eMusic jazz albums, less than four dollars (works for all genres) -- Links updated Feb, 2014

edited January 2011 in General
Was fooling around with google today and found a relatively easy way to look for albums on eMusic with a favorable runningtime:price ratio. What I have done below is create clickable searches that will pull up all the albums at the various price points below four dollars. I have included the term "Total Length" in the search so that you can see the total running time of the album in the search results.

To switch genres, simply copy/paste the genre of choice from an emusic album into the first set of quotation marks. Also, if you are looking for a particular style (such as bebop) simply wipe out the first quote block (quotes included) and enter the term you are looking for. A search like this will be a little less restrictive but can lead to 'related' results. For instance, if you just use jazz instead of "Genre: Jazz" you will end up with some albums that are classified as electronic but have jazz influences.

Hope others find this useful and let me know if you have any questions.

Less than $4


Less than $3


Less than $2

Also, if you use this to search in other genres/styles or price points. Feel free to post the links back into this thread.


  • Wow great use of Google. Thanks for sharing in your experiment.
  • Mike Stern - Jigsaw, $3.43.
  • @the_? - there are folk asking about this functionality on the emusic boards - would it be appropriate to share this there? Or has it been shared before and buried in the innards of their board?
  • Noticed today that the links above were no longer functioning as intended. I've updated them such that they should work. I have no idea how many people here are still on eMu or if this sort of functionality is even desired -- but there it is.
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