Censorship test

edited July 2009 in General
I just posted on the emu boards a #emusicfail reference. Let's see how long it takes them to nuke them. Also posted a link to this article.

Article summary: emusic will be a case study on how to loose all of your customer good will in a very short time.
My take: Business schools will be talking about this for years to come.


  • edited July 2009
    the litmus test will be if someone fills the void left behind. and the void should be characterized as a dl service that supports the ability to explore...

    does anyone else get that 30ish mebbe brit-ish pop-up guy who welcomes you to "the innernets corner music store?" - that brand is dead. they should make him trot out in loverboy's headband, walking like an egyptian and michael jackson backdropped music. they've killed exploration - and not imho...they've killed it.

    or they could just hire wanderer...
  • Is that the guy with the almost uni-brow that saunters out on the homepage?
  • yup - he replaced the tank top babe - who you'd a thunk would have at least one tattoo. unfortunately, her message included a reference to "a lively community" on the message boards.

    froggie - make sure you ante up in the post modern christmas story - i've found these boards uplifting...nothing spells out the difference more than the sign-in > xtrev: "proceed" - other place: "submit"
    proceed: you're emoticon will thx you.
  • hmmm - looks like mtracks is angling at the void emu just vacated. this is good for the indies. BIS is there.
  • I saw a thread by frogkopf on the message boards that I can't open. I can open all the other messages but that one.
    "music lover gave me an idea"


    can anyone open it or is my mouse not working right?
  • frogkopf: His thread about civil disobedience gave me an idea.

    What if we were to take the photos from Here....

    And place an order Here!

    If we each buy 10 units, we could probably get the cheapest bulk rate for available. Better yet, we could resell them them for enough of a profit (I'm sure there is a huge pent up demand) to pay for enough booster packs to bring us back to our old download amounts for at least a few years.

    Maybe even post some units in some of the finer eateries in and around NYC.

    Everybody wins - we effectively retain the old download amounts, and have the additional satisfaction in using the product itself a few times a day. The artists/labels get more income due to the increased download activity on our part. And eMusic itself gets priceless product placement. Everyone would come to look upon the executive staff as familiar, intimate friends. Money can't buy the warm fuzzies this could potentially generate.

    I'm sure these things would sell themselves.

    Katrina: Too bad that stuff is so expensive. It would be fun to get some - not the civil disobedience version, but for some of my other ideas.

    amclark2: warm fuzzies indeed.

    TimMason: Kathy and Klaire teetered over the river, staring down into its muddy waters, attempting to avoid the dull violence of the boys' game going on behind them. Of a sudden, Klaire grasped Kathy's arm. "What's that - down there!" she shouted. Kathy followed Klaire's finger, and saw a small green dot, swiftly expanding. As it grew larger, the women were able to make out a huge green bubble, surmounted by a pair of globulous eyes. The eyes blinked, and beneath them opened up a huge maw. A resounding croak echoed from it. "Come on, ladies. Jump. Jump onto the safety of my pneumatic throat! Come on. Come to froggy!"

    The women looked at each other, glanced back at 68's enraged encounter with his nemesis, and decided there was no choice. Hand in hand they leaped down towards the thin green membrane. As they fell through the air, they heard a high-pitched, greasy, cackle.

    "Oh, yes, that's it my lovelies! Come to froggy! Come to froggy!"

    The beast's eyes closed in ecstasy as Kathy's body tumbled onto him.

    amclark2: cold froggies indeed.

    amclark2: 3 And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs:
    4 And the frogs shall come up both on thee, and upon thy people, and upon all thy servants.
    5 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and cause frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt.
    6 And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt.
    7 And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt.
    8 Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Entreat the LORD, that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD.

    Exodus, Chapter 8

    More of the creative writing entries. Do you want more? Yes, I can open the thread. I couldn't open a thread two days ago. After two more posts on the thread, I was able to open it. I've had it happen before, but it is rare.
  • edited July 2009

    That you should agree with Wanderer that I commit pretentious garbage, I can deal with, but to talk about 'creative writing' is too hard a blow to accept in silence. Oh woe, oh tribulation, oh the sharp bite of the critical lash!

    Don Pedro will retire forever to his jungle shack, Felipe return with relief to his fishing, Kate and Kathy will have a fine holiday in France before returning refreshed to put a better face on eMu, and the frog will have to make do with a pond on the outskirts of Mumbai. The serpent will fend for itself, which is what it usually does.
  • Billyjoebob, have you tried clearing your cache? I often get "Emusic not available" and some foolery about the engineers working on the problem, but that ususally does the trick.
  • edited July 2009
    I did clear my cache when I couldn't get a thread, but that didn't work. Sometimes the bugs in my computer win the war.

    @TimMason - pretentious garbage? Never. Clever, creative? Yes. Now tell me, what word do you use to describe the novellas you fellows write? Literature, writing, language arts -- not my area of expertise.
  • this is a multi-faceted response...early stages of emu boards began with "black hole threads" - where posts had to end in a defined pattern...the restriction really caused the poster to bend to get to the final two words (to fit the pattern). we'd reset the pattern and story once we got to 100 posts...gsg's boards brought about a new level of writing as the board had avatars, image support was wild, profiles and multiple accounts were often dicked with to fit the story. i had a blast with the eglan st. germaine story (which i found!!!) and dear music lover...a radio game show that came on at noon every day - with music lover being asked a different question every day...he did get sucked in - as well as me - with both of us being on time for a decent stretch. quacky alluded to this in the kathy p.r. story. at that point, it was pure jackassery.

    the emu boards returned and we fell back into the old habits...quacky took a lower profile than the headless horseman for a good stretch + i tried to maintain a dedicated space on gsg's board...some of that is quasi-visible today but a decent post ("train") is not accessible...my neighbor helen and the godzilla threads were attempts to build stories. my personal favorite, floyd the wharf rat, also took direction...the most important thing about this period is that it demonstrated the community itself could withstand it's personages being lifted...floydthecat knew it was about him + really loved it...helen even came out of nowhere and posted...music lover gladly played along...even joey jo jo in the blood brothers review where the interaction is intense + polar. from my perspective, it was neat to see that the characters could really carry a story. but to think of those stories as anything more than gibberish is a stretch.

    things really went to a different level when tim appeared and posted "sigh...bin fueled" in the count rombuton thread. from that point forward something shifted...it had moved from "68, i kinda like reading your stuff but i don't really know what you're going on about" to a "hey, i get what's going on and this could be fun"...his postings created a sense of an audience interacting and moving the story along...usually while dining. (this would come in handy later on in the kidnapped professor/tennis cycle). he has also established a few devices building a consistency to stories - youtube links and academic material - they are great devices for the web prose since you can take them or leave them without interfering with the story.

    tim also has a very "required" ability - it was a learning process for me, but he has it tacked down - namely you can't post long threads and expect any stick...they (almost) have to be stand-alone postings on their own. it definitely is a quality that folds up into "mastering the art". the extension is that longer stories can be built - the lowest common denominator would be "the continuing saga of..." - but i think the game has changed and the material now has the ability to be seen as "literature"...at least it can go in that direction.

    do not feed the trolls, initially was an attempt to sew alot of the previous materials together (i suck at completing stories) but it turned on a dime when nereffid accidentally posted his "yes/no" response...it made it easy for me to edit my prior post and declare "should nereffid be villain??" this thread is one that deserves to be completed - a new standard.

    the material that tim, amclark, selfrisingmojo + bluesboy have been doing is great. aspects of it remind me of early days when you get bit and you love to post. but the imagery, path, etc. that these guys are creating is astonishing. (guys- if you are not chronicling your material, do so!!! i kick myself that i can't find 3 posts out of the stacks i've littered the innernets).

    getting those guys here is vital for the post modern christmas story...the "whacked imagery" they bring will not allow that story to be derivative of its title. clink.
  • @mommio

    Pretentious garbage is fine. Pretentious is about not knowing your station in life, and garbage is stuff that's out of place. Fits.


    Everyone has trouble with endings. Thing is, a world only really ends when Atlas dies; the narrator pops his clogs and the whole kaboodle shunts off into endless night. Even when a genre has rules about endings - like the detective story, or romantic fiction - writers tend to find it irksome, and we're reminded that some of the best games offer the possibility of avoiding a result. (Some of the most enthralling cricket matches I ever saw ended in a draw).
  • cricket, tennis...it's post-mod to be indifferent!
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