mass; *OHM Resistance; *Partapart; *ICE Audio; *Adriatiko; *What Now Becomes; *Nrtya; *WeGrowWax; *Basserk; *Kaiseki Digital;
*Ketama; *Amiti Group; *Chambray; *Arkona Creation; *Father & Son Records & Tapes; *Last Known Trajectory; *Aerotropic; *MetaPop; *Womblabel; *2020Vision; *Na Tak; *Banana Network; *Konsep; *Theatre Magique; *WeAreWolves; *Monopoly;
*The Rust; *Souvenir; *International Feel; *Phantasy; *Schedule One; *Patrol the Skies; *BBZ; *Made in Glitch; *Planet Dog; *ONIONWAVE; *Infinite Machine; *Aspire Higher; *Plexus;
*Seraphin Audio Imprint; *Miniatura; *Philos; *Phonosaurus; *Claremont 56; *Fremdtunes; *Nocta Numerica; *Illusio; *Otodayo; *Teenage Riot; *six impala;
*Black Hole Recordings; *Clone Aqualung; *Cosmic Bridge; *Delsin; *Downwards; *Evil Audio; *Idle Hands; *Future Funk; *Now Freedom; *Nervous Horizon; *Intimist;
*Logos; *Vibes; *Hypnotic Landscapes; *Matraca; *Grand Dark Audio; *Universe Axiom; *Label; *North Clouds Collective; *40oz;
*Scissor & Thread; *Shipwrec; *Simplify Recordings; *Sonic Groove; *Strange Life; *Skoum; *Good Manners; *Pirotecnia;
*Make Mistakes; *Enchufada; *Kontra Musik; *Allsorts; *Fent Plates; *Free Love Digi; *Kikiri; *Nuages; *Hell Yeah; *Rub-a-Duck; *Funkstuff; *BluesMind;
*Uncanny Valley; *Uncoiled Loops; *Zodiac Cartel; *Lakemba; *3024; *Audio Boutique; *S.C.S; *Cosmic Disco; *Slime; *New York Haunted; *Boomsha; *Kill Tomorrow; *Drumroom; *T3K; *Mind Field; *Supertive AB; *AudD; *Paul Back; *Fachwerk/Fachwerk Digital; *gumbeatproduktion; *Mesa; *Tudor Beats; *Flak;
*Dham Rockas; *Shango; *LOWFREQMX; *Invisible Inc.; *Squinty Bass; *Left Blank; *12th Isle; *Deugene; *Pandora Music Planet; *Dark Productions Inc.; *Supreme; *Dub Cartel; *Plastic City; *Deeptone; *In Da Jungle; *MMXVAC; *Audio Kingz; *Woofits; *Theoryon Records LLC; *Wicked Jungle Records LLC; *Sounds of Mass Distraction; *Mixupload DnB; *Densetsu;
*Dystopian; *All My Thoughts; *Cheshire; *Rebooth; *Peacock; *Redukt Digital; *Abducted LTD; *NoisyDrums; *Rockers 175; *Dubstep Cube; *Dawn of Music; *Tycho; *FORCE; *SWEET beat; *DivisionBass Digital; *Serigala; *Atum; *Melotherapy; *Mellophonia; *Tlaloc; *Rasterton; *Champion Sound; *OBSKUR;
*Einmusika; *Ellum; *Krysali Sound; *Narrominded; *Output; *Palms Out Sounds; *Entropy; *Stell; *VTT COMM CAST; *Reminiscence Audio; *Bassweight; *Downplay; *Muller; *Paralyzed; *294; *Campo Alegre; *Audaz; *JourneyDeep; *Riverette; *Deeprog; *Mandelstam; *Space Baby; *Hobbes; *Disruptive LoFi;
*Noctem Audio; *Onset Audio; *Audio Rehab; *Audio Stage; *Audio Textures; *Uplink Audio; *Lorenz; *Content Chaos; *Jatt; *M Division Recordings; *Sun Station; *Filigrano; *AstroPilot; *Electunes; *Europe Black Ink; *Eubea; *Cardomcap; *Panda Eyes; *Monsieur Musique; *Jane Musica; *You Plug Me;
*Underslung Audio; *Another World; *Um Passo; *Little Struggling Ant; *Space of Variants; *Psihometron; *Climactic; *Alien; *Diamond; *Balkan; *Ruffneck; *ATMOSPHERE; *Pizzico; *Magik Muzik; *Berlin Bass Collective; *Detroit-Berlin; *Pour Vous; *Lauter Unfug; *Unclear; *Igloo-Rec; *Electronic Opium; *Nima; *Oddeo Netwerx; *Multinotes; *ISOLATE;
*Ten Toes Turbo; *Fine Audio Recordings; *Gradient Audio; *Gynoid Audio; *Hessle Audio; *Sugar Recordings; *ARMProduction; *Webuildmachines; *Ring Mode; *Sauce Kitchen; *So Sound; *Durp Supera; *Treadways; *Kernel; *X/OZ; *Abducted; *Berlinist; *Berliner; *Berlin After Dark; *Volume Berlin; *Revox; *World Wake; *retoric vibe; *DNA Records; *RetroSynth;
*Lowriders Recordings; *Diffuse Reality; *Low Noise; *Wolf Trap; *Askance Discs; *TuneCloud; *Gruv Maniacs Digital SA; *Afro Native; *Afromove; *Rearl Ltd.; *AudioMeth; *Brixton Hill; *Faada; *Liquid; *Eleatics; *dtpt; *Spazio Disponibile; *Trilobit; *Thesis; *Signaflo; *Mirau Musik (SEN); *Young NRG; *Young Heavy Souls; *Below the Surface; *Bad Boys; *X7M; *Poltergeist; *Back to the Dance Floor; *Anti Glamour Label; *12th Isle; *Núcleo Gatopardo; *Soulectro; *Deep Sense; *Oslo;
*Proibito; *Public Information; *Senso Sounds; *This Is Music; *Time to Express; *Desolat; *Connaisseur; *Pushmaster Discs; *Silver Skies; *White Delta; *WHITE MUSIC; *Indie House; *Crossfrontier Audio; *Crossworld Vintage; *PeLo Productions; *Stahlplatten; *Galvanic; *Mystery Train; *Hinjew; *We Are Young; *PSNRCRDS; *Get Loaded; *O*RS; *Otographic; *Break Through; *Unified Audio; *Mashpotato; *Aesthetic Education; *Shanti Radio Moscow; *Blurred; *Runemark; *Sans Absense; *Pinkman; *Forestdelic; *El Cuco; *Pretty Neat; *Underground Is for Everyone; *Dub Doze; *Revamped; *Mussen Project; *Stripped Down; *M4NM; *Hug Records; *Slowtrane;
*Night Owl Collective; *Miocene; *N I G H T N O I S E; *Roam; *Nite Grooves; *Circuit; *C24; *Parabola; *TARO; *RealScience; *Moveton; *DECHAPTER; *Le Galassie di Seyfert; *Concerns; *Plastikdrums; *Crumpled; *All Is One; *Mfm; *Bass House; *House Café; *Plastic Pepella; *nld solutions; *6one6-defrec; *Edmon; *Krone; *Size; *Hurtz; *Rough House Rosie; *Urban Sound of Amsterdam; *Amoeba Label; *Closetbeatz Recordings, LLC; *Guareber; *Cloud 9 Dance; *Dacru; *Din is noise; *Moving Forward; *Survival Alliance; *Too Many Rules; *Trip; *Sci-Fi & Fantasy; *Creative Hype; *CancelLed; *Black Samurai; *RDL47; *Produkt Schallplatten; *Sprix; *Element KB; *Kulshan; *Dihanie; *Gritty Bytes; *Echovolt; *Multifrequency; *JOOF; *Mekanism; *Ohral; *COUP;
*Radikon; *Das Sind Wir; *Sequel One; *NHJO HYENNRO; *Neostatics Sounds (Exia Recordings); *Mellophonia; *PencilBoy; *Spring Theory; *Keep Up!; *Kundry; *Valcrond Video; *Frustrated Funk; *Heath Mill; *Vitalistik; *BIG BADA BOUM !; *Insolito; *Spin Underground; *Minicoffee; *LZR TRP; *Woods 'n Bass; *Under Voice; *Another Psyde; *Beatwave; *Wonderwall; *LW94; *Apache; *Herbst und Muzik; *Nasimus; *Dream Vision; *Heideton; *HM; *Orange and Green; *LNDKHN; *Rationalism; *Contemporary Vision; *Planet Dance; *Cosmic Music Records; *Dark Recordings; *Big Tunes; *Rivaside; *Attiva sas; *Planete Rouge; *Bloodstone; *Night slugs; *Confession; *Art Style: Techno; *Magician on Duty; *VOXPOPARTS; *Better on Foot; *Bellboy; *Unpause; *trau-ma; *Black Square; *Green Mono Music Studio; *StonedDogs; *Phlexx; *Noise Music; *Decadenxa; *Dialtone; *Forevergreen FM; Retro City; *Disciple of Groove; *Prog Box Digital; *Still Music; *Delta Sigma; *Emona; *Nomer; *Tau; *Pink Dolphin; *Rhythmetric; *Melotherapy; *Dormouse; *Memphis Music Group; *Audio Bitch; *Intimate Venues; *Daim Dance Productions; *Cecille Numbers; *Bass Box; *Adapter; *Beat by Brain; *NoPassport; *Get Futuristic; *Anagram Label; *Galaxy Recz; *Mezzanotte Network; *Pets Recordings; *Nu Disco Deep; *Mayokmusik; UFO Attack; *Accidental Music;
*Dizzines; *BRM Electro; *Electric Station; *THaF; *WoNKed; *Battle Audio; *Relentik; *Tip Tap; *DubGestion; *GFM Recordings; *Tatun; *Cabbie Hat; *Boogiemonsterbeats; *Groovy Riddim; *Frosted; *Krome Boulevard; *High Energy; *Kinky Trax; *Funk Mansion; *Urban Recording; *Tulipa; *Enhanced Progressive; *Animar; *Moonbootique; *Surbeats; *La Dosis; *Animal Farm; *Dushe; *Left Wing Recordings; *DnC Limited; *Polyptych; *Sender; *out of obscure; *Club Rayo Disquets; *Faites Leur Des Disques; *MONET; *Revolution Corps; *Etichetta Nera; *KindCrime; *AzTech; *Gobsmacked; *KFA Recordings; *Sundance; *OneSun Yellow; *Inextremis; *Woun; *Burn the Fire; *Faction Digital Recordings FDR; *Kharma & Factory; *JANGO DEEP; *Alveda; *Shall Not Fade; *Danza Macabra; *Green Nights; *Connected Sounds; *Fourth Wave; *Earlydub; *Things At Night; *Psyndica; *AGR; *Florida; *Green Fetish; *CDJ; *less is nice; *FQOTO; *EIN2; *The Games We Play; *Parabel; *Wefine; *Rajibeat; *Jealous;
*Ricochet; *Puzzle Heads; *Deepna; *Speaker Footage; *Northallsen; *ANAOH; "Label Mango Record; *Steyoyoke; *Steyoyoke Black; *Tip Records; *Melusine; *Suanda; *KDR; *Loob Label; *Well Rounded; *Deep Nota; *BONELESS; *Mighty; *Oblack Label; *Creepy Finger; *Cuatro; *Translucent; *Play It Down; *Office Ekiti; *Sinusoidal Kollective; *Under Noize; *Octane; *33; *Veryverywrongindeed; *Raizo Muzik; *RaveUp; *AWN Record Label; *Sk.Pro-Records; *Sick Bedroom; *Play Pal; *AAMBeatz; *Laumm; *House Studio-R Inc.; *Mostra; *House365; *We Go Deep; *Sound Explosion; *Snatch!; *Gardash; *AshesToFlame; *Fly with Me; *Elemental Mov; *Take My Space; *Darkroom Dubs; *SLiCK; *Secret Jams; *Savia Park; *Break Under; *Basement Dub; *Black Swan; *Pong Musiq; *Plus Plus; *Housearth; *Isida; *Proto; *PADILLA; *Musak; *maotun; *Big Mamas House; *TOCO RECORDINGS; *Lowendcommunity; *SDK; *Happily Ever After; *Backbone; *Lushup; *Industrial Philharmonics; *Renegade Alien; *Box of Cats; *Stentorian; *Wave Records; *ElRow; *Streetlab; *Extended Play Recordings; *Darknet; *SIBILIO;
*Mondo Records; *Abyss; *3Sugarz; *Royal; *Bonzai Progressive; *Ready Mix; *Ursl; *Mena Music UK; *Lessizmore; *Petra Digital Recordings; *Serialism; *Vectiva; *Nite Owl Diner; *Dubdisk; *Madison Square; *Mahayana; *DEAD CERT.; *Propellant; *Lanyx Sound Factory; *Fierce Animal; *Mismisima; *See the Sea; *Snork Enterprises; *Creme Organization; *Riben; *Float; *Vynkel House; *EDM Nerds; *Vortex-Records; *Elliptic; *Dublin Xpress; *VectoRecords 2.0; *Save the Panda; *Disque Discos; *Chemiztri; *Tombstone; *Calorific; *Modular Grid; *Confetti; *Kira; *Let's Go Dancing; *Dance Lab; *Junky Robot; *Jet Alone; *Itchy Tasty; *This and That; *Soviett; *MOEHOUSE; *Machine Control; *Itchycoo; *Boiler Underground; *Raw Forms; *Trippy Cat; *Hardtools; *SK Yaris; *Ababili; *Cylinder; *Syncopate Afterhours; *Music Divers; *Tonkind; *Eclipse Recordings; *Oh! Records Stockholm; *DXT; *Souletiquette; *Omni; *exit Lab; *Viking Trance; *Default Series;
*Solar One; *Blacksoul; Machine; *JST; *Nein; *Roxx; *hafendisko; *Subsist; *Popol Vuh; *Dirt Crew; *Art Bugz; *NTA Electronic; *Slow Motion; *Robox Neotech; *Seres Producoes; *LCR; *Rebellious; *Sound on Sound; *High Price; *New Talent; *What Ever Not; *Melomana; *Say What?; *Big Flu; *House of Minimal; *Far Yards; *Seta Label; *Music Is the Drug; *Sorry Shoes; *DOIN' WORK; *Fatal; *Nasty Funk; *Tasty; *Its Not a Label; *Digiment; *Vegetal Vigilance; *Dream Crusher Media; *Cancun; *Dancefloor Killers; *Project Chaos; *Electronical Reeds; *659; *North of Nowhere; *Stereofly; *Khao; *Koojina; *RedMoon; *Kaputt; *Poolside; *Layer 909; *Carypla; *Minimum Addiction; *Mutate to Survive; *Quiet Strength; *Abe Duque; *Outcast; *Fine Music; *Mikita Skyy; *Roush; *Mecanoplastica; *Generated Samples; *Hexagon; *Blow Music; *Joliemar; *Animal Vector; *Finish Team; *LPZ; *Capodopere; *Kwadrat; *Mothcellar; *Shahmat;
*Jambutek; *Techgnosis; *Occult Label; *Transmit Recordings; *Noise Music; *Neverlose Music; *Abstract Channel; *Central Dogma; *C.Q.F.D.; *Traktoria; *Aspen Inc.; *Kant Recordings; *Tech Up; *Five Finger Discount; *Optimist.; *Bump; *Leap4rog; *F.O.S.; *Tech Recordings; *Kaleydo; *Simplecoding; *Selected; *Goodfellas; *Lapaka Sounds; *Puntazo Label; *Deep; *Elektrax; *Safir Muzik; *Sound Alliance; *Reload Black; *Soul Supplement; *Credo; *MOD; *Kuudos; *Lamez; *Club Vibez; *Berlin Records-US; *Under Pressure (Belgium); *Happy Days; *Baptism; *Frameworx; *Creptonit; *Deltaa Tankers; *Assassin Soldier; *Dinky Kinky; *Mad Hatter; *Redux; *Chemical Beats; *NACHT; *Yaiza;
*NFBmusic; *Main Course; *Frucht; *Complatt; *Beathey; *Illegal Alien; *Abstract Mechanisms; *Unknown Territory; *Dreizen Schallplatten; *Synchronic Recordings; *Aquasound; *Play 4; *My Stuff; *Dekonstrukt; *Egothermia; *Green Kiwi; *Ill Bomb; *MXYC; *Diynami; *Among; *Pixelate; *Koffe; *Bellectra; *SubDivizion; *Clover;
*MrDeepSense; *Hamburg Aufnahmen; *Making You Dance; *Mainstage; *Off Recordings; *Far Down; *Sunset; *Monteverde; *TunePal;
Jazz/Blues (I appreciate what's left more than real jazz people, apparently):
*Eremite; *Jazz Engine; *Shifting Paradigm; *Roaratorio; *Trunk; *Skirl; *Club del Disco; *Eclipse Music Digital; *Visage Music SaS;
*For Tune; *Forwind; *Jazz Re:Freshed; *Jazzheads; *Jazzwerkstatt; *Kuai; *Philophon; *Naim;
*Nagel Hayer; *Nonine; *Soliton; *Granvat; *Loumi; *Caligola; *Calle 54; *Balaio; *Rivorecords; *sjrecords; *Scubidu;
*AUM Fidelity; *Jazzman; *MPS; *In+Out; *Loop; *Audio Cave; *339; *54; *CHT MUSIK; *Turquoise Coconut; *Good Time
*Michal Przerwa-Tetmajer; *Impossible Ark; *nusica.org; *Bost Espacio Creativo; *Vertigo; *Twitin;
*Discos Carnitas; *INB Musica; *Einstein; *Arte Sonora; *Rivbea; *Kindred Spirits; *JAZZWAVE;
*Rew; *Auditorium; *Bringing Music to Life; *Harrison James Music; *Polskie Radio; *Itinera;
*Alligator; *Armadillo; *Sello Misisipi; *Black Cat Productions; *Fonofabrique; *Provocateur; *21st Century Blues; *Horgi; *Nasjon Properties; *Red Parlor; *Margit Studios; *Rufftone;
*Milk Snc; *WM Boxes Ed.; *Noromusic; *Arision; *NATURE BLISS; *aCentro Folque; *Cinquillo;
*ESP Disk (ESP-Disk) *Blue Moon; *CTS Digital; *HHO; *Chameleon Archive; *Musicmaker; *Egea; *Knit Classics;
*Hipster Healing; *River Records; *Terre Sommerse; *High Fashion Digital; *Green Blues; *HDJ; *Kansas Smitty's; *Discos Pendiente; *Sartorial; *Omix; *FreeCode; *Ingo Música; *Lautaro;
*Timmion; *Orrua Diskak; *Sound Art.; *PepperCake; *One Note; *Notivate; *Pamela Wise; *Eclettica; *Jazzline; *Aristo Jazz; *MnF; *Rede Pty Ltd;
*World Jazz Crew Rec; *Quadrifoglio; *Knitting Factory; *Xingra.com; *Mondstein; *BarCo; *SW
*Futuristica; *Lautaro; *DIG dDIZ; *Saar Srl; *SFR; *Serge Vilamajo; *Tres Ceps; *Contrabaix; *ITSrecords;
*JETWorks; *Vaiven; *Ab Records; *Bis Music & BisMusic; *Frameworked;
World/Reggae/Dub (harder to sort through cheesy nonsense, but plenty on offer):
*Circus Produçōes Culturais & Fonográficas; *Humo; *Terricolas Imbeciles; *Arsivplak; *Bastard Jazz; *Cumbancha; *Ionoff Music; *Mbwana; *Nesma; *WPM Co.; *Pussyfoot; *Mahriz Recordings;
*Groovie; *Cambra; *Barbes; *Byrd Out Limited; *Discos Fuentes; *Attay; *NPRS; *BalkanBeats; *Sounds of Asia; *Devi Foundation; *Sans Commentaire; *Zelo;
*Pressure Sounds; *Yam & Banana; *Gorgon; *ROIR; *Dub Store; *Innerhythmic; *Liquidator Music; *Mr Bongo; *Boom One; *Monkey Dub Recordings; *Clocktower; *Jah Life;
*JA (Jamaica Authentic); *Conscious Sounds; *Nice Up!; *Nile Valley Entertainment; *Heavy Roots; *Patch Work Production; *Producciones R; *Positive Vibz Productions; *Dubophonic; *Soul Island; *Jah Warrior; *M Records; *DASRUAS; *Transmitter;
*Akuphone; *AVEC; *Bordello a Parigi; *Clermont; *Jimmy Jazz; *Mass; *Quemasucabeza; *Aaryaa/Ditto; *Imim Vision; *Ayouz Vision; *Ecstasy Records India; *Ahmed Almusawi; *Bani Musique; *OUKA MEDIA; *iaZawan; *RizaNovaUZ;
*Atresmusica; *Discos del Saladillo; *El Segell del Primavera; *Hueso; *Nubenegra; *Names You Can Trust; *Oveja Negra; *Sello Azul; *Independiente; *Media Music; *Several; *Eurotropical; *Chronic Ting; *Juli & Cia; *Calaverita; *Guateque Soundz; *Shagrada Medra; *Sounday; *ToTiMusic, LLC; *El Pescador de Estrellas;
*Premier Records Africa; *Amashinga; *Destiny Records Nigeria; *Uganda Performing Right (Kandogo Kamu) Society; *Africha Entertainment (Afriug) Limited; *Gimac Music Prod; *Sublime Frequencies; *Discotoni; *Estudios Multitrack; *Cobo; *Karen; *Vinzomusic Ltd.; *Ash Co.; *Mitali Creations; *Apple Media Group Africa; *Nulu; *Cho Cho; *Labaco; *UPRS; *“GMI” LLC; *MA Entertainments, LDA;
*Great Touch-Pow; *World Music Factory; *Globomedia Musica; *Phorminx; *Dulcimer Songs; *Sierra Connect Entertainment; *Legend-Music; *Rebeldigital; *Lahocin El Baz & Salh El Bacha; *Ninaad Music and Marketing Pvt. Ltd; *RivaNovaUZ; *Chtouka Vision; *Tune-in Record; Sky TT CDs Records; *SMI/Ditto; *Agadir Vision; *Hard Bark Entertainment; *Caribbeandownloads; *Souljahz of Jah Ent.; *Pangea; *flor del caribe; *Multi Arts Production;
*Producciones Colibrí; *Conalmusica; *Rock y Reggae EdicIones S.A.; *Caribe Music dos; *DIXTRIT.media; *Estashiba; *Silent Roar; *AvAie Entezar; *Studio 31; *Bold n Boasy Entertainment; *Future Bytes Entertainments; *Horus Music India; *Atharv; *Cilem Records International; *Discos Amor; *Jungle South; *Egrem; *Discos Costeño; *Discos Victoria; *Fonovisa; *Toke Music Productions; *Go Edições; *Chasing Dreams;
*YT Rocket; *Jose Luis Alvarez-Svetlana Novojilova Shulguina; *Super Discos; *Comboi; *Edicast; *Israel Music; *Zemer; *Katxiporreta; *ITSrecords; *Vizeeble Entertainment; *Native Trend Galaxy; *McDove; *Latin Cool Records LLC; *Edizione Jazz; *Star Music; *Caribe Productions Inc.; *Two Stones; *We Made It; *CMMG; *flor del caribe;
*Unicornio; *CHM Supersound; *Felmay; *Regio Norte; *Dinastia Inc.; *Antequera; *ANDINA INC.; *Mojo; *SG Music; *Gwo Bout Mizik Group; *Nam Viet Media; *Pancal; *URC Records; *BAILA MI REY;
*THT; *Africantunz Records & Promotions; *Alberri; *Esongs Entertainment; *Dutra LLC;
Hip-Hop, Urban Electronica, Funk/Soul/R&B, Disco, & Pop (clearly there's still quantity):
*Stones Throw; *Potoco Discos; *Are You Serious; *Howie McDuffie; *Sello Fisura; *UNO NYC; *Record Kicks; *Mixpak; *Scion Audio/Visual; *JO!NT; *Первое Музыкальное Издательство; *YMR NIG; *Concepto Cero; *Filibusta Records Srls; *La Souterraine; *Mind of a Genius; *Mont Ventoux;
*Leng; *HW&W; *Chillhop; *High Sound; *Prosto; *Rad Summer; *Hood'G'Fam Entertainment; *Wu Pægne; *3rd Rail; *Y&W; *Get Dough; *IZMAYLOV; *Dvarim e crew; *Rebel Writer; *Colony Productions; *POST POST;
*VIDLIK; *Affine; *Intromúsica; *OLDshqip; *Monolit; *Novunque; *Szpadyzor; *Mediaplay; *Greater London; *Midas Music; *Sarajevo Disk; *Meifumado Fonogramas; *Emotion; *Cada Instante; *Factory Flaws; *RKJ; *Merts Nation; *Champagne P Summers; *ART:ERY; *Aesop; *INVDRS; *Jeune à Jamais;
*MagicStrawberry Sound; *Flaxyz; *Meanbucket; *YOUNG,GIFTED&WACK; *Ruby Record; *ShadowTrix; *d3ip; *Gravity Music; *W XCLSV; *Diatology; *YG Entertainment; *KrakHaus; *AGORA S.A.; *Pschent; *Savage Music Inc.; *5Star; *X.Protocol; *Dutch, Antillean League; *Vesta Discos; *Deadly Habits/Below System; *Tcheaz; *T2N ORGANISATION; *Luup; *Soul Has No Tempo; *Raso Estudio; *MangoMusik;
*Big Bit Música; *Elemess; *Suite Soprano; *Rupa Rupa; *Vende; *La Vendicion; *Startup; *TehRap; *Pelak; *Stereoptico; *Petsamo Industries; *Bear Busby; *PsycheRecords; *Íllegal Records; *Las Musas Musica SL; *STP MUZIK NATION; *Pirâmide Perdida; *Habeatat; *Tres Records; *SuperEgo; *GeniusCorp; *4SIDEMUZIK; *Tropical; *Unlimitedmusic;
*Imminent; *Combat; *Thot; *Finger Lickin; *VSOP Media; *Pride Vibes Entertainment; *Defco; *Jungle Records; *Urbaton; *Quvib; *SAKURA; *Sisonke; *Mox Flex Entertainment; *KnO-Th3ORY WRECKORDS; *Boot Records; *S.H.I.E.L.D.; *Musicheads; *Au Music; *999; *Tiamat; *PLMP; *MTPHSCS; *Glitch Hop Community; *Jazz Plastik; *YG Entertainment; *Elevarte; *Innanetwav. (UU); *XVK Entertainment; *FRESHTIMES; *Real Dreams; *bibonthebeat; *Mano a Mano; *Feel Up; *Rap Solo; *Respect; *Birdhouse; *TribusHouse;
*Asfalt; *Aloha Entertainment; *Aptaun; *Biuro Ochrony Rapu; *NNJL Jakub Gendzwill; *Step; *Indie; *Indiefy; *Bassukah; *Negative Audio; *Boa Musica; *EXABYTE; *Assay; *C.P; *Skyline; *Embryo Nagrania; *Siyah; *TAPOCHQA; *Decent Rap; *AFERA; *ActOrchestra; A+; *GRIMEY; *Gimme Mo Records; *Hemp Rec.; *Body Motion; *LaDrogaLab; *Lamlan Digital Limited; *Slow Motion Soundz Europe; *Relief Records EU Sas; *Tama Industries; *Cassiopea; *Mindtrick; *Art. Connection; *Trap Gold; *Mad Decent; *Son Buenos; *Guacamaya; *Lost Culture; *1MZ; *MTDR; *AVATARMUSIC; *Trifecta Music Empire; *Go Roneo; *Padma; *Contru; *Discos Pegaos; *Mayonaka Village; *Rabbit's Hole Ltd.; *BANTU MEDIA; *RoomLab; *Halley; *RU.MEDIA; *Yin Yang Media; *G5R; *studioZproductions;
*Phi-LA of Soul; *AIN Distribution; *Moon Records Lisboa; *Dope Muzik; *Funk 45; *Rocafort; *Freshmind; *131 Northside; *Alma Mater; *Zagora; *Unlabeled; *The Xiii Campaign; *MBC Srl; *Trepertre Srl; *Journeyman Productions; *Freudian Slit; *Left Ear; *Abhishek Band Company; *BMD; *BATÉKÉ SQUAAD; *THE FAMOUS COMPANY; *Sooner; *Chronic Records; *Mayfield Records Ltd; *Rainbow Station; *Broda;
*Soyuzmultifilm https://www.emusic.com/label/498816/-?sortField=RELEASE_DATE&descending&pageNumber=1 ; *HobaR Wkona https://www.emusic.com/label/1002440/- ; ООО "Продюсерский центр И.Матвиенко"; *А+/Студия СОЮЗ; *MAESTRIC; *SHUFFLE RECORDZ; *Million Records (RU); *Sansara; *Effective; *Idenline; *IVXX/A+; *Workroom 11; *Expanded Music Srl; *Kamal A La Prod. Inc.; *Alpha Better; *Krishna Music Group; *Nuit Blanche; *MoWet Entertainment; *A.P.E.; *Cherry Pepper; *BANDOMUSIC; *Mz Inc; *Cersa; *Locus; *Black Money Camp Music Assn.; *Sada Owaz; *TRB rec di Andrea Tognassi; *34UDGS Bartosz Kasowski; *Sello Nordiko; *Banana Bahia; *Illegal Disturbance Music Group; *SLOCAL; *FSR RECORDZ; *ESYDE; *Must Producciones; *Jennifer Abraham; *Coco Clicó Producciones; *Valor; *MUKAM; *Eurolindi; *Elevator; *Money Vision SAS; *Xobe; *Estudio Esencias; *ТОО "Много Музыки"; ООО «Музыкальное издательство «Рэй Рекордс»; *Republic Music Group; *Cocoa Records; *NOIZ DISCOS; *Bearlin; *1Kilo;
*Hub Records; *Zoom Music; *Bombstrikes; *Vodka Cat; *Digital Storm; *Cantieri Sonori; *HD Records Edition; *Grooviglio; *blbonthebeat; *Maestro Production; *Nesta; *Le Fornia; *Impossible; *Musikinė Partija; *Diversity Recordings; *Ostereo; *Exide Code; *Sound Vision Studios; *BoltMusic; *Media Play; *DK Musik Canada; *Remigiusz Trzcionka; *THEWEBENGINE SRLS; *Low Bottom Entainment LLC; *Luzonic Publishing LLC; *MackPeach Music Productions LLC; *TMPRECORDS LLC; *Too Lost LLC; *Trackoholic Music Group, LLC; *Tree House Creations LLC; *Trunk Go Boom, LLC; *Zotano Records LLC; *Marketing Powered by RockLan One; *Below System; *Stagz Jazz; *Arrival Time Media Company; *Hacienda; *iCizzle; *Certainly; *Hrd Studio; *Meifumado Fonogramas; *Urban Media Digital; *Blk Fox; *YKSI; *Nous Live; *Orbita; *Whitemusic; *the Daily Smokers; *The Move Entertainment; *Dead Round Eyes; *Leful/WhiteMusic; *LA CELDA ESTUDIOS; *VRBL;
*DJ Central; *Boss Status Entertainment LLC; *Afromartian; *U.N.T. Entertainment; *Skylar; *New Media; *Disco Shahrazad; *Saada Music; *Amimoun; *La Cave Musik; *S&S Produçōes; *Kingdoz Studio; *FM Play; *TeleYoli SoundStudio; *Flow M. Mucho Rap C.A; *Mad Prince; *808 Entertainment; *Raquemardon; *R.E.A.L. Music; *MizerMillion Entertainment; *DMND; *Black Cash; *CONCORE ENTERTAINMENT; *zenfica; *Start Studios Srl; *Joe & Joe; *Black Ice 45 Music Group; *BUSINESS MINDED ENTERTAINMENT LLC; *Likewyse Productions LLC; *Lit Kit10 LLC; *KM Entertainment LLC; *MMP GLOBAL LLC; *Mysterious Entertainment LLC; *Playaz Cliq; *NALM; *Royal-Ice; *Emerge; *Ace of Hearts AOH; *Independent Entourage; *Rogue Succes Entertainment; *Dundeal Entertainment; *Northern Sound Mogul; *Midwestmagic Productions'; *Double 2-7;
*Thug World Entertainment; *Commonwealth Production Unit; *Tama Industries; *Imagenes; *Secret Family; *B9; *574; *Brand Music Records; *El Consul; *AllstarMusic; *MALFA; *Meladze Music/Первое музыкальное Издательство; *42; *KM Music Label; *Wavy Music; *Lille Høg; *Only Entertainment; *Only Records; *Indiefy United; *A&W Record's; *Diskover Co; *Sewer Ratz Digital; *Mira Mi Música; *zmd Record; *Ragz 2 Richez Recordz; *WOOW Balkan; *Coinxiding Arts Entertainment LLC; *DiceHoods Entertainment LLC; *Drum Majors ATL LLC; *Funk You; *JAZ Music;
*Renzhow Productions; *IFO Producciones; *Sin Anestesia; *Dora Black; *BeToYou; *829Musica Mundial LLC; *Don Juan Global Market; *Abdel la Esencia TRES; *Optical; *ExTy; *OOO Мэйнстрим Продакшн; *Глория Медиа; *ООО "Издательство Монолит"; *Trend; *Zeon; *Harmonix Factory; *GSmedia; *Equipe; *Sonografic; *GBR; *K2L Digital; *Brenna; *Parisienne Plus; *Utopic Royal; *Dreaded Wolf Entertainment; *SonStyLa Official; *Fonts Nation Records LLC; *GclassTv Ent. LLC; *Gifted & Talented LLC; *Unwanted; *MaxxYes; *BMP; *Clever Music;
*9th Ward Production and Promotions Company LLC; *MoWet Entertainment; *Rorschach MG; *Move Quiet Entertainment; *Digital Project; *Frankincense & Myrrh Music Group; *Remyx Crew Ent.; *Amalgemated Muzik Group; *Valencia; *Exclusive Ltd; *HI-FI MUSIC; *Top Pick; *Plaizir Muzic; *MASMASIA; *Uveefeuve; *GAMErecords; *Vision & Vitality Entertainment; *Swish MGMT/France; *Pounds Music LLC; *No Limit Forever East; *On Our Own Entertainment LLC distributed by Red 3; *Pergonomics LLC; *S.D.Y.P. the Movement, LLC; *RRecords; *No Sand;
*Wizard; *La Vanguardia; *Colombo; *Guarida Sónica; *Miami Moon; *Trafalgar13; *TOV Productions; *Discos TRUS; *Jesus Manuel; *Sellodiscográfico.com; *Sello Discográfico RTVE; *Greenstar; *Agencja Artystyczna B.M.; *RMG; *THT-Телесеть / Первое музыкальное Издательство; *Dvamira; *Banoffeesound; *Mela & Tequila; *extravaganza; *Trinitee Urban;
*Trikont; *Tantrum; *Merca; *Acony; *CDcopiaDVD; *Musicadelsur; *FOL Musica; *Chilevision; *Sotones; *Green South; *Gwymon; *Eureka; *FolkEurópa Kiadó;
*VS Records; *Pure Records; *Boy Scout; *Folkwit; *Tagomago; *DZV; *Du Jour Productions; *Last Night from Glasgow; *Screamlite
*Clay Pipe; *Front & Follow; *Fable; *Tara Music Company Ltd.; *Sain; *Tradisom; *Severalia; *Beastiful; *RadiciMusic; *Sello Aveja; *Edición Musical Forte-Music; *Early License Group LLC; *La Disquera; *LEPM DIGITAL; *Mondegreen; *18 Chulos; *Meraki; *Petaluma; *OMS; *Dbd;
*On the Fiddle; *Genobi Ltd; *Saulės Muzika; *CePE Music; *Festival Five; *Lliwen Foster; *Stille Music; *Wic Mack AB; *Inland Sea; *Euskal Herriko Trikitixa Elkartea; *Buenaventura; *CONFIDENTIAL Records (UK) Ltd; *Fonográfica Asturiana SL; *LHA; *Músicas de Salitre;
*Fono Astur; *Master Music; *Howdy Skies; *SMH; *Sharpe;
Other/Experimental/Noise/Outsider/New Classical/Ambient/New Age, etc. (not something most folks want to listen to, but fun to try):
*Youngbloods; *Multi Culti; *Uncharted Audio; *Tsuku Boshi; *Staalplaat; *Editions Mego; *Filter; *Small Pond; *Touch; *Ancient Language; *ROHS!; *Astro:Dynamics; *a simple lunch; *Adx; *Dugnad Rec; *Chrom; *Slowfoot; *Bright Shiny Things;
*Astigmatic; *Odd John; *Asoka Miau; *Transatlantyk; *Jehu & Chinaman; *Plexus of Infinity; *Hundred Acre; *Focused Silence; *Shimmering Moods; *Personal Escape; *I S L A; *Romtid Musikk; *Verlag System; *Olive Noire; *Vlek; *Trestle; *Primordial Void;
*Broken20; *Kit; *Music from Memory; *Szescian; *Taukay; *Ouvirmos; *Tehnofonika; *Fang Bomb; *incunabulum; *Astral Industries; *Kairos; *Paladino; *Muscut; *Mille Plateaux;
*Abduction; *Black Editions; *Important Records; *Pinna; *Wodger; *Full of Nothing; *Bahadirhan Koçer; *Disintegration State; *Phantom Limb; *Aventino;
*FANCYMUSIC; *NIBIUS; *Inspired Studios; *Bladud Files; *Greytone; *Bastakiya Tapes; *Skyapnea; *Alrealon; *Domestic; *Tañidos; *Geometrik; *Bartosz Leśniewski; *Midium; *Rivoalto; *Nice Music; *Dement3d; *Trem Mineiro Produçoes Artísticas LTDA; *SEdeM;
*Animato; *Line; *Seagrave; *SPEKK; *Verform; *White Paddy Mountain; *Cuatro Vientos; *Furniture Music; *TR7; *Sacramental; *Magnetico Nature; *Poco Poco; *Ongehoord; *BAKK; *Musicactual; *Radio Bongo;
*Mascarpone; *Flacon; *Bomb Shop; *Razxca; *MAUNA; *Tyrell; *Skylar; *ZBM; *Awkward Formats; *Left Leg; *Made with Machines; *Piccolo; *Alga Marghen; *Ghost Plants;
*Edizioni Leonardi Srl; *No Corner; *Perth; *Katabatik; *Lucian Lift; *Producciones Efimeras; *jaaam; *Flipper Srl; *Raminx; *44 Sprinkles; *JSC "Firma Melodiya";
*Electrecord; *Other Records; *Crystal Classics; *Bacci Bros; *Musideco; *Paradiso; *Ruby's Polka; *Escutar; *BZHits Studios; *Reh Dogg Entertainment;
Goth/Industrial/EBM (rarest and darkest of all birds): *Some Bizarre; *Log Lady; *Jnana; *Halo Askew Entertainment; *SVK-CAPP-Glaufx; *Trocadero; *Measured Malice; *Severest; *Eye for an Eye Recordings; *Singularity Recordings; *Oyhopper; *Exia Rock; *Dusktone; *Hans Mondial; *Orations; *Gallery;
Unclassifiable due to large number &/or variety of releases (likely some trash comps included when the albums exceed 100):
*Minority Records s.r.o.; *Alter K; *wiaiwya; *Accidental; *Eglo; *Lima Limo; *Domestica; *First Word; *Karlrecords; *Tranquil Society; *serpent; *Oido; *Laboratório Fantasma; *Ici d'ailleurs;
*StreetVoice; *Stereo Love Productions; *El Templo ReKords; *MARS Records; *JTV Digital; *Highspeedart; *Armando Teixeira; *HUMBLE PALACE; *Milky Bomb; *Sound Digital Srl; *Look Studio Srl; *GadGad; *panai; *Buenritmo; *white label;
*Peacefrog; *Rebore; *That's All Music; *Group Tightener; *Jack to Phono; *Record Breakin; *Danger in Sound; *Ditto; *Traxx; *Recordsman; *Indica; *Hall of Fame; *Trumpton; *Do Right!; *Dan Dada; *Ideologic Organ; *EmuBands; *WM Digital Services; *Athens of the North; *Step Pepper;
*Audio Montage; *Raiz Discos; *Audio Porto; *Pirames International Srl; *Independent; *Recordzman; *Four Flies Srls; *LLTMVCo.; *Seed Records; *Chuntata; *Fluir; *Pacific Grove; *Laideadelsur; *Sunbird; *Superstore; *Glove Compartment;
*DOTWAV; *Little Red Corvette; *Autoproducido; *WM Recordings; *Союз; *AVK Продакшн; *Студия СОЮЗ; *Assist for Artist; *Lasmus; *Blowpipe; *MUSITECA; *La Lumaca Dischi; *Conexión Libre; *Evolución Discos; *Driftless; *Vedette; *Trimu; *Neednowater; *VL;
*Limbo; *La Cupula; *PSM; *Luna; *Ultrapop; *Roof Cat; *FAK; *Songkit; *Azoto; *TRRR Discos; *WEATNU; *Slovak Music Industry; *Dopeness Galore; *Wow Cool; *MonseArt; *MK Records; *Humtracks; *Raso; *REC-EYES; *MZK Publishing; *Vauvision; *Blank Capsule; *Foundry;
*Musiche Furlane Fuarte; *DecimuLabs; *Altafonte; *MTM Ltda; *Dbn; *Nota; *Maxim; *Stolica; *ООО "Р-Концерт"; *SFR; *A Different Records; *Basement Studios; *DISTRID; *Eromeda; *Big Mouth; *GummySpider; *Nothing/Paranoia Ltd. *Filo Music;
*Ace Music; *CHR; *GMC; *OneMuz; *Music Service Center LLC; ООО «Верго Мьюзик»; *Blat; *Canaria; *DISO; *Sounday; *Barceloneta; *Maisonneuve; *Lead Records; *BestMusic Digital Distro; *Symphonic Distribution; *BLB; *WAMM; *ООО Музыкальная индустрия;
*Unsigned; *Digital Distribution Netherlands; *Boumquer Edition; *Picap; *All Time Favorites; *M&R Productions Ltd.; *Life Records; *Eyethought; *Polyphonic Music Co. Ltd.; *Reunion;
*Primal Stream; *Triquinoise; *Horus Music Distribution; *Provenance; *Spectrum Spools; *Tramp; *UR-MUSIC; *Green China; *Phoenix Music; *Magroove; *Nova 017; *Amazon; *TP4; *GD Seventy Eight; *Caama; *Cargo Music Entertainment;
*MTJ; *MyMusic Group; *Soundfield; *Lanzadera; *Multitrack; *Dirty Sounds; *Союз Мьюзик; *Издательство «Хорошая музыка»; *UMI & Microphone Global & Лаборатория звука; *Titanium Digitals; *AMG; *Bottom of the River; *Xtrasolar;
*Asher Music; *zyx/discomagic; *Right Here Right Now; *LAD Publishing & Records; *Krapes; *sound patrol; *N1 Sound; *Sweet Sounds; *SK Records 83; *South Mountain;
Metal (In the course of general searches, lots of labels come up. I don't know what's good.):
*RidingEasy; *Earache; *Vanagandr; *Art as Catharsis; *SELF Music Publishing; *Dusktone; *Heidens Hart; *Immortal Frost; *Art Gates; *Vegan; *Sludgelord; *Seeing Red; *Naturmacht Productions; *Exia Rock; *Bagana Edizioni Musicali SAS; *Krescendo; *Ripple Music; *Hibernacula; *Sepulchral Silence; *Redefining Darkness; *Visionaire; *Musicarchy Media Ltd.; *Sixsixsix; *Majestic Rock; *NoEvDiA; *Nihil Art & Dark East; *Rockea; *Hellfire Records Australia; *Graphite; *Legend Studio; *Fat Hippy; *Metal Mind; *Imminence; *DA Records; *RidingEasy; *Noble Demon; *Necrocosm Productions; *Vetala Productions; *Vacula Productions; *MusicAnimus; *Voice Music; *Pulpa Distro; *JBC; *Santo Grial Producciones; *Deadwave; *Tribeleader; *DECAYED; *Dissabte Negre;
Punk/Emo (Not my scenes, but I support the attitude.): *No Sleep; *CBeT N TeHN https://www.emusic.com/label/839089/--?sortField=POPULARITY&descending&pageNumber=1 *Antipop; *Estrus; *DISORDER; *Milky Bomb; *Lou & Rocked Boys; *Mega Czad/SMPB; *Upawa; *Sigourney; *Enclaves; *Infected; *Really Rad; *Eccentric Pop; *LaFlor; *Plata o Plomo; *Zap Records; *Faux Discx; *Smog Moon; *Peroquébien; *Mount Seldom; *Discos Humeantes; *Nitido Records, S.A. de C.V.; *no label; *Youth Riot; *Hull's New Breed; *No Good; *Bunny Boiler; *Caníbal; *Inerme Discos; *Pulpa Discos; *84 Records; *Chainstore; *PAWN Records; *Panda Artist; *Morcego; *Creative mofo Dariusz Ogrodny; *The Yellow Gate; *Motorcycle Potluck; *DA Records; *Eclesiastés Studio; *Beauty on Duty!; *4 Pound; *Boofrod; *Driftwood Tapes/Driftwood Records; *Mob Front;
My additions to what's still available and worth looking at would be "First Word Music", "The Band Aid Trust", "Concert Live", "Fable Records", "HHO", "Jur/Starwood Media", "nagel heyer records", "Tramp Records", "ESP-Disk", "Audio Cave", "Roaratorio", "Important Records" and "Alligator Records". Apologies if I've repeated any on your list.