
Totally appropriate, and not unprecedented. I've actually been getting emails from Martin, and I check out the music.  That birdistheworm email is the correct one.  The thing is, the inbox is such an avalanche of music, I never respond to emails.  So, sometimes people may get the feeling like the my inbox isn't the right place.  You can let him know he's on my list of labels to check out, and his emails are exactly what I need. Cheers, Dave


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  • jonahpwll
    Totally appropriate, and not unprecedented.

    I've actually been getting emails from Martin, and I check out the music.  That birdistheworm email is the correct one.  The thing is, the inbox is such an avalanche of music, I never respond to emails.  So, sometimes people may get the feeling like the my inbox isn't the right place.  You can let him know he's on my list of labels to check out, and his emails are exactly what I need.


    October 10 Comment
    • djh
      Cheers Dave I'll let him know via Facebook Messenger.
      Dave H
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  • djh
    Hi Dave,
    I've just been in contact with internet friend and Discus label boss Martin Archer. He was wondering if you would be up for receiving some promos for possible Bandcamp Best of Jazz features? I just said I knew you slightly via (un-named) emusers site and would try and put you two in contact with each other. I don't have his direct email either but the message page is here
    I hope that I didn't go too far in offering to be the middle man! Let me know if not appropriate.
    Best Regards
    Dave Howarth

    PS I believe he has previously tried to contact you via your old bird is the worm email.

    October 9 Comment