What are you thankful for in music?

edited November 2011 in Diversions
Thursday is Thanksgiving in the U.S., and I thought it would be fun to find out what the folks here are thankful for. As I know we are all thankful for our families and health, however, I decided to make it specific to the world of music. If there are a few responses I may even compile them into a musicisgood.org post for Thursday. So, what are you thankful for? I'll start:

I'm thankful for the Wierd Records label that I've explored deeply this year. I love that there are folks out there who are still exploring analog sounds and that there is a label home for them.



  • I'm thankful for all musicians playing great music. I'm also thnkful for my father, still playing his saxophone most days at nearly 91, for enabling me to develop my love for music
  • I'm thankful for Joe Strummer and for The Clash!
  • HD-28_f.jpg

    The C. F. Martin Guitar company for making this guitar, which I do not spend enough time with.
  • audacity-windows.png

    Audacity, which has let me transcribe hundreds of tunes. It has not only helped me learn music, it has helped me share music.
  • I'm thankful for all of those artists whose work, however commercial or otherwise it might be, whispers to me that they really, really cared about the music itself and in doing so helps me to care about it. I'm thankful for people who used sound to say something true and honor the richness of the world.
  • I'm thankful for opera which in spite of my parents' worst excesses/maybe because of my parents' excesses I still am able to enjoy. I am thankful for the blues which listening to and playing has helped keep me sane, well, relatively.
  • MrVMrV
    edited November 2011
    I am thankful that music has enriched my life for many, many years by putting art into my everyday life at one level or another. I am always amazed that music I listened to over fifty years ago can still captivate me, not all things mind you, but a fairly significant amount.
  • edited November 2011
    There's a quote somewhere, which I can't find, so I'll have to explain & paraphrase. I don't know if they still do it, but American Presidents used to have an official pen pal, someone they would write to and would write back and it was always a nice feel good story. Ronald Reagan had an inner city child (IIRC), and the child was talking about how he loved to read. Reagan commented that it was a good thing, and said something to the effect of, "If you have a book, you're never truly alone."

    That's how I feel about music, and why I'm thankful for it.

    At awful times in my life, it made the air easier to breathe and the passing of time less excruciating. At momentously wonderful times in my life, it has helped synthesize my emotions into expressions of celebration and joy. And in those mundane times in between, putting in an old favorite album or discovering a brand new favorite one, it elevates the moment and makes it feel like an affirmation of why it's so good to be alive.
  • I'm thankful to have a place to go to read about music, and talk about music, where other people are as much or more music nerds than I am, because I never met anybody as hooked on listening as me in the real 3D world.

  • I agree amclark!!
  • edited November 2011
    Me too. The number of times I visit here is evidence of the personal value of these conversations (as well as of procrastination on other tasks...).
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