Merry non-denominational day of glad tidings, joy and good will ... all my friends here at emusers and to all my enemies too (although as far as I can tell I haven't made any enemies here yet). But if I have made any enemies then this greeting goes double for you.
So believe no lies and dry your eyes
So believe no lies and dry your eyes
Santa Chas
JUJ, 68, and all you other eMusers, wishing you a merry and blessed Christmas. It doesn't matter whether or not you celebrate it, or how you celebrate it, the wish for all good things is a heartfelt one.
At least this year I've got a computer and an internet connection to while away the hours until sunrise... And there's also Graeme, my new cat, who's been looking awfully interested in the taser HEY PUT THAT THING DOWN YOU BAD BO98&(*^TGOYGWLUFO))*_(}8y0-9u
Since we do Christmas on Christmas eve, I can now relax with a random selection of alcoholic beverages and mountains of left-over food.
The three day cooking marathon is over, all non-residents have been banished from the house, I'm wearing my brand new pj's, the phone is off, music is up and the toughest decision we'll be making today is whether to make some bubble-and-squeak first or go straight for the chocolates.
Heck, it's even snowy outside! Maybe life's not so bad after all...
Soon we'll see what Santa brought, and then head over to my parents for a big Christmas meal.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
I'm waiting for my son to get up, so we can have brunch and open prezzies.
Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word
Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day.
The thread title indicates all are welcome to celebrate a festive day, and you can choose your own reason for it.
I am not being anti Christmas but I always thought it was kind of self defeating to have a day of joy for everyone but only so long as you bow down to our God. So bow or not Happy holidays.
Anyhoo, I am "sick as a dog" but I have taken a powerful cocktail of various over the counter meds to hold me together while I drive a couple of hours to consume some holiday vittles.
Wish me luck
I guess its on to the next hill.
68 you may have a future as a holy man, just make sure you keep your paws out of the collection plate.
For the record my Mom invited those able to come on down for the 25th anyway and we ate our fill of breakfast meats. The big problem with marrying into a Jewish family is that their genes tend to dictate a lifestyle that shies away from pan-fried, salted goodness. Brunch with my folks means a few pounds of bacon, sausage, and scrapple to go along with the ham and cheese omelet.
And thus I hope you all had a merry Saturday as I and my kin had.
Just got back last night from the long holiday weekend. A couple nights in Louisville, then over to the Lexington clan's house for two days, now back to our home in Middle of Nowhere, KY. My wife is very sick, a temperature and all the goodness that implies. Apparently it was going around in Louisville; my brother-in-law also got nailed by it.
I, hopefully, will not get it. If I do, I will do whatever I can to obtain some cough syrup with codeine. I just got over a very bad cold, the worst my wife has seen me sick, just last week, and I have no intention of going through all that misery again with over-the-counters, even if that means biting the bullet and seeing a doctor (I have no insurance). Preferably, I would just as soon not get the cold at all.
We live in hope.
to re-cap, baby jesus, please do the interventionist thing and keep god's right hand (the one you sit closest to) in check and if he gets pissy about him being the one who controls every last infinitesimal tick of the big clock, just turn the other cheek and then where will THAT leave him!!!
Personally, I am having computer issues. I might go nuclear soon, just restore Windows.