We have our first spammer!!!

edited July 2010 in General
What does it mean, however, that our first spammer's subject doesn't involve naughty pictures, mail-order pharms, or overseas investment opportunities? I mean, golf? Really? Does the few people that hang out on this board even play golf? Not me. How lame. I want some opiates for a marathon porn sessions while I wait for my Nigerian check to arrive any day now.

By the way, for the mods, there's two threads.

EDIT: Sorry, make that three threads. And the spammer's inventive name is something like servers9.


  • Is it really about golf though? I thought maybe it was a veiled description for something else... But I wouldn't even touch those links with servers9's club. How did a spammer get in here anyway?
  • edited July 2010
    I didn't follow the link, but I googled the url. It does appear to be a site that sells golf clubs. Based on some investigations by members of a golf forum, they seem to be selling golf clubs, but the suspicion is that the UK address is bullshit and it's actually a Chinese company selling imitation brand-name clubs. There's also some weirdness about import/export taxes that didn't sufficiently capture my interest to continue reading. And, of course, for all we know, the golf site has been hijacked and now sells stuff that falls closer to the double entendre category you were thinking.

    So, anybody catch the British Open?
  • Judging from my brother-in-law golf is a gateway activity towards expensive and odd hobbies that involve sweater vests and brightly colored pants.
  • I'm bummed. I was really looking forward to how the Shaft recs thread would go. Lots of great funky soul and r&b from the 70s out there. Anyone else dig Betty Davis?
  • Betty Davis is awesome.
  • Yeah, Betty Davis was some of the last stuff I got from emusic before I unsubscribed.
    I deleted one of those spam threads that had zero replies. The other ones have wonderful pearls from emusers and can stay, as far as I'm concerned.
  • That's funny, because Betty Davis was in my last haul from eMu, too. I really wanted to grab They Say I'm Different because of the awesome cover, but ended up being drawn into the samples from her S/T debut instead. And to be fair, she looks damn sexy in those short shorts and knee high boots!

    For now I've got Isaac spinning and wondering when I will stop instinctively thinking of Portishead every time "Walk On By" starts grooving.
  • I got her debut, as well.
  • Listened again this morning. If you like funk, you NEED this record...
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