That album cover - Ben Allen Jenks

edited January 2014 in General
I saw a couple comments about the weirdness of the album cover for Ben Allen Jenks - "Thinking of You."

Unless I overlooked it, I don't see that anybody has commented that it's an image from a scene in the Royal Tenenbaums...


... in which what's-his-name has a meltdown during a match because he's just found out that the love of his life is engaged to someone else (or something like that; can't remember for sure). But the title "Thinking of You," in this instance, is apropos.



  • Interesting - that does give it some sense. Still doesn't make me think "interesting jazz," though.
  • Hm. Would have taken me a while to put that together. I was vaguely wondering if it was John McEnroe.

    Now if he had used an image from Moonrise Kingdom, I might have gotten it!

  • Nice find. I loved that movie, but it never even occurred to me.
  • Nice find. I loved that movie, but it never even occurred to me.

    It's one of those things, I believe, that if it doesn't occur to you right away, your memory won't suss it out later, either. Some things are like that. Like hearing a familiar melody... if you don't nail it right from the start, you''l be up all night long, in futility, trying to remember it.
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