Well well, the hidden value of a grammar school education emerges: one of the phrases indelibly left in my mind from Latin class ties together themes on this thread nicely: tu es loquacior quam psittacus (you are more talkative than a parrot)
Just remember, quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum videtur.
Just bumping this to keep it among the recently discussed...59 pages of discussion and laments now! Somebody has designed a fix/workaround that is working for at least some users
Working here too. Had to delete and reinstall the audioscrobbler and iTunes plugin.
Apparently it will scrobble what you play on your computer but not songs synced from devices. Haven't tried that yet (and only the rare songs played on my phone will be affected).
I use an app on my iOS devices called CloudScrob. Basically it reports what iTunes played since the last time the CloudCrob app was run. It is not automatic or realtime, but it works.
I use CloudScrob, too. Agreed that while not automatic, it works fairly easily. I don't listen to music a lot from my iPhone, but enough that I update every week or so.
I do most of my listening from the iPod touch. I use SmartPlayer, which does scrobble in real time when I am connected to WiFi, or saves it up when not.
Stupid ironic meta programmers; no longer satisfied with trying to look cool, now they try to look 'cool'. I can just feel them itching to try their hands at "cool".
Didn't bother installing the scobbler when I changed machines a year ago, so not really missing it all that much...