MYRNINEREST . . . James Blackshaw & David Tibet of Current 93

"Jhonn," UTTERED BABYLON, their harrowing and haunted debut, featuring James Blackshaw and David Tibet, is centred on Davids friendship with, and love for, the late Jhonn Balance of Coil as well as Jhonns death and how it affected the circle of friends around Jhonn.
With all lyrics by David and all music written by James, the album was recorded during February 2012 with James Blackshaw on classical guitar and harmonium and David as vocalist."

- "THE SPHERES TWO is mixed by The Bricoleur and comes in an identical sleeve to THE SPHERES ONE except that the catalogue number on the spine is THE SPHERES TWO and it carries a standard numerical barcode"

- THE SPHERES THREE is mixed by Andrew Liles

- "Journey to Avebury (THE SPHERES FIVE) is MYRNINERESTs soundtrack to Derek Jarmans film of the same nameJhonn Balances favourite film by Jarmanand has been issued to commemorate MYRNINERESTs London concert on 4 August and features David Michael on vocals, Andrew Liles on electric rain, and Michael Cashmore on piano, based on a theme by James Blackshaw. This one-sided 12" record comes in a full colour sleeve. The piece is 13:36 in length."
Coptic Cat - - Emusic

David Tibet
- "(born David Michael Bunting, 5 March 1960) is a British poet and artist who founded the music group Current 93, of which he is the only full-time member.
He was given the name "Tibet" by Genesis P-Orridge, and in January 2005 he announced that he would revert to the name David Michael, although he continues to use the well-known "Tibet" in his public career to date.
David Bunting was born in Batu Gajah, Malaysia. Early in his career, he collaborated with Psychic TV and 23 Skidoo. Tibet left Psychic TV in 1983 and founded Current 93 the same year. He has worked with Steven Stapleton of Nurse With Wound (of which band he is a member), Michael Cashmore, Douglas P. (of Death In June, on whose albums he has appeared several times), Steve Ignorant of Crass (using the name "Stephen Intelligent"), Boyd Rice, Little Annie, Björk, Nick Cave, Rose McDowall, and Ian Read of Fire and Ice.
Tibet's lyrical subject matter reflects a consistent preoccupation with all aspects of apocalypse. He has long been a student of Christian eschatology. At a precocious age, he developed a strong interest in Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis. He joined the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis and borrowed the term "93 Current", the current of Thelema or Agape, from Crowley. His initial recording as Current 93, LAShTAL, was, according to Tibet, "the invocation of Malkunofath on the Nightside of Eden, the reverse of the Tree of Life". He has long proclaimed a virtual anathema to Crowleyism (despite a strong appreciation for Crowley as an individual) and instead has embraced at various intervals, Tibetan Buddhism and esoteric Christianity. His projects continue to focus on the multifaceted aspects of apocalypse, mainly death, loss and destruction. Progressively, his works are tempered by Christian mysticism and an increasingly strong faith in the end of the world."
- Wiki

James Blackshaw
- "Initially inspired by the guitarists of the 60s Takoma label to teach himself fingerpicking, James Blackshaw writes long-form pieces primarily for solo 12-string guitar that are heavily influenced by minimalist composers and European classical music and which use drones, overtones and repeating patterns alongside a strong inclination for melody to create instrumental music that is both intelligent, hypnotic and emotionally charged.
Born in 1981, Blackshaw has so far released six solo studio albums, one live recording and has also appeared on numerous compilations in the last five years. "O True Believers" (2006, Important Records/Boweavil Recordings), "The Cloud of Unknowing" (2007, Tompkins Square) and "Litany of Echoes" (2008, Tompkins Square) have received huge critical acclaim from printed and online publications including Pitchfork, Billboard, The Wire, The Observer, The Times, Uncut, The New York Times, Rolling Stone Magazine, Magnet and Acoustic Guitar Magazine. "The Cloud of Unknowing" was also listed as one of the 50 best albums of 2007 by The Wire (no. 24) and Pitchfork (no. 34).
- Young God Records
It says he was given the name Tibet by Genesis P-Orridge and was, in fact, a member of (or, at least, collaborator with) Psychic TV. With a name dropping like that, Current 93, Nurse with Wound and Nick Cave I'm guessing a little digging would also put him in with the likes of Blixa Bargeld, Einstürzende Neubauten, the rest of Throbbing Gristle, maybe even guys like Mark Spybey, DVOA, Not Breathing, etc. A bit of a leap, but they are all very collaborative people and tended to work with each other a lot. Seems like he was mostly involved in the acts that I had just started to touch upon before drifting away from that sound.
I really enjoyed spending the evening with MYRNINEREST. I'm also a James Blackshaw fan and only wish I'd bitten on these ones early. Truly unique voice and that guitar! Some pretty intense absorbing stories ending with a dreamy Journey. It had me googling Christian Eschatology to see what that was all about. Interesting, I'll try to do a little more studying on that, hopefully before the Rapture, and "last thing" -Thanks again!
- At the buttom of the Bandcamp page under "If you like MYRNINEREST, you may also like:" I found an album cover that could only be a piece of David Tibet art.
And yes, another breathtaking David Tibet project (from 2016) :
to explore at House Of Mythology
Enter Zu93, the effectively named collaboration between Tibet and the ever-changing Italian group Zu, centered around Massimo Pupillo and Luca Mai. Seven years after the collaborators first met in Rome, the most beautifully apocalyptic city of all, they can finally present Mirror Emperor, mixed and produced by Stefano Pilia. If last year’s Create Christ, Sailor Boy, the startling Hypnopazūzu album Tibet made alongside Youth, the legendary producer and Killing Joke bassist, was “a transformative union,” the imperial ghost music presented on Mirror Emperor marks a return to their earth . . .