Wish List

edited April 2012 in General
Since we all go to lots of music sites and keep track of sales and such, it seemed like maybe we should have a thread that allows us to make each other aware of music that we really really want and maybe others could keep an eye out for. It should only be one post per person which gets edited & updated as things change, and perhaps limit the wish list to five items max.

I think if we keep the thread short and simple, then it won't become burdensome to remember those albums that are fellow forum members are looking for.

I'll start...


  • edited April 2012
    The five albums that I would like to find on sale (or cheap):

    1. Dick de Graaf - "Polder" (mp3 or cd)
    2. Andy Summers - "Mysterious Barricades" (mp3 or cd)
    3. Ron Miles - "Laughing Barrel" (mp3 or cd)
    4. Keith Jarrett - "Mysteries: The Impulse Years 1975-1976" (box set, cd only)
    5. John Zorn - Any sale on Tzadik label stuff.

    Okay, I had four. But I figure this gives a good idea of the structure I'm proposing. If I buy one or decide to put something else up on the list, I'll simply edit this post.

    Also, it's a been several months since I checked on any of these titles, so I really need to search some of these titles down myself asap.


    EDIT: Okay, I just added my number five.
  • edited May 2012
    Good idea jonah. Should we list our birthdays too? :)

    My list at this point is just a couple albums that aren't available digitally (at least that I've ever seen).

    1. De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising
    2. Josef K - The Only Fun in Town
    3. V/A - No New York

    I'll try and think of some more to add.

  • edited April 2012
    Jonah - Amazon UK has the Jarrett set on CD but quite expensive - see here

    If you find you can get something here, but not in the States, let me know as I am sure we can work something out

    Update - The first three are also available over here at Amazon
  • Craig - I've also checked your two on Amazon UK. Both only available as CDs but 3 tracks from the Josef K are available as mp3s (singles?)
  • edited April 2012
    Great idea. Not sure where to begin, but I will start with this:

    1) Anything by the Prazak Quartet. I have three albums by them that I love, like Janacek and Mozart, but especially these Beethoven Quartets
  • Rather than a wish list, I actually need a tape loop in my ear continuously asking me, "Are you sure you don't have enough music already?" That way, when I overcome the resistance, I know it's something I really want!

    But srsly, with the combination of the Internet plus a little financial breathing room, I quite some time ago got all or most of the albums I "always wanted." Kind of for the first time in my life am I keeping track of and buying new music of interest when it first comes out.
  • @Doofy, I'm noticing the same shift. Until relatively recently I was still using emusic a lot to catch up in various areas. I'm pretty caught up now and so far this year have been fairly focused on new stuff.

    1. Re wishlist, if anyone notices a copy of Sart by Pjusk for sale on CD at a reasonable price I might be interested. (Discogs has one copy for sale in Finland but the seller wants a EURO bank transfer from within the EU. That's the only copy I've found on sale at the moment. It's OOP). I already have it as MP3, so this is just because I love the album, so I'll not be looking to spend too much.
  • @Jonah: any interest in Zorn's Music Romance vol1: Music for Children and Music Romance vol.2: Taboo and Exile? (I also may still have Mysterious Barricades.)
  • @BT

    If you have Mysterious Barricades on cd and don't want it, I bet we can find something on my shelf for a trade.

    I don't care if it's total new age music, I fell in love with Mysterious Barricades on a snowy Denver weekend and the affair never ended, even when the cassette did.
  • edited April 2012
    P.S. Have to look into the Zorn albums. I had a solid list of Zorn I wanted, need to flip through some spiral notebooks to find it. Remember going through a LaLa free listening binge to make my buying plan.
  • Problem with free listening binges: a few months back I had a free listening binge to cull my emusic SFL down to a core of stuff I wanted. Now, months later, I am at a point where I probably need to listen to them all again because I'm not sure I feel the same way about them.
  • I'm in total agreement with you Doofy - I've got so much recent music I find it difficult to keep up with it all. I'm going to stick with free downloads and a few choice items from Amazon to help reduce the problem for the next few months.

    If anyone finds they can get items off their list in the UK let me know, as I am sure I can help. At the moment I can't think of anything to put on my list, but I am sure some will come up!
  • @jonah: I haven't yet found Mysterious Barricades, but are you interested in Charming Snakes?
  • No, Charming Snakes was, for me, a disappointment from that era. He got away from his ambient touch, started trying to rock out with the same type of crew. Cheesy. I think Mysterious Barricades and The Golden Wire are the only two from that period I really like (or at least, like well enough to try to track down).

    But thanks for thinking of me. That was very nice.


    EDIT: They are selling a new copy of the cassette for Charming Snakes on Amazon for fifty bucks.
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