Watchit Ktripper!

edited October 2009 in General
Kinky Wizard is sniffing up your backside, streetcredwise.

He may not look like much of a threat now, but you can't underestimate the single mindedness of a 30 y.o. virgin with a decent programming job living in his mother's basement...


  • edited October 2009
    Slow and steady wins the race. My per REC average is still twice yours and three times Kinky Wizard's. I'll get ahead of you... eventually.

    That said, it should only be a few weeks before you're #1, so congratulations.

    PS. I'm kind of bored of El Perro del Mar. Don't we have enough Swedish indie pop that sounds like that?
    PPS. The Elvis Perkins EP is phenomenal. "Weeping Mary" is such a good song.
    PPPS. Have you listened much to the new Avett Brothers. It's 50% of my music listening everyday. It's such a good album. I'm learning to (poorly) play a few of the songs on my guitar.

  • Yeah, my average looks lower, but that's because I hand out RECs to things I like that won't make much money.

    Kinda like old man Rockafeller handing out silver dollars.....

    Swedish pop is like a big bowl of ice cream - sweet and tasty for the first bowl, but if you try to have several serving a day it loses it's appeal. It's definitely stuff where an album or so a week is enough.

    Elvis Perkins I have only listened to a little bit. Waiting for the mood to hit me. Right now I'm into spiky guitars and meaty basslines.

    Haven't picked up the new Avett Brothers yet. I have several of their previous albums from eMu and I like 'em fine.

    DWIZZLE! You are in my sights. As are you powell....
  • To truly top powelllaw, though, you will need to fan every artist and label on Amie.

  • I wonder if that's written into the contract for uploaders - you must be fanned by powelllaw or the dog gets it!
  • Not the dog!?! Take me instead!

  • edited October 2009
    Try out the new Avett Brothers. It's--by far--my favorite album of theirs. I cannot stop listening to it.

    I love Sony being on Amie Street. Sure, I and Love and You cost me 9.99, but that ends up being less than three dollars with all the 50% credit and REC money.
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