Men prefer a long-term relationship................apparently.

edited September 2009 in General
That's with subscription services as opposed to pay as you go, it seems.

A survey into web users preferences for their preferred deals mainly with news sites, though i-watsit and Spotify get name checked. I definitely have stayed at emu with the subscription set up being a main part of why I have done so, until recent changes have brought that up for serious re-consideration.


  • eMu is my 2nd ball and chain, as it were. This month marks 8 years no breaks, one year less than my marriage--no breaks either. ;-)
  • Hmmm... so eMu's least likely customers would be 50-year-old Welsh women?
  • It actually makes sense to me. Guys are lazy, and I know I prefer the automatic monthly credit card payment to having to chose a payment method and go through that stuff each time.

    This would be especially true for me on news sites where I want to just browse articles without having to deal with other things. It's less true for eMu where I'm actively downloading something and a couple extra clicks for payment would not irritate me as much, although I still enjoy the subscription model there as well.

  • So a year is considered long term? Hmmm ...
  • Yeah, but that's an internet year.
    Internet years are like a quarter of dog years or something.
  • I vaguely remember being told as a kid that a dog's year, or maybe it was a cat's, was the equivalent of 7 of our years, or something like that.

    So, if the internet year/dog year equation is extended to include human years, surely we're being screwed by them over there. Our yearly subscription should be longer than what they give us. Or is that why they change the renewal dates and so on to get around that?
  • An Internet year is 360 days, duh...
  • @thom I've been working for an Internet startup for the last 2 years, we are on our second revenue model (and this one seems to be sticking). I'd say, from this experience, that an Internet year feels more like one fiscal quarter which is about right considering that my tenure thus far has taken 8 years off my life... o_0
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