I want to find out where they live, sling a bag o' flaming poo on their doorstop, ring the doorbell, and stand there and laugh as they get immolated - their repeated appearance on Amie Street irks me that much......
See below for some thoughts on the significance of this band's name, copied from their Myspace page. Just thought this might help you to achieve some deeper resonance with their uvre:
Welcome to my music project I call Prose in Rosette. I've been asked a bunch about what this name means, and I usually stretch my mind a little and when I respond it seems to change a little each time, so I figured I should throw some words down here to hopefully confuse things and really only offer a slight sense of direction for you to blow me away with thoughts on what you think it really means. So when I first came up with the name I was really into Egyptian Culture, Cleopatra's story, pictographic languages, and searching random topics related to the various pharos, pyramids, and study of polytheism. Back then I figured Wikipedia to be a credible source of information and actually came across the word rosette refer to the name of the town in which the Rosetta Stone was created in 196 BC. Now the online encyc's only list the discovery of the stone which came much later in 1799, in the town of rosetta, hence the name. Rosette is a multi dimensional word that can classify many different shapes, objects, forms and names. When I first saw the shape of a rosette, I kind of felt like it was an object of perfect symmetry and balance, that has a much more gentle nature than say a star, and actually a recently discovered nebula was named Rosette, so there is a sense of beauty to its well natured sounding ring of a word. Prose is another word not easily defined, because the simplest of concepts seem to be the most confused. Prose is everywhere in literature especially, but it is even prevalent in poetry. Prose most commonly seems to be written or spoken language that relates to a more free flowing expression than a set meter or rhyme. When I put these two concepts together I see the prose as a universal or something that everyone is capable of expressing, and correlating it to a form of beauty and connectivity that in hopes leads to harmony. For I believe that love peace and harmony is possible and that they are written in this order, because you can't have peace without love and you can't have harmony without peace, so really I see Prose in Rosette as a peek into harmony. A lot of times setting the goal is the biggest step. I'm sure there are many naysayers to the LP and H formula, it's just I feel that when I write or create something as my own, the only way to grow is to share.
"The only way to grow is to share," Frog. Just something to think about.
See below for some thoughts on the significance of this band's name, copied from their Myspace page. Just thought this might help you to achieve some deeper resonance with their uvre:
"The only way to grow is to share," Frog. Just something to think about.
*And* now I've got this song running through my head:
That bag o' poo,
That bag o' poo,
Flaming bag o' poo."
I supposed now that Marx has been largely discredited and Emo has co-opted Goth, the kiddies have to have something to inform their Weltanschauung...
The Flaming Poo's
Hunka, hunka burnin' poo!
I thought Emo was basically Goth without the philosophical heft.