Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • And since prices never decrease....I think they (and some others in the music DL biz) are desperately hoping for iTunes to get off the 0.99 price point. (Which they already are, for many songs.)
  • Wait, could someone go back to the other board for clarification (I can't log in at the moment). I believe Cathy wrote that the 89 cent pricepoint was only for new additions to catalog. I would expect from her comments that they should at least go down to 79 cents.
  • I included that in the original question - looks as if the answer applies to all price points.
  • And starting recently is a small sale on My Morning Jacket's back catalog for $3.99. For a minute I thought it included the new album, which would have been a nice scoop for eMusic, but no such luck.
  • edited June 2011
    TBH, I don't remember Cathy Nevins or anyone else saying that prices would ever actually go down after any specific or pre-arranged period of time. (Admittedly, I didn't read every single thread though, even then.) I found this post from the "New Payment System Paves the Way" thread, which refers to album pricing, and while it's clearly deceptive, it's not too out of line with what has actually happened in the intervening 8 months.

    That thread also contains her first (and, I believe, only) mention of eMu's incredibly stupid and self-destructive policy of demanding that members buy "booster packs" to complete albums when there isn't enough money left in the monthly subscription allotment to buy the whole thing. It's almost as if they're worried that making more money would be bad because it would make their revenue stream less "predictable," or some such crazy thing.
  • a small sale on My Morning Jacket's back catalog for $3.99
    from $3.99, to clarify.
  • edited June 2011
    @ScissorMan - right, that's what I recalled. The ambiguity regarded whether "albums released more than 12 months ago" meant (1) albums that have been on the site for more than 12 months from today, where today is an arbitrary value or (2) albums that were a year old at the time of the pricing change. It gave me the impression of the former, at the time. Now it seems to mean the latter.
    I have to say that in my preferred genres we've actually done fairly well based on Cathy's prediction - I have not seen all that many $7.50 albums.
  • MMJ's new one is $5 on Amazon.
  • Thanks for posting the question about the pricing. It does appear that most new tracks will be .79 (or higher) and never go down no matter how much time passes.

    I'm still baffled at how emusic has turned this one-time thrilled customer into someone who now finds emu a forgettable service. Amazing how quickly they alienated me.
  • Well, it isn't so amazing in my case, when you consider all the times they tried to have me assassinated by the shadowy international CIA/Russian-Mob/Goldman-Sachs consortium. Luckily for me, they kept trying to do it over the web, which just resulted in a bunch of "Oops!" pages.

    If it had been iTunes or Newegg, I'd be toast!
  • I quit my trial offer month (.99 for 16.99) less than a week ago and have already been given another offer to rejoin (same deal). I love it.
  • Just got my monthly offer which was also upped to $16.99 for my $0.99. That is much better than the $12.99 I was getting because it allows me to really look at the new stuff and still get 2 albums. Of course when looking I saw that the new David Bazan actually has $0.49 tracks so I'll be able to get 3 albums for my $16.99. Thanks eMu!

  • I decided to go for another month. New account, so it cost me $15.99 to get $36.99 in credit. Figured that was worth it (essentially a 57% discount). Now the question is do I cancel immediately once I'm finished, or do I stick it out a second month to see if that starts getting me the 99 cent offers?
  • That's a tough one, thom. I haven't the slightest clue why you aren't getting them already so I can't even hazard a guess at whether you would need to stay an extra month.

    Would that second month be $15.99 for $16.99?

  • Yeah, a whole dollar as a bonus! They are too generous...
  • I don't know that I could do it then. That would just tick me off too much.

  • I've blown off the rejoin offers at $0.99 for $11.99, but after reading this thread I checked my latest offer, which showed up a couple of days ago, and saw it was actually $0.99 for $16.99. I did jump on that one, though I have no plan to stay once I spend that credit. Should take me at least an hour or two.
  • You know, if MTraks keeps improving it is becoming a more plausible contender for my attention. Just went to emusic and was annoyed afresh that the new Jonas Reinhardt is $6.99/79 cents a track - that's the main reason I don't have it already. (I can kind of understand that for major label fare, but this is on Not Not Fun). So I checked MTraks again, and they just got it in at 9 credits, which even on the most expensive per credit subscription is less than $3 (33 cents per). And this is the second time this summer that MTraks has had enough titles I want to make it work paying for a one-off month again. Last time before that was about 5 months ago. It's starting to get worth checking there to see if they have certain things (I reckon they tend to have about 5% of things that I put on my SFL at emusic).

    I've started a separate SFL for MTraks, and am going to get a month there whenever it accumulates enough things I really want that are cheaper there, then sign out again. Their system makes it really easy to hop in and out of a subscription. That will help eke out my emu credit as well.
  • I am going to lose it if somebody doesn't get on this thread...


    ...and shout, "It is INEXCUSABLE that emusic won't give me a receipt for my monies!"

    I'm actually considering rejoining emu just so I can post.
  • Done. Your bill is in the mail. I will give you a receipt for your monies.
  • Probably you only get a receipt if you KEEP MONIES IN AN ACCOUNT. It is actually the case that iTunes and Amazon send you a receipt for every damn download, even freebies.
  • Probably you only get a receipt if you KEEP MONIES IN AN ACCOUNT. It is actually the case that iTunes and Amazon send you a receipt for every damn download, even freebies.

    LOL, now I want that TOO! Oh god, the hilarity will never end for me for this. I don't know what it is, but I cannot stop laughing at this. It's like what three, four months old? Oh my god. Too funny.
  • edited June 2011
    Completely forgot about how my monies were being kept in an account! Haha!
    BTW, Daniel Esq has apparently been taken over by a pod person who does not use caps, ever...if u know what i mean
  • I saw the original post and thought his issue was the same as mine - wanting a list of everything downloaded each month. That one really bugs me. Why do they refuse to give people access to their real download history? I'm cool with my monies...
  • edited June 2011
  • "this beta history" Hmpf. Never noticed that before. I like what I see, but there is a a lot missing, labels which have departed the eMu fold. It is also embarrassing how many tracks I have downloaded, although Circuit City was the cause of most of that....
  • That's fascinating! Nearly a quarter of all my tracks are from emusic, and that doesn't include those labels no longer on emusic. One or two things I have downloaded seem to have gone adrift. Of course I can no longer re-download freely. It also shows how my musical interests have changed and developed since beinbg with emusic - that is a definite positive.
  • One presumes that beta will (soon?) evolve into the eMusic "digital locker," which it is hoped will provide some sort of re-DL capability. Won't it? Surely it must, now that iTunes and Amazon clouds do. If not, it will be proof that eMu is the music industry's red-headed stepchild.
  • Good point Doofy - whilst I get the impression that the majors have not outright agreed to Amazon's cloud, I also get the impression that Apple do have them on board. So one hopes that emusic wil follow?
  • They have no choice but to be on board with Apple and only a slight choice with Amazon. They know they can bully eMu, though.

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