My sister-in-law and family are moving to Rock City today, which (a) makes us happy because we will see them more and (b) reminds me of this fine album.
New release, very, very, nice. Recommended for a listen - link is to bandcamp stream. My head is making comparisons to late Talk Talk and maybe Slowdive.
Thanks to the kind folk at Emu for the £10 booster and a reminder that there's a hell of a lot of Intakt Records available. Once copt a lift in the official festival people carrier at Victoriaville thanks to Sylvie Courvoisier...
Emboldened by courtesy credits and booster sales I just bought a bunch of albums that were not on my SFL. Which reminded me again that that is actually way more fun than compiling lists, sifting them on spotify, and buying the album two months later when I am already partially over my initial interest. The latter approach may net more keepers, but it's fun to go into the rest of the day with a few albums I have high hopes for but have not heard at all. This is what made emusic fun for me in the first place.
And who would not want to own an album with the above cover art?
Peter Christopherson
Drew McDowall
Thank you emusic, a quarter of my £10 bonus!
Not all of it, but the samples from each track on Google Play!
This week's free weekend download from Projekt