Help Me Out by quickly listening to a song



  • Cool. Thanks.
  • edited June 2012
    Can somebody go to my site and see if the bandcamp player for Barber's Snow Road will play for them? I just installed an adblocker and I'm not sure if it's fucking with bandcamp or if there's something wrong with the bandcamp site (other bandcamp pages don't work for me either).

  • Not playing in either Chrome or IE
  • Huh. So are any bandcamp pages working for anyone? It would make my day if I don't have to disable this ad blocker, that it's actually just a coincidental problem related just to bandcamp.

    My embedded youtube and soundclouds are working, so maybe it's not just me.
  • P.S. Thanks, Doofy.
  • Doesn't work in Opera.
  • Thanks, BT.

    Just got a reply from bandcamp tech support. They're aware of the problem and fixing it now. Sounds like a resolution should be very near.

  • Nothing to listen to, just visit my site, but please do it through a search engine.

    AllAboutJazz is having some problems, and as a result of my linking heavily to their site, I'm getting a warning message when I try to click on my site link through Google Chrome on a Windows computer. IE and Safari both seem okay on a Windows computer. Firefox on my Mac had no problems. Kinda curious if there's anyone else getting an error message, and whether the only time this comes up is via Chrome.

    There is nothing wrong with my site, but I'm guilty by association apparently. If AAJ doesn't sort it out soon, I'm going to disable every AAJ link on my site.
  • edited September 2012
    I get a malware warning when going to via google. And a different warning for AAJ. Chrome on Windows.
    ETA: No problems in firefox.

    I've sometimes found Chrome a little oversensitive on other sites that I know to be not harmful.
  • Thanks, GP.

    I was able to spend a little more time at work testing different search engines, and my wife did some testing on it herself on her iPad. It does seem to be a Chrome thing, and only on Windows at that.

    I wasn't aware of Chrome' sensitivity that way. Thanks for telling me that.
  • edited October 2012
    Would somebody please make a comment on my blog, whichever is the first post you see. I added an extra spam-bot plug-in, and I want to be sure it's working.

    It has to be someone who hasn't commented on my site before. I think the plug-in ignores you if I've already approved you for posting a comment previously.

    Specifically I'm looking to see if it asks you a question as part of the comment process.

  • I think birdistheworm working. I got a captcha and a question.
  • It seems to work . . .
    - But your link in the post does not.
  • Awesome! I see your post. Thanks!

    That captcha was becoming seriously worthless by itself. On AllAboutJazz, our spam hits have decreased a bunch since we added a question hurdle on the forum. Figured I'd try it on my own site, too.

  • Confounded, though, that a spammer has already made it through. Either it's a person, and not a spambot, or that the spambots are smart enough to simply enter every word of the title into the question box... sort of how people who steal debit cards automatically try 1-2-3-4 as the password.
  • - Welcome !

    BTW, I meant the Wow. (downloading "as we speak")
  • That Seven Miles East album is really good. One of my jazz picks a couple months back. Free track over at the AAJ site, btw.
  • Could somebody who hasn't commented on my BitW site go over there and try? Actually, here's what I specifically need...

    I'm concerned that my anti-spambot question isn't working correctly. But because the system recognizes my IP, the question doesn't show up. If somebody "new" could just go to this post...

    ... and tell me what question the comment moderation system is asking you, that would be awesome. You don't actually have to post a comment.

    I've gotten hit pretty hard the last couple days, and my Settings for this plug-in aren't displaying what I expect them to display. I'm not sure if that's just a function of the format or if it indicates something is wrong with the plugin.

  • What does \"o na i p\" spell forwards? (ignore the spaces) (Required)
    - sounds like gibberish to me . . .
  • It say:
    Error: Please fill in the correct answer to the question.

    I think I answered correctly.
  • I got the same thing as bremble, and am also pretty sure I answered correctly.

  • BN's looks like the old one... if you spell the word forwards, you get 'piano'.

    The current one should look something like this... "x a s", which would be 'sax' spelled forwards.

  • edited December 2012
    Okay, I modified it again. I think maybe it wasn't liking some of the punctuation I was putting in.

    Look again.

    Also, none of the above attempts to comment appear to have gone through.

    Thanks for everybody's help thus far.
  • It went through with sax, even though it still prompted me for piano. After it went through it asked for X A S. Maybe I was too fast fer ya.
  • @bremble

    There may have been a lag between my update and your comment.

    Also, the fact that is asked for piano but accepted sax actually bolsters my belief that what I was seeing in the admin screen reflected the same confusion that commentors were seeing.

    Hopefully, now, people see the X A S thing.
  • Now seeing "What does X A S spell forwards, ignoring the spaces?"
  • Also:
    What does X A S spell forwards, ignoring the spaces? (Required)
  • Awesome. Thanks everyone. And Bremble, I do see your comment now.

    Cheers everyone.
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