Totally appropriate, and not unprecedented.
I've actually been getting emails from Martin, and I check out the music. That birdistheworm email is the correct one. The thing is, the inbox is such an avalanche of music, I never respond to emails. So, sometimes people may get the feeling like the my inbox isn't the right place. You can let him know he's on my list of labels to check out, and his emails are exactly what I need.
I'm not proud to admit this, but there are times I've considered initiating the Reddit process for claiming a reddit page abandoned and requesting to be made supreme moderator. I did the same thing originally for r/modernjazz many years ago before …
Stein Urheim - "Speilstillev…Alfie - "A Word In Your Ear"Considering how often I've listened to (and adored) "Moon Safari," "10,000 hrtz Legend," and "Walkie Talkie," it leaves rather bewildered to realize I've never given a listen to Air's subsequent studio releases. Gonna do that tonight.Calexico - "Tool Box"
<…Mercury Rev - "Yerself is St…Einar Scheving - "Land Míns …Oregon - "45th Parallel"Jakob Bro – "Hymnotic / Salm…Dick de Graaf Septet - "Polder"Wes Montgomery - "Goin' Out …(Quote) I'm currently circling back through my large stack of Hubro cds and seeing if I need to return some to the regular rotation. I had the same reaction as you after listening to Stene's Lush Laments- how did I let this one drop off my r…