Dot Tape Dot - "Tomavistas: Selected Rarities 2002-2007"

edited December 2009 in Ambient

Dot Tape Dot - "Tomavistas: Selected Rarities 2002-2007"

A one man crew who plays acoustic guitar to electronic effects. Apparently most of his music was originally made available through the mix-tapes underground-ish market, so even though this a "collection" of songs, he's never released a proper album; I guess what I'm saying is that this being a rarities album shouldn't deter you. An odd and peaceful sound. Imagine Califone making an instrumental electronica album of lullabies.
Here's his myspace...

And here's the eMusic page...


  • Reminds me a bit of Bibio, which is a good thing. Definitely going to grab this when I refresh.
  • Hey! Happy surprise for me. I just noticed that Dot Tape Dot have two albums available on Amie St. for two bucks each. The proper search value is ".Tape.", which is why I hadn't found them before, since I always entered two 'dots' instead of the symbol.
    Neither album is up to the standard set by Tomavistas, and the second of the two, "Repainted", are other bands remixing dot tape dot songs from the "Painted" album. But for two bucks (which is like, what, 1.25 in Amie dollars?) each, well worth it.

    Here's the Amie page...
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