Dear Santa

edited December 2010 in Diversions
Please bring me a 2TB external drive. I have been a good boy and didn't spend the grocery money when they were dirt cheap at Kohl'sTarget.


  • You mean Target? I don't think Kohls sells hard drives.

    I bought 3, even though it wasn't in the budget (it will take me 2-3 months to pay down my booty, but it's hard to pass up almost half price). A small price to pay to be able to mirror my collection, which if my hard drives died I would be out thousands of dollars, and probably thousands of hours of effort.

    Fear not, they'll be cheap again - have Santa check
  • this is what i love about hanging out with you guys. someone starts a nice, seasonal thread about santa claus. does the first respondent jump in and spam "there's NO SANTA!!!" - well, no...
    i work hard at keeping santa alive in the minds of my boys - and THIS YEAR may be my best yet! stay tuned.
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