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  • Kanga,

    That's what I do. I've had a rhapsody, then a napster, and now a Mog sub. Since I spend more than 10 hours a day in front of a computer, it makes a great deal of sense for me. A this time there are at least 4 $5/month streaming m…
  • I'm completely with you on Titus Andronicus. The Monitor was an album that I picked up on a whim and have been going back to every couple of weeks ever sense. It's probably going to be my pick for best of the year.
  • @kangatron: Heh! They mentioned many of the same bands I did. I did miss that, Thanks.

    @thom: So what's the thinking on the Limewire store? Decent deals? And are they completely legit these days?
  • Hmmmm, Deutsche Gramaphon you say? That would be tempting. (So would Blue Note). Ah well, at this point they'll have to work hard to win me back. I can get DG in a number of places, but maybe, with right deal....
  • Yeah, I just made my last eMu downloads too. As far as I'm concerned, its only business. They have to do what they have to to make the dollars work. However, it's been getting harder and harder to find that last 2 (out of 4) albums each month that I…
  • I second that Pharmacy of Love album, if you like Bettie. Still less than $2.50 at the moment. I've had a copy since it came out of eMu myself.