Mrs Davis. I haven't finished the first season yet and I don't fully understand what's going on, but I don't care because it's always a ridiculously funny and enjoyable romp.
The only frustrating thing now is that the companies that provide streaming all think that you want eleventy-billion doo-dads in order to "enjoy" your "viewing experience" when all I really want is for it to act like the old analog box on wheels: turn it on, go to a channel, and watch something if I'm watching a program.
We are four episodes into The Diplomat on Netflix and enjoying it. Basically there is a new US ambassador in London, and there is an issue around Iraq. She is wanted as a new VP to support an elderly President (sounds familiar) because the current VP has to give up. Any more would be too much of a spoiler...
Also, I should figure out how to insert images from a phone...