For roots/americana fans the No Depression list[/url] is the big one. Voting is opening until Dec 30 but you can see the current list and others' ballots.…
I just put a rec up on the emusic board for Souad Massi's new album El Mutakallimûn and I strongly recommend that one.I happened t…I enjoyed Grace and Frankie. I had an annoyingly tedious data entry project to slog through the weekend it was released so just put it on and watched all the episodes. I laughed a bit although it could have been better but really just a great plea…I also thought Katrina's spoiler was weird, especially as 3 seconds earlier she was apparently so worried about [spoiler] committing suicideSaw Dave and Phil Alvin with the Guilty Ones last week and they were bloody fantastic. I'm a big fan mostly of Dave's solo stuff so I'd love to see him back (he hasn't been to Australia for 20 years) with a solo show. I waited around to meet them …Nothing for me :-(Here's mine, I didn't post did I? Of course since posting there's a dozen more I could put on, c'est la vie. Happy new year everyone.…I have four, two of which will make my Favourites list.Well there is a double booster sale now and I bought twenty bucks worth this morning so I hereby retract my whinge. ;-)[img]…A booster sale only for US members. What bullshit and I don't care if I sound like a whinger.I use Tune In, a recent change to their interface was a bit befuddling but I suppose I'll get use to it. Otherwise, works well.Huh. Interesting. As us grandfathered Australians never got the major label stuff any way, I wonder if this will have any effect on what is available for us. Kicking out us non US/Can/UK/EU people was one of the things they did to cosy up to the…Hey, that worked greg, thanks! ;-)Ahem, I keep an exclusively Apple home. iMac plus iPhone. I've updated to the latest iTunes and iPhone OS. Nuffink!I still don't have the U2 album. I mean, I don't want it, but I still keep checking to see if its finally there!I've seen the first 5 eps of The Honourable Woman and it's really good. Based on comments by critics who've seen them all, it's holds up til the end. Maggie G is really great, I actually checked her Wikipedia to see if she was English - I'm mean…Not to be a Smug Book Reader [TM] but I was just texting with a friend about the sheer volume of stuff they have to get through in the Game of Thrones finale, even just including the stuff I'm sure will be in it based on the preview and leaks on the…The US House of Cards is a mere throwaway, sad imitation of the original, which is one of the best TV shows ever!At the New Yorker. Phil and Dave Alvin's new blues album on Yep Rock…I gather you people had some kind of holiday, and so the rest of us must suffer.The revelation of the murderer worked for me, especially since it ties into the whole theme of the show which is seeing the impersonal clash of empires through the personal struggles, compromises, messiness etc of people.Has any one mentioned "Catch the Throne", the hiphop GoT-themed mixtape HBO put out for free? I quite like it.
I think my favourite is Arya's Prayer ....
in Do we have a thread for television shows Comment by NankerP May 2014Today the part of over serious book pedant will be played by me. "Snow" is the generic surname given to all bastards in the north (ie those not entitled to their father's name). The dude who tortures Theon is also a Snow - Ramsay Snow, because he…@Cafreema The answer you seek is here…@choiceweb0pen0 He briefly mentioned Better Call Saul, most notably to say they were starting filming June 2.Breaking Bad aficionados might be interested to know I'm seeing Vince Gilligan "in conversation" tonight. It's part of the Sydney Writers Festival, although the SWF doesn;t actually start until the end of May I guess this was when they could get him…OK well, I just looked and they are back for me too. They definitely were not on the weekend because I did a bunch of searches for their artists to make sure, and nothing. Just one of those lovable eMusic experiences. CRISIS OVER STAND DOWN.Thank you bremble. Just us then, waaaaaah ;-(