The Black Keys' Patrick Carney vs. Lady Gaga's Little Monsters

edited June 2011 in Fight Club
Never thought I'd see any twitter "drama" with the people I tend to follow, but Patrick Carney and Ke$ha had some back an forth jabs that caught the attention of many little teenage girls who took Gaga's supposed anti-bullying message to not include tossing insults like hand grenades. Albeit rather ineffective hand grenades.

Anyway, it's kind of funny because he simply retweeted the insults. But I am a tad frightened after checking out some of the streams by her fans. Obsession ain't just a river in Egypt...


  • That's awesome. The best part, though, is that Ke$ha's twitter handle is keshasuxx. That's good self deprecation.

    Gaga seems to come up everywhere. Just the other day Amanda 'Fucking' Palmer was using twitter to try and decide what her fans are called if Gaga's are "Little Monsters". (Answer: "Little Fuckers" which makes AFP "Mother Fucker" and Neil Gaiman...well, you get the idea.)

    Also, I'd have gone with "Obsession is not just by Calvin Klein", but that's just me.

  • Any way to get the Gaga and Bieber fans fighting with each other? That would seem like a win-win.
  • Tying Gaga and Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber would be a good start. From what I understand Bieber fans do not like that website. At all.

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