Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • Welcome Eilidh. Yes I plan to do something similar. You are on a good plan there, better than my £19.99 for 100 tracks per month. I suspect I'll go back in two or three months just to pick up a few albums I might have missed. But I'm also going to use the money I save to buy from other sources to see what I can get.
  • Hi Greg, yes, I'm going to keep half an eye on the things I'm missing and try to pick them up at the end of my break. There's a bit of me though that's thinking I actually want to go back to buying hard copies of things I really want from actual record shops, rather than taking a chance on lots of cheap downloads. I'm thinking it may be time for 'less is more' in my music collection :)
  • I know what you mean, I have downloaded so much over the last two or three years that I actually want to listen to it properly, rather than a couple of times, if I'm lucky, before downloading more. It got to the point when I wasn't really keeping up. I will still buy from Amazon, including CDs, as well as downloading from Bandcamp etc. But downloading from emusic say one month in three is better than reducing my downloads as that would cost me more money, ironically, than staying on my old plan.
  • My two cents: Stay on your grandfathered plans and keep downloading. There's nothing wrong with simply shelving those albums and listening to them down the road.

    Still to this day, I regret not having taken better advantage of Amie St. while it was around. There were so many times that I didn't take advantage of great deals and prices just because I felt like I was downloading too much. These days, though, when I find myself up against a limit on what I can buy each month and I'm looking at albums that I'm all but positive I could've had on Amie back in the day, that ratchets the regret way up.

    Having more music than you can listen to? That's a sign of wealth. The right kind of wealth. Download away.

  • This is certainly not applicable to everyone, but for those iTunes playlist-oriented listeners, one trick I use when I buy a lot of stuff at once is to uncheck a fair amount of that. Only checked items appear in my playlists, so I parcel out my unchecked stuff with time, so I don't have a bunch of stuff plopped into the queue all at once. I do that with boxed sets too (I usually "sessionize" them, then slowly uncheck session by session over time). I still have a couple things from the xmas Amazon sale I haven't unchecked yet.
  • Good advice, Jonahpwll. I guess I was just thinking that when I want a CD and go out and buy it, I get so much more out of that then when I just download a lot of stuff to use up my credits (and some of it never gets listened to, to be honest). But you're right, it won't last forever and one of these days I'll have a load of music to discover.

    Just noticed that emusic disables the 'save for later' function when you're on a break. I can understand them disabling things like the message board, but 'save for later' is the thing that would take me back sooner - I wouldn't be able to resist it if I had a queue of things waiting that I really wanted to hear.

    Kargatron, you sound very disciplined in your approach to organising new stuff - I use Windows Media Player and am guilty of just selecting the same stuff all the time. I think this is the problem for me with downloads - it becomes something I listen to passively while doing about ten other things - need to get back to my old turntable and 7" singles I think!
  • When I go to the main page and try to go to https://www.emusic.com/log-in.php I get "Oops! Page Not Found." That certainly doesn't seem right. I got the same thing in 3 different browsers.
  • I've been working on the site for the past five hours, no difficulties. Of course, my emu experience hasn't been typical of others on the various forums, so I don't know how much you should read into that.

    I'm on Firefox and a Mac.

  • For the moment, at least, the emusic discussion board seems to have turned a corner; the majority of the threads on the first page are now about music. Of course there's also hardly any posts. And it is not even close to swinging like emusers. It always remains unclear after these periodic major outbursts of ire whether emusic made it good enough to go on or just out-waited everyone until they got tired or left.
  • And surprise, surprise the eMu radio is on the fritz, at least for me. I don't use it much because they don't have many new programs on any consistent basis, maybe a couple new programs a month, but today it will play a few songs in a program and then claim the program is unavailable. I haven't used it all during my month to crack the 10 hour limit.
  • edited May 2012
    Is wonderboymusic the alias of anyone here? I really hope so. He/She made a joke about 'Allo Darling on a 17 dots column that made me laugh out loud, and I really really want it to be one of you folks.
  • i'm wonderboymusic, and mailman.
  • Ah, both the defense attorney and the prosecutor in you get their say.
  • Saw Raymond over there the other day, or a Raymond anyway
  • edited May 2012
    Ah, both the defense attorney and the prosecutor in you get their say.

    sort of. both the gentle-ironist and the relentless-crank in me get their say.
  • I vaguely recall a Raymond, though I can't recall why or if I should bother trying to. I guess the important question to ask is did he participate on jazz threads?
  • Well Daniel, if you are Mailman and Wonderboymusic you are providing most of the input over there at he moment! In fact, you could have quite an interesting thread all to yourself!!
  • Speaking of, I think it should be pretty obvious who this guy is.
  • Snake! I thought he was dead!
  • Well Daniel, if you are Mailman and Wonderboymusic you are providing most of the input over there at he moment! In fact, you could have quite an interesting thread all to yourself!!

    i'm thinking of changing my "mailman" screen name to "the postman," so i can end every comment with, "the postman always complains twice."
  • - Just wondering, are there others that gets an oooops when trying to enter the other board from any eMu page ?
  • I had that yesterday. They told me to...wait for it...clear cache and cookies. Instead I just did a clean page reload (Shift + refresh) and it cleared the problem.
  • My goodness ! - It worked
  • The emusic board just made me laugh out loud. Hannah from customer service just wrote to apologize that some site functions are not working, and posted this sentence:
    As a result of some site maintenance earlier today, these functions are temporarily down.

    I am not at all sure that this was intended as ironic wit, but it may be the most honest thing I've read on that board for a while.
  • Well Daniel, if you are Mailman and Wonderboymusic you are providing most of the input over there at he moment! In fact, you could have quite an interesting thread all to yourself!!

    okay, confession time: i'm not mailman.

    i know, i know. sorry for the deception.
  • We'll report you to Quality Assurance.
  • Is that where Sucklechimp works now?
  • i just wanna say, if tom f---g waits shows up on my "recommended for you" list again, i will not be able to contain myself.

    i do not want a record by waits / his voice is rough, it always grates / it's sad i'm so consumed with hates / for this terrible man tom waits.
  • You will like Waits in the coffee shop, you will like him at the El stop. You will like him in the rain. You will like him on the train. You will listen to him at home. You will listen to Swordfish Trombone. You will like Waits, Daniel Esquire, because Pitchfork tells you what, how, and where.
  • pitchfork prefers the decemberists / they make me want to slit my wrists / so goodbye decemberists, i bid you adieu / i'd rather listen to adrian belew
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