Er, won't happen again....
And yes BT, he had a lovely party and scoffed himself a little too much on baby-cake, it was brilliantin Guvera Comment by dddanmar October 2013
I was thinking more along the lines of this, might be a bit too AussieLaaa di daaaa....*waves*
Hi all, still here...
Really sound like a broken record but there are some major things going on here, I'm finding it best at the moment to wait until things are released and confirmed before even vaguely commenting about it.
GP, Plong, I passed it on and I just noticed on our pre-release site your request was done.
How does this look? Top of the image is the site as it is now, the bottom is the new release (a few days away).
http://i.imgur.com/zXtRlPr.…Love it when things break on a Sunday.
Should be all fine again....@GP - we found what your issue was with the playlists, the fix should be live in the next few days.
@thom, I am looking into time out issues with week, it is a VERY edge case that only seems to affect a few people still (ie: you plus another 2…I remember when Shazaam first came out, I tried to hum / sing a few songs into it to see if it would find the song. It never did. I just can't sing even remotely well.
I'm trying to replicate that playlist bug GP - what browser are you n…Kargatron - all offline scrobbling, ie from the ipod or from some media player with the scrobble plugin.
I have been wanting to scrobble direct from streams on the site for years, still bring it up once a month. Maybe one day?@cafreema - intersting - I scrobble nearly all of my tracks and haven't noticed an issue myself, though I've never looked that hard, and I scrobble from a different client. I'll bring it up.
And yes, last week two major things were turne…Huzzah for milestones!
Everyone in the next 24 hours will get that ad once to use.
{edit} think its more like 22 hours at this pointAnd it's back...There are problems with one of the providers this morning, they are in the process of fixing the issue at the moment.
Unfortunately I am unable to throw the maintenance message up, it just looks dead in the meantime.
Not too much l…There are always rules to how often you can get credits on ads, a whole heap of equations in the back end.
While a lot of ads are daily, some work off those equations. If you can find a way to get the credits to work, then you are meant to be…I get the exact same response you do when I log in via the US. From what I can see the items should be available.
I've passed it on to one of the developers, he is actually taking a look now as they are making some changes for search in the ne…Back up again, bit of emergency database repairs, nothing was lost.
GP: I will take a look - however the prime example is the Foo Fighters I mentioned earlier - here in Australia I can see only Skin and Bones in my searches, though as Mu…15 minute site outage....Work sadly ;) The boy is as peaceful as he always has been.
The outages from the weekend were all unplanned - the normal process of updating the catalogue does not affect your ability to continue using the site.
We have no ma…I vaguely remember what sleep was like... it's that time you can close your eyes and relax right?
So long ago, just don't remember the finer details...
re: media not found, pushed them back to the content team, will wait for the ou…Site is back up again. Been up all night resolving this issue, even spent some time sleeping on my desk.
This was not something I was able to put a maintenance banner up about, the problem existed before that point in the process.
…Nothing to report on yet GP, sorry, other items are still taking priority but the work is still happening in the background.
For those interested in Mobile, http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=379258938837815 -- #1 in the Aus Music se…@anose - a bit of a problem happened with creating a new playlist with a new track, it is being fixed and released in the next few hours.
Again, a few small fixes to come today as well.Hi all,
Small software update today, to fix a few small bugs (nothing mentioned here so far).
Back at work, hope you are all prepared for 2013!I'm still on holidays ;) Everyone else is back in the office - the new tracks are all coming up on the front page and you'll see artists from every major label now too, huzzah!
The failed tracks are still being recorded, anything coming …GP - I think what is going on there is one of track from that album is available over here in AU. It shows in your search results, but when you click there are no US records.
I think... I'll email that on anyway.
What we did yest…Ok, well we have released what we think should fix up everything, and are about to go for a walk to the shops to get some sunshine.
Search suggest should be fine, the timeouts should disappear etc.
I'll be checking like a hawk for the ne…Doofy called it - we have actually been working for the last few days getting a few major things fixed.
A few sleepless nights and waking up to alerts of problems, not a baby. All a part of working online ;).
GP - we are working o…