Euros 2012



  • The big day for England tomorrow evening against Italy. I, like most fans, am not expecting much from this game, and it will be a pleasant surprise if we do. In any case if we do win, every England fan knows that in the semi final Germany will beat us, most likely on penalties! Interestingly, I am not getting nervous at all about the Italy game. Even a goal would be good...
  • After yesterdays most boring match, its the big day. I have come to the conclusion dont get too excited, dont expect much and dont get too disapointed if we lose. England watching is a lots like watching Spurs, you learn to handle upset and pain but just once in a while it all comes good!

    At friends for a big BBQ, lots of XTC, Smiths and other English Music, might get in 3 Lions, World in Motion and if we win Vindaloo! For those not England fans these are the best of the footie anthems we sing along to
  • Yes, I can see how watching Spurs is a good preparation, Lowlife! When it comes down to it, we didn't deserve to win, and if Italy had lost the penalty shoot out it would have been a travesty as they were the better team, but as Spurs fans know the best team does not always win (Bayern Munich) when it comes to penalties. England reached as far as could be expected, and it least it has saved us another humiliation against Germany
  • edited June 2012
    Its was painful to watch, outgunned, outclassed ect etc.

    Best one liner was leaving friends someone said ah well you have nextseason to look forward to, to which I replied not if you are a Spurs fan! Big hugs all round even from the Arsenal fans
  • Yes, the best four teams are in the semis. It would have been embarrassing and probably humiliating to play Germany on Thursday. Anyway pre-season friendlies start in three or four weeks time and there is always the Olympic football tournament to look forward to...
  • Least my fellow Scots have now stopped posting flags on Facebook in support of whichever nation England is playing next! I get really embarrassed by the 'anyone but England' mentality here, and not just because my other half is English. Wonder if the English would be so bitter if Scotland kept qualifying and they didn't.....guess we'll never know ;-)
  • You are probably right there Eilidh! I would have supported Scotland this year if they had qualified and England had not. I lived in Wales for several years, so I always like to see them do well (I actually saw Wales play at a game before I went to an England international, as I lived near Wrexham)
  • Tonight could be a good one, depends how Mr CR plays, still think Spain will go through
  • They did, but not as good as hoped. In fact we have now had 240 minutes of play, no goals, just penalties. I do hope we get some goals tonight. I am expecting a Germany victory - imagine a Spain v Italy final!
  • Yes this should be a real good one, the Germans have not beaten Italy in ages, beer and nibbles are awating me on this one
  • edited June 2012
    Well the result did surprise me, as I thought Germany would go through. But a Spain v Italy final should be a good game, particularly now that Barloteli has hit form.
  • Well, it is over, a good victory for Spain, IMO. They played well, Italy were never really in it. In fact, they could beat anyone in the world, except perhaps, Real Madrid or Barcelona at the moment (but that game would be impossible as some would need to play for both sides) A great tournament. Only about three weeks before the pre season friendlies and we've got the Olympic tournament coming up as well. Great!!
  • A really good tournament, not long till the season starts, even shorter till Tottenham will annouce their new manager. Best team won, when they play like that they are amazing
  • As a Nottingham Forest fan the new season is shaping up more interesting than most as we are about to be bought by Kuwait's second richest family. Open your chequebooks fellas!!

    These Kuwaiti's aren't oil guys they made their money in refrigeration and appliances. They are 'fridge magnates' ha ha.
  • Any thoughts on the new manager, Lowlife? Overall a bit of a surprise to me
  • Not really, a very good choice. I think he could bring some talented youngsters through and keep us near the top. Good signing already, need a couple of strikers and looking forward to the season already
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