Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • Several months ago, someone posted to the subreddit "emusic official." (I checked: one post in the past seven months). 

    So, I looked at the website for grins and got the same impression. Nothing had changed since I left five years ago. It was like looking at an archived webpage on the Wayback Machine. I assume someone has to be paying for the domain, but obviously, there is no website development, etc.
  • edited February 22
    I'm not proud to admit this, but there are times I've considered initiating the Reddit process for claiming a reddit page abandoned and requesting to be made supreme moderator of eMUSIC's reddit.  I did the same thing originally for r/modernjazz many years ago before handing it off to one of my fellow mods.
  • This conversation incentivised me to go back and have a look at the current eMusic.

    Pretty basic but what surprised me is that most of the albums that I bought over the years are still available to play and/or download on "MyMusic".

    Needless to say I downloaded all my eMusic purchases way back!
  • I did this a few months ago, really sad what happened with that business
  • And yet 7Digital the company that eMusic ended up sourcing a lot of music from is still going. Albeit focused on major label drivel. Mind I never really did understand the connection between the two.
  • LOL I actually got back into my old emusic account.  There is no way I should've been able to guess the password.
    QUESTION:  Am I allowed to download my music again?  Will I get charged?  There's some albums in My Music that are still on an old laptop that I'm likely never going to get files from.
  • jonahpwll said:
    LOL I actually got back into my old emusic account.  There is no way I should've been able to guess the password.
    QUESTION:  Am I allowed to download my music again?  Will I get charged?  There's some albums in My Music that are still on an old laptop that I'm likely never going to get files from.
    @jonahpwll funnily enough, I think you will find that you can indeed download your music at no charge
  • edited February 22
    Well this is amazing.
    Downloaded a handful of albums.  There were a handful of others I wanted, but I got an error message, so gave up.  There were a handful of others that just weren't there anymore; it's possible I never purchased them on emusic but instead got digital promos from the artist/label/rep, but it also could be that they were removed.
    I wanted to download one two-track EP that I had totally forgotten about, and includes an amazing track by Andreas Soderstrom.  But I got an error message.  Hopped on over to Bandcamp and purchased it there.
    I'm also going to purchase one, possible two albums by State River Widening.  Another band I had forgotten.  Listening to their BC page right now.  The emusic page errored out on me.
    I successfully downloaded Diego Barber "Calima," which I have on CD somewhere I am certain, but I downloaded it for the nostalgia.  Barber's "Calima" was either the first or second album I ever downloaded on eMUSIC.  I need to start listening to that early in the morning again.
    And I am desperately trying to remember the other album I was most looking forward to downloading with my eMUSIC account when I first joined.  If "Calima" wasn't the first, it was second to this mystery album that I cannot remember for the life of me, but for a long time it was my first album of the morning.  I can picture the album cover.  It had like light trailers, like blurred streetlights or neon signs or headlights set against an early dusk sky.  This is going to drive me nuts.  Was the album title something like "If Not For You"?
    One of the missing albums that I'd really hoped to snag was "Fragments" by Library Tapes.  For some reason, that album dropped even off BC.  I had also hoped to get the original copy of Peter Broderick's "Float."  I've heard the remastered version of it, and I swear there are some changes made that clash with my memory of it, and I want the original.
    There were six pages of albums total for me to browse through; far less than what I'd purchased over the years.  Many of those still available, strangely, only had one track still on emusic.
    Other albums I downloaded:
    Fire! Orchestra - "Enter"
    Frisell/Miles/Blade - "Circuit Breaker"
    Frisell/Miles - "Quiver"
    Frahm/Muller - "7Fingers"
    Reijseger/Sylla/Fraanje - "Down Deep"
    Pan American - "Quiet City"
    Brigaden - "Om Alberto"
    Califone - "Stitches"
    Ohio Penitentiary 511 Ensemble - "Hard Luck Soul"
    I need to find that original emusic album.
    EDIT:  It occurred to me that I probably wrote about it on Bird is the Worm.  Didn't take long to find it after that.  The first or second album I ever downloaded off emusic was:
    Azure - "When She Smiles"

  • edited February 23
    In Australia, you can download "Fragments" by Library Tapes from iTunes for $A 3.99. Most of the other Library Tapes albums are also available.

  • edited February 23
    Unfortunately, there's no purchase option here in the States.  I can stream it if I purchase a monthly subscription from one of the streaming services, but that's a deal-breaker.
    I was certain I had burned a copy of it to a disk long ago.  I keep hoping it'll turn up.
    It's a short album, like twenty minutes in duration.  But it snaps perfectly into place with the pre-dawn hours, and I'd love to have that available to me again.
  • I had a hard drive die on me in 2022 and was lucky everything in MyMusic allowed re-downloading long after the site took a nosedive...no errors in hundreds.  I appreciate the nostalgia and will admit that I am still subscribed, probably about where most people were in the late 2010s in terms of finding good things to buy every month.  There are several reputable labels that inexplicably still put new releases on the site.
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