Ovation Tower

edited March 2011 in General
What say you...?



  • edited March 2011
    It all depends on the fee structure, doesn't it? Since there's kiosk hardware being set up at the venue, not to mention the overhead of recording the show in the first place, it seems rather unlikely that these folks would do this just for a percentage of sales. But if the up-front costs are too high, then it becomes little more than a luxury item for high-profile touring acts... which is fine, I suppose, but not something I personally would ever be interested in.

    The other thing is, when you're coming out of a loud, stuffy concert hall or nightclub, you're usually in kind of a daze from all the sensory overload, right? The last thing you're going to want to fuss with in that situation is an internet kiosk where you're having to type in your e-mail address and swipe your credit card. What if you're on a date with a highly attractive woman? Are you going to want to tell her, "sorry luv, could you wait here for a sec while I download a digital copy of the show we just saw to my iPod Touch?" No, you're going to want to get her in the car and back to your swanky bachelor pad as soon as possible, preferably without having her see how nerdy you are during the process.
  • Seems like this has been tried before and failed, which he points out in the video. You also have bands like Phish, Priums and the Pixies...odd that they're all P bands...who have entire tours for sale at their site.
  • Pearl Jam, too.
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