Happy Birthday ! . . .



  • Congratulations lad !
    I bet you are looking forward to become an adult in four years time . . .
  • Congrats kargatron!
  • Happy Birthday, GP! I will refrain from singing in case the copyright ends up being ruled valid.

  • Ditto GP, have a good day!!
  • Thank you! Unusual birthday this year because my son is getting married next weekend, and for that reason relatives from England are flying in, so my mother arrived last night. Unusually large family visit to our favorite Thai restaurant ahead tonight...

    We're doing gifts later...hoping for some music :-)
  • Wow, have fun, GP!

    Also, as a drone fan you need to check out the performance I heard from Low this weekend (obviously with all you have going on that may not happen for awhile):

    Low drones for 30 minutes.

  • r73d6h.jpg
    My family are good at navigating wishlists :-). A bunch of stuff here that I already had as MP3 but wanted the CD. The Peterson CD (Night Train) is, it turns out, not noticeably better on CD. The Lloyd sounds magnificent. (And the Frahm version I had was pretty LoFi, so a definite upgrade there).
  • Happy Birthday GP
  • Hope the weekend goes well GP. Best Wishes to the Happy Couple!
  • amclark2 is over the hill!

    Happy Birthday, good sir!

  • Happy Birthday, may you get some pressies you like.
  • edited October 2013
    - And may your wishes come true . . .
  • Happy birthday!
  • Happy Birthday. Nice balloon. Nigel Tufnel: It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.
  • edited November 2013
    Soundcloud 5 years today

    It seems to me that it has been there forever and makes me think about how fast this digital music distribution is and has been going.
  • edited December 2013
    70 years today:
    - Happy birthday Keith !
  • He hasn't age a...

  • The Danish drummer of Metallica, Lars Ulrich is 50 years today.

    BTW: Lars is the son of the former top tennis player, writer, musician and buddhist Torben Ulrich.
  • edited February 2014
    Well, not a birthday but an anniversary. . .

    - Ten years ago today.
  • edited May 2014

    100 years ago today, Sun Ra arrived from Saturn.

  • edited September 2014
    33 years today.
    - I can't think of a more befitting way to celebrate than:

    On the occasion of her 30th birthday, we pass on a Bon Anniversaire to Beyonce Knowles, and wish her all the best of luck and happiness. Let's raise a glass to the next 30 years of soulful R & B.

    By way of wishing her happy birthday, we take lines for a walk around "Survivor", "Independent Woman", "Crazy in Love" and "Single Ladies"."

    - Happy birthday from me too . . .
  • tumblr_nautvzKc8p1szhqh3o1_500.gif
    The King would have turned 80 today. . .
  • It's also David Bowie's birthday today.

  • edited March 2015
    Better late than never.

    Danish Jazz jazz violinist Svend Asmussen - 99 years, Feb. 28.

    Up until recently he was still occationally playing live and in 2013 he was visiting Maribo Jazz Festival (8 km. from where I live), but only as a visitor.

    - I hope I will be able to post another birthday greeting in a year's time . . .

  • Billy Holiday would have turned 100 today.
  • Happy birthday David !

    David Bowie - Lazarus

    - The thin white Duke turns 69 today.
  • edited February 2016
    The danish jazz (swing) legend Svend Asmussen turns 100 today !

    Happy birthday !

    Svend Asmussen Quartet

    Ed Thigpen, Niels Henning Ørsted  Pedersen and Kenny Drew
    - A brilliant and sparkling live recording from 1986.

    - Another brilliant example of Svend's extraordinary talent:

    Toots Thielemans och Svend - Hambo Om Bakfoten a.o.

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