Deep Cover

edited November 2010 in Diversions
Posted this about 10 days ago over on eMu but it's gotten lost in the fetid swamp of bitterness, rage, and Wandering...
Round about this time of year a Nereffid's thoughts turn to Thanksgiving, specifically the annual mix of cover versions designed to amaze, amuse, and horrify the assembled guests.
As I say in the post, I'm not looking for "good cover versions" as such. The primary rule is that the song undergo a genre switch; the aim is to make the unsuspecting listener go "heh", "hah!", or "huh?". Or, in the case of the Wing tracks suggested by brighternow, "Aaagh! Make it stop!"

Of course, this sort of escapade is what the old eMusic was great for, and fortunately still is for me. If I had to pay 49 cents for each track I download, well...


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