Doofy is correct, if you move an item to My Music (by clicking buy for $0.00) you can stream the whole item.
I think I can clear up some confusion about the beta site. To say the site is steaming only is technically correct but misleading. It might be helpful to describe the current state of the beta site as not yet including the shopping cart. So once you…
Got it - any topic is acceptable as long as most everyone (or at least the vocal members) are sympatico. Makes me think of the line from Graham Parker's song 'Stupefaction': "I can't see the point / But I see the attraction".
…jackedupjazz - Surely thou doth jest. People put in time and thought addressing your alleged genuine curiosity and all you got from it was yada yada yada? That seems a shame, especially since simply discussing the topic seems to have made some …These responses highlight an equally bad omen for our future. The whole "Red vs Blue" thinking. Should someone not be in complete agreement with my candidate then they must be insane. That is an environment designed to prevent any discourse.
Lash the forearm, secure the mainsail - heavy seas ahead!I'm in the camp that doesn't find much utility in music lists put out my the MSM. However, clearly many people do or they wouldn't keep publishing them.
I have purchased very little music from 2016 and no complete albums so far. So, I'm n…Wow - growing radio in the 21st century - sounds a bit like Sisyphus rolling the stone up the hill.
I'm not an expert, just a consumer (who hasn't listened to radio regularly since the 80's). I did once own a cafe that had local musicians…(Quote)
Add that feature and you will have another convertCool....I appreciate your knowledge in this area. The compilation implied that the recordings would be from much earlier than 1995<…
First, thanks very much for helping me to figure this out. Great youtube find; isn't that a great cover photo. It is differently not the same recording. Now I know, wasn't sure.
I haven't yet found a youtube from Early Modulations: Vinta…Thanks for that info. You could be correct. However, supposedly the works on the compilation were all recorded before 1968. Also the track lengths differ [8:45 vs. 8:21] but close enough that it could be the same recording. Not sure how accurate it …(Quote) As I said earlier, I haven't used the survey tool that eMu is using. However, survey tools I have used, with a survey request configured by unique links, would have only saved the last entry (usually used so people can continue to mod…I saw that someone had shared that link on eMu. I haven't used surveygizmo but I've used other survey tools. Usually when each survey request is set up with a unique id for each response (as this is) the results will only report out the last entry f…@Germanprof they did ask a question about which genres you are most likely to buy HD music. So, I suspect they are sensitive to the point you are making.@Doofy I think you are on to something with the 7digital connection. I took a quick look at their price difference for "HD":
Received a survey from eMusic. The topic was purchasing habits related to "HD music". Of course, like a lot of organizations that do customer research, they neglected to define what they mean by "HD music". I assumed they meant FLAC but based on eMu…Just saw this news item, which claims that Apple will phase out/drop music downloads in iTunes: "It's not a question of if but when Apple will phase out its online music store in favor of Apple Music". Personally I haven't purchased any music…What did you notice missing?
There are number is instruments I hadn't heard of like the Sax-tuba. Sounds like it would be interesting in a jazz piece....@Germanprof I'm with you. I was pointing back to the earlier stages. To a certain extent, you have a company named Autodesk to thank for the pure licencing model. Others had t…(Quote) I've been warning about this since the 90's. Content holders only want the revenue. The actual music, books, whatever are a pain; as far as the service providers are concerned. Google "amazon 1984" for just one other example.
(Quote) Interesting point. That does seem like a smart approach. However, for me, since I focus my purchases manly on my wish list, thus older releases, if it were not for samplers I would spend very little time with current music. Some would…I usually avoid Huffington Post items like the plague but I thought I'd check out the item you posted.
It is always tricky to attempt to reduce all of music to a handful of "genre" categories. I had a number of complaints with their selec…Found this while researching a rare Billie Holiday track. This a a film made of the first extended work by Duke Ellington. The link is to a blog post that gives you more background info. This is basically a music video made in the 30'sin The greatest YouTube clip you'll see this week. Comment by dataGuy April 2016
@Lowlife - I looked at Sonos when it first came out. I forget now what I didn't like about it, perhaps it was mainly the cost. I'll take a fresh look at it. Thanks for the tip....(Quote) I don't know what library tool you use. The one I use, MusicBee, can have playlists made up of other playlists and you can access the items randomly (they call it Auto DJ). So there…