Ahmad Jamal's Alhambra

edited April 2010 in Jazz
Came across an interesting blog post on Ahmad Jamal's ill-fated Alhambra restaurant here in Chicago. The post includes a link to a 1961 issue of Ebony magazine including a write-up and pics of the new nightspot...which apparently closed promptly, amidst personal and financial troubles for Ahmad. A really interesting bit of jazz and Chicago Southside history.

The blogger also mentions that a big new Jamal Mosaic set is coming out later this year.


  • Yeah, the Jamal Mosaic set has been in the works for like two years. There's at least one or two more, but I can't remember them. The cynical part of me wonders if Mosaic isn't in trouble and just won't admit it, based solely off their seeming reluctance to release anything new (aside from a Bing Crosby set!) I hope they finally get it out though as I'm looking forward to it.
  • The new Mosaic set is up! http://shop.allaboutjazz.com/prodinfo.asp?number=246-MD-CD It will only cost you $149 for 9 CDs...
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