Flash Bandcamp Sale



  • Hello everyone, it's Bandcamp friday!

    30% OFF everything until 31.03.2024

    Use the following code on the checkout

  • edited March 2024
    FREE/name your price anniversary offers for you, now through the end of March:

    10 YEARS
    'Subsequent Materials' by Richard Chartier (LINE_066)
    March 2014

    15 YEARS
    'Lichtung' by Yves De Mey (LINE_039)
    March 2009

    20 YEARS
    '60:00' by Asmus Tietchens + David Lee Myers (LINE_017)
    March 2004
  • As a thank you for making Stick Men #1 on Bandcamp last week, here's a discount code (30% off) for everyone, and for every release put out by iapetus:


    Please spend it today, on Bandcamp Friday!
  • Hi everyone!
    15% off everything today with the code dodah
  • hello listeners,

    with the pre-order available for FourColor's new "Lightscape" album we have put the entire FourColor back catalog as Pay-What-You-Can for the month of April.

    this includes:

    Water Mirror / 12kmusic.bandcamp.com/album/water-mirror
    Ballet / 12kmusic.bandcamp.com/album/ballet
    As Pleat / 12kmusic.bandcamp.com/album/as-pleat
    Letter Of Sounds / 12kmusic.bandcamp.com/album/letter-of-sounds
    Air Curtain / 12kmusic.bandcamp.com/album/air-curtain

    please explore FourColor's sound and don't forget to check out his collaboration as Minamo as well.
  • 5 year anniversaries.
    1/2 price in April

    'Multitemporal Designs' (LINE_102)
    by Valerio Camporini F.


    'on the swollen lips of the horizon' (LINE_103)
    by Øjerum


  • This might have been mentioned before. Home Normal - the Brighton, UK based ambient bods have a birthday offer on.

    USE CODE 'weare15' at checkout for 15% off EVERYTHING! :)

    I was sorely tempted to pick up the full catalogue, but lord knows what I'd be doing with an influx of 161 or so releases. The downloads are cheap anyway as individual items, and the discount code works for those as well as the bulk buy.

  • @djh I've had a Home Normal subscription for a while and have not regretted it - it's a great deal.
  • @djh I've had a Home Normal subscription for a while and have not regretted it - it's a great deal.

    Funnily the sub is I think excluded from the deal but yeh, what you said, good label.
  • It's Bandcamp Friday, and we're celebrating with pay-what-you-want items!  The entire digital catalogs from @butlerwills , The Clean, David Kilgour, and @superchunk
    (minus "As in a Blender") are pay-what-you-want today! Browse: http://mergerecords.bandcamp.com
  • ez6 said:
    It's Bandcamp Friday, and we're celebrating with pay-what-you-want items!  The entire digital catalogs from @butlerwills , The Clean, David Kilgour, and @superchunk
    (minus "As in a Blender") are pay-what-you-want today! Browse: http://mergerecords.bandcamp.com
    I'm listening to one of today's David Kilgour purchases at this very moment - Merge has similar offerings every BCF.
  • Thanks Guys for this , try to always pick a couple of albums by them, some amazing albums on the label

    Flash sale on everything at my shop, including all physical and digital.

    Use Bandcamp discount code: today
  • Temporary Residence Ltd:

    Today is the 40th Bandcamp Friday! To mark this momentous occasion, we are offering 25% OFF our entire Bandcamp store for TODAY ONLY! Use discount code TRL25 to get 25% off of everything you buy. Everything? Everything!

    Explosions In The Sky, Mogwai, MONO, William Basinski, Eluvium, the Books, Pinback, Moss Icon, Grails, Beak>, and everything else. Everything. Vinyl, CD, Digital, Box Sets. Everything!

  • Kscope:

    It's Bandcamp friday!! It's a big one as it's the 40th BANDCAMP FRIDAY! To celebrate that and all the amazing artists and releases we have on Bandcamp, we're running a 25% discount for the full weekend. Don't forget ...USE CODE: MAY25
  • Merge records:

    It's Bandcamp Friday! The catalogs of
    @caribouband, @hissgldnmssr
    (incl. the new live album "Jesus Is Bored and Other Favorites"), @reddkross, and @mountain_goats are pay-what-you-want today, & 100% of proceeds go to your favorite artists! 🎉

    Browse at http://mergerecords.bandcamp.com
  • Thanks to everyone who joined us for the recent “Excavated Shellac” listening party here on Bandcamp. It was a lot of fun!

    Today, to celebrate Bandcamp Friday, we are discounting all of our single-album releases by 30%. As with all of our digital titles, each download includes a PDF of the complete liner notes.

    Additionally, we are reducing the price of all of the multi-album anthologies in our catalog by 20%. We are extending the same 20% discount for our full discography. Normally 50% off the list price, today it's marked down 70%.

    Finally, if you want to purchase the physical box set version of “Excavated Shellac: An Alternate History of the World's Music,” it is on sale for $100, which is 33% off the list price. It includes 4 CDs and a 186-page hardcover book — complete with essays and annotations by Jonathan Ward

  • Continuing with our celebrations for the 25th anniversary of DiN, for the rest of May the second ever release on DiN, “Distant Rituals” (DiN2) by Ian Boddy & Markus Reuter, will be free to download (name your price). The first of my many collaborations with acclaimed touch guitarist Reuter, combining synthesisers with looping, ambient guitars it was released alongside Box of Secrets (DiN1) and Strange Geographie (DiN3) to kickstart the launch of the DiN label way back in 1999.

  • For today’s bandcamp Friday, I’ve added two very old longform pieces:

    The Gate to the Sea - Originally only available as a bonus 3" CDR as part of the limited, special edition of 50 copies of the 2010 album Time Lapse, released by Hibernate Recordings and packaged in a handmade fabric sleeve.

    Auburn Trails - Originally released by Rural Colours in 2012 on the compilation Five Pieces, alongside tracks by Listening Mirror, Antonymes, Quinn Walker and Widesky. Each artist was given a piece of artwork and asked to create a soundtrack from it.

    And for a 15% discount on any purchases today and over the weekend, enter ‘may24’ at checkout. Thanks

  • Hello everyone,
    Welcome to your Bandcamp Friday.
    With three new releases announced over the last week we have plenty to entice you.
    15% off today with the code: pinky

  • Dear Muzan friends,
    Spring is finally here and we’ve got another 25% discount on all releases.

    Discount code: haru24

  • Thanks ez6, bought some goodies off Merge today
  • For once, Mountain Goats' albums on 4AD are NYOP ... still are.
  • For a limited amount of time I set the price my entire digital discography to $5.2 (which is 80% off its regular price). I invite you to check it out here: endlessmelancholy.bandcamp.com

  • Hmm link is still showing just a 55% discount, still a good deal but...
  • djh said:

    Hmm link is still showing just a 55% discount, still a good deal but...
    I didn’t get to the email immediately, maybe it was a really short window.
  • I didn’t get to the email immediately, maybe it was a really short window.

    No problem so many deals so little time and 55% is a good offer in any event.
  • edited June 2024
    For a while, releases at Rohs! records have been priced at 1Euro. This is increasing soon - full details below. So for anyone interested in their fare (ambient) this would be a good time to stock up. I especially enjoyed these:

    https://lontanoseries.bandcamp.com/album/tender (Highly, highly recommend this one)


    but there is lots of other generally enjoyable stuff from the likes of Mind over MIDI, The Green Kingdom, Anthene, Rhucle, etc.

    *Our "symbolic price of 1 EUR for each release" campaign will end in January 2025. Starting next year, all releases will be set back to the regular price of 5 EUR each.

    *All subscriptions made up to today will remain unchanged.

    The cost of the "digital subscription" costs 5 EUR monthly.

    The subscription page: rohsrecords.bandcamp.com/subscription

    As a ((digital)) subscriber, you will get:
    • All new music that we'll release;
    • 190+ back-catalog releases from ROHS!/Lontano Series/Music For Sleep projects
    • All new releases from ROHS!/Lontano Series/Music For Sleep/come le onde projects
    • 15% OFF on physical items

    This subscription includes releases by:
    rohsrecords.bandcamp.com (ROHS!)
  • MoonJune is offering 35% on everything listed on

    When putting items in your shopping cart, please type this discount code:


    (the offer is valid until Sunday midnight)
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