eMusic's Cancel survey

edited February 2011 in General
Anyone else completed eMusic's cancellation survey lately? I've just cancelled one of my accounts (not eMusic's fault, as it happens).

Fascinating set of options in answer to the question "What is the primary reason you canceled your music subscription?":
- I had difficulty using the site to browse music, listen to sound samples, etc.
- Being forced to download complete albums instead of just the track(s) I want.
- I did not sign up for eMusic. My credit card was lost or stolen
- Recent changes to my subscription plan
- I had technical problems downloading or listening to tracks
- My child signed up
- I am dissatisfied with the new monetary pricing system
- Costs too much
- I feel eMusic's focus is moving away from independent music and toward mainstream
- Couldn’t find music I liked
- I cannot redownload music
- I signed up to get free downloads and didn’t expect to be charged
- Other

Then when you choose one of these you get more options:
for "Recent changes to my subscription plan" you get
- I prefer my music balance stated in terms of credits. With currency, it feels like I am spending more money
- I feel I cannot buy the same amount of music as I could before.
for "I am dissatisfied with the new monetary pricing system" you get
- I feel the tracks and albums I want are now more expensive.
- The new monetary system is too confusing. The credit system was much easier to understand.
for "Costs too much" you get
- I can get music cheaper elsewhere
- I prefer paying per song than having a subscription
- Due to the economy, I can't afford a music subscription right now
- I cannot buy the same amount of music as I could before

Then you get:
What could eMusic have done to keep you as a customer (Check all that apply)?
- Lower prices
- Retain its credit per track system
- Larger music selection
- Easier downloading experience
- Reduce the number of major labels
- Allow multiple downloads of the same track/album
- Better audio quality
- Ability to rollover unused downloads to next month
- Other

Of course, what would be even more fascinating is the answers.


  • Well it is at least interesting that they are asking those questions - shows some attention has been paid to all the grumbling on the boards, as this list looks like a summary of complaints there.
  • They do seem to be backloading (if not actually ignoring) the LAME-vs.-Fraunhofer encoding issue, though. IMO it's quite possible that they're running scared on that.
  • Now I kinda wish I had taken that thing. Well, I suppose I'll get another opportunity if I get a decent rejoin offer.
  • That survey looks too good to have been written in-house, they must have brought in a consultant, which is probably a good thing. @ScissorMan, I agree, I think they (perceive they) can't afford to fix the encoding debacle right now.
  • Did you notice the page name while you completing it? I was flattered to be filling out a "churn survey". I guess a churn is used to separate the cream from the watery remains.
  • Churn. Wouldn't that be the constant turnover in subscribers? Quit, get some freebies, quit, get more freebies . . .
  • It's funny how all this works. I rejoined eMu a year ago after almost two years away (yes, I missed the brouhaha over Sony). After a few months, my interest and my bank account hit a rough patch and I decided to cancel. When I went to do just that, I was then sent an e-mail which offered me a free month if I stayed, which I accepted. But, a few months later, when the latest fiasco was announced, I called the Customer Service number, spoke with a very nice person, asked her to cancel my account, and...that was that. No more offers of any kind. No communication at all.
  • That is odd, pzeke. Since November I've canceled three times and been given three free months. I don't anticipate it happening again, but then again I didn't think it would happen the third time either.

  • I assume I just slipped through the cracks. I'm really not complaining. I've considered going back a few times, but always someone on this forum has highlighted yet another bit of imbecility over there which makes me think...nah, not missing anything.
  • Perhaps the free month is triggered by canceling online rather than over the phone?
  • Quite possible. I think I cancelled via phone because my account was on hold at the time, and the website wouldn't allow you to cancel an inactive account.

    I don't have the emotional response toward eMusic that some of us seem to have, but it was great fun for me while it lasted. And I do miss Sucklechimp :)
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