The most confusing internet ad ever?

edited April 2011 in Diversions
So I'm on my page and notice the following ad in the corner:


I'm dumbfounded. I guess I understand that having a cartoon version of you could be interesting, and obviously they are using an attractive young lady to draw my attention to the ad, but what the hell is up with the gigantic spoon of fruit loops? Are fruit loops supposed to be sexy? Am I supposed to think this girl is particularly young and somehow be drawn to that?

And how the hell would someone even fit that spoon in their mouth?

I'm really confused by the whole thing, and knew someone here would have an answer for me. So please, help me out here!



  • Whenever I see a such a young lady in an add, I usually expect to be told how one or other federal policy will help me with a mortgage or go back to school*. Sometimes it involves that French anchorwoman who probably knows nothing about what's being sold. That's the kind of disconnect I expect.

    *Like I need than!
  • The engagement strategy behind this ad is: Ooh, shiny. (Also, titty)

    There's a short attention span born every minute.
  • edited April 2011
    Craig - I think you're trying to read way too much into this...sometimes a giant spoon full of fruit loops is just a giant spoon full of fruit loops.
  • But why a giant spoon full of fruit loops! It makes no sense!

    I demand that internet ads for cartoonizing oneself make sense.

  • I saw that ad on some other website. It's certainly odd.
  • And how the hell would someone even fit that spoon in their mouth?
    - It's a "head backward and pour" spoon.
  • Hmm I can't see the image for some reason. Maybe because I have a flashblocking plug in.
  • edited April 2011
    I can't see it either, but my guess is that it's because the URL for the image doesn't have the (.JPG) file extension in it. So depending on what browser you're using, you might not be able to see it because the browser is expecting an HTML page and instead is getting a stream of JPG image info. If you're using Firefox, you can see the image this-a-way:


    "View-source" bypasses the HTTP protocol somehow - I guess it's smart enough to figure out what kind of file it is without the extension...?

    As for the spoon, I just assume the advertiser knows that everyone who's narcissistic enough to want a cartoon of themselves also has a serious oral fixation.
  • Those aren't fruit loops. They are components of an undergraduate-level organic-chemistry modeling kit.

    Hope that's solved the puzzle!
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