eMusic: Anti- is coming, but who else is getting onboard?

edited January 2010 in General
So, we've all guessed that Anti- is coming back to eMusic sometime this month, but that 17dots blog (http://17dots.com/2010/01/06/coming-soon-2/) is hinting at some other labels jumping onboard too.

The NY Post article indicated that two of the other three major labels were thinking about it. Anyone have any guesses about who could be on eMusic in the next few weeks (apparently, by the 15th).


  • I sure hope it's Warner Bros, so that Sub Pop can tag along. Beyond that I'm clueless. I'm sure glad I refresh on Jan 13th though!

  • I'm excited about Anti, even if I already have the Neko Case,but if Sub Pop returns, it will be awesome.
  • Down to my last 90. Guess I'll hold off until the 15th. Hopefully the distributor is the same for ANTI since there's one or two albums I lost from them. (Yeah, I know that's wishful thinking)
  • The .jpg that appears with this note on 17dots is of Pandora opening 'the box', right? I sure hope that isn't an indication of what will transpire upon the arrival of these new labels.
  • edited January 2010

    John William Waterhouse, Pandora, 1896. (and no I didn't know that off the top of my head.)
  • Every album on eMu will cost 12 credits and each credit will cost 88 cents, but Joe will close the lid in time to prevent.....
  • ... ECM from becoming available in the US?
  • The .jpg that appears with this note on 17dots is of Pandora opening 'the box', right? I sure hope that isn't an indication of what will transpire upon the arrival of these new labels.

    You're anti-Pandora? What is your concern?
  • Bring back Anti! Bring back Anti!
    That's good news!

    Sub Pop would be another of my picks, also Ultra Records.
  • Presumably when Pandora's box gets opened, there'll be one big "Ooops" message.

    (Except in Europe)
  • I hadn't realized Pandora was such a babe. Anyway, I have another "please come back for 75 freebies" on my alt-account, so I will wait a week or so and see what the Anti brings.
  • I've gotten that 75 free "please come back" offer every month since I quit in September. I just got another one for January, so I'll keep an eye on these developments.
    You're anti-Pandora? What is your concern?

    I'm guessing that was a reference to the myth of Pandora and what happened when she opened the box, not to Pandora Radio.
  • I used my 75 freebie offer (had to re-up for a month to use it, I think), used all my credits, then cancelled. They immediately threw a "stay for one more month free" offer at me, so that was 145 credits for the price of 35. No complaining here.
  • I was wondering if perhaps it was an allusion to Pandora Radio. There have been rumors that eMu would add a streaming component after all. The problem with that line of thinking, though, is that I don't think saving credits would have anything to do with it.

  • Oh no, it isn't streaming (not with the way they're teasing it).

    My -- shockingly obvious -- guess, given what was in the NYPost article: New major label(s).
  • Well Joe confirms on 17dots that my wondering is indeed wrong.

    Hi Joe!

  • lol.

    My dream scenario: Two major labels arrive simultaneously! (And no price-hike!)

    Hi Joe.
  • I figured Joe read eMusers and ILX (like Yancey did, I believe).
  • ILX?

    Hey Joe.
  • I agree. ILX?

  • I'm guessing that ILX is the I Love Music message board. I checked it out a couple years ago and forgot about it. Will have to check it out again.
  • Yeah. ILX is a rapid-fire serve-and-volley of exchanges between music reviewers and obsessives. It's fast-paced (facilitated by the simple page formats), has high levels of participation, and features some very sharp and witty writing. OTOH, it's a way more harsh and brusing environment than, say, the eMusic Message Boards. (n.1)

    (n.1) Earlier today, the fellow named Raymond (RG23) said that the eMusic Message Boards were the most unpleasent and harsh boards he'd ever encountered. Knowing how ILX operates, Raymond's comment made me lol.
  • edited January 2010
    Universal? Link.


    Edit: Apparently my Def Jam = Universal idea is a no go, but the post is indeed a hint.
  • edited January 2010
    The hint isn't about the label(s), but of the date. It is 1-12. We'll find out tomorrow.
  • All this speculation, this is almost turning into a LOST forum. lol
  • Anyone else think Locke will turn out to be Wanderer?
  • Amie street is down for "database management" - is it a merger? emiestreet.lost?
  • Edit: Apparently my Def Jam = Universal idea is a no go, but the post is indeed a hint.

    If you assume Def Jam would have to (or would be likely to) come on board with Universal, and Def Jam isn't coming, then maybe it means the major(s) isn't Universal.
  • Possible. Also possible though that Joe was just saying the hint wasn't meant to equal Def Jam and wasn't addressing the overall question.

    I'm guessing you're right and it means it's not Universal, though. Which I like, because as previously noted I want Warner/Sub Pop.

  • Best news would be if the NYPost article is right, and two new majors simultaneously appeared.

    Dare to dream.
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