How Big Is Your...

edited September 2010 in General
musical collection. Just bought a new backup hard drive for my music. Saw that I now have over 23,000 thousand songs at 129 gb.

Then I thought about it, and I was like, I bet you there are some guys on emusers who have much bigger ones.


  • 32,955 songs / 188 gb. It could be bigger but... I've been too lazy to rip all of my CDs. I'm happy with my size... I think I can say that I've pleasured everything in my collection at least once.
  • Only 114.3 GB/14381 tracks: less than 2% rips, and there are a goof number of mp3 albums that I never transferred from DVD. That averages to 4:46 per track.
  • for a long time I didn't have a back up drive, so I saved everything to cd's - my database for backup cd's lists 1,640 albums.

    my itunes library lists 14,469 tracks, 195 gig; a lot of that is not currently on the computer but I guess it all was at some point.

    I've ripped almost all of my cd's.
  • Total Collection = 45719 Songs, 3908 Albums, 2776 Artists, 303.27GB
    Subset that are rips = 4175 Songs, 335 Albums, 187 Artists, 46.30GB

    We've ripped maybe a half our cd's and the bulk of our collection is through eMusic over the past 9 years.
  • Until froggie swings by, I guess I'll wear the crown:

    Total Collection = 57612 songs, 377 GB, 24 weeks 2 days 20 hours 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.
    From CD = 12546 songs, 71.9 GB, 5 weeks 1 day 14 hours 54 minutes and 15 seconds long. (not everything, but most of it)

    This does not include my live music collection. That's just too big.
  • iTunes is telling me 32,317 tracks and 197GB.
    About 300 vinyl albums and 50 cassettes. A few years ago I thought I'd transfer them to digital format. Ha, ha. No, now I know I won't.
  • 38520+ tracks, 238GB. ~3500? cds, maybe half or so ripped.

    Posters so far only show a factor of 2 or so variance, not much. frogkopf won't upset that, since he's already a known outlier. :)
  • Close to 1tb. About half is lossless which takes up more room.
  • 36452 tracks, 112 days and 18 hours, 169.1 GB. I've probably got 100 CDs yet to rip, then there's the metaphorical ton of vinyl.
  • Us classical types don't do "tracks" - and anyway I still have a lot of music on CD - but my classical collection is on the order of 123 days' worth of music.
  • Total collection (as of end of August): 83,461 tracks, 447.5 GB, 5,461:01:49

    eMu portion: 17,479 tracks, 100.0 GB, 1,162:13:36
    AmieStreet portion: 17,526 tracks, 145.9 GB, 1,225:31:77
    CD rips* portion: 30,449 tracks, 103.7 GB, 1,915:18:53

    * All my CD rips (1,600+ albums) were done at 128k since HD space was not as cheap or abundant when I started ripping my CD collection as it is now. I may re-rip some at a higher bitrate. Maybe.
  • In order to play this game, I installed MediaMonkey and finally added all three external HDs (120MB, 250MB, and 1GB). Until this week, I never had all of the files in a single library. On these three devices are:

    99920 Files, 772.5 GB, 8462+ days of music, that's just a smidge short of a year.

    My guess is that there are a number of repeats, and when I just dumped everything I noticed bad-tagged files (alot of free tracks from the Big-O are un-tagged, a few bootlegs with the file name but no tags, etc.) I am guessing I have 25-30 GB on my laptop from AmieStreet that needs to be sorted and added in the future. I also have a couple of hundred of data CDR's and maybe a hundred data DVD's with files, sorted by genre, many of which are not on the hard drives.

    In the event I ever get a 2GB HD I'll add some of those. Yet I still fear FrogKopf's numbers.
  • 8462+ days of music, that's just a smidge short of a year.

    Yeah, if you're on Saturn!

    I may well have the smallest collection on the boards. I'll have to get the exact numbers tonight.

  • 8" t o 8 1/2", depending on where you put the ruler.

    Oh wait......what was the question?
  • >if you're on Saturn!

    Crap... that was supposed to be a secret. (in the interest of full disclosure, I am not a math major. I dived by 24 and assumed that was days. You know what assuming does.)
  • Were you sucked into a chronosynclastic infundibulum? If so, say 'hi' to Salo for me.

  • @Craig: if we're going there then I have to wonder what proportion of these, um, collections, actually exist in another dimension.
  • 17,818 Tracks
    49 Days, 2 Hours, 40 Minutes, 48 Seconds
    99.23 GBs

    amclark2: I know for a fact that my music exists in another dimension.

  • edited September 2010
    My extradimensional music collection is managed by Hilbert's Grand Media Hotel. It has a countably infinite number of library entries, all of which are full. This has the advantage that I always have space to add another track: HGMH just moves each track to the next-highest slot to free up the first slot.
  • 18,054 items
    129 GB

    I'd guess a good half of that is eMu. CDs were all ripped long ago.

    There will be more if/when I add all this newly DL'd Amie stuff.
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