Our regime after she was unwell was to get out of London and do lots of walking. Apart from seeing lots of great countryside round London was to also discover lots of great pubs where we can sample the local ales. There are so many good micro breweries around so I will try and keep a list of the good ones
Correction: 6.1% apparently. I saw 6.66% on the tag in the store and just saw that same # on some 'rate your beer' page. I then dug a little further and got to the company's official sight and they publish a 6.1% figure.
Whilst discussing beers, we drank some really good beers from local breweries whilst in California a few months back, to the extent that we actually tried less wine than I thought we would.
@jackedUPjazz That's an interesting brew, and the link tells me there's actually a store that may have it not too far a walk from me, some day when it's not ass-freezing cold. Not every day you can chug one and support music education.
Well done on the Harvey's an excellent pint. I'd avoid the football myself...
Later on I'm looking forward to my current favourite bottle.
Strength: 9% ABV
Size of Bottle: 33cl
Beer Description: Wild ‘brettanomyces’ yeast is added to the original
Straffe Hendrik Tripel beer to produce this fruitier version. It will
continue to develop the more mature it becomes. Quantities are limited.
Actually after having a couple of session beers down the local beer shop I'm back home with a Lee Morgan album and this chap. A mere 11.5% and fittingly as expensive as most cheaper corner shop wines.
My new favorite brew is Victory brand Golden Monkey, a Belgian style tripel, 9.5% but still rather tasty, and the Mrs. likes it too. Nice body, not as bitter as the high % IPAs.
Happy Thanksgiving from and to the USA.
- From Denmark . . .
But I'm eating dried cow lung, cow skin, cassava leaves, and beans in chili paste. Surprisingly delicious.
It's the perfect bottle
I have developed a fondness for Founder's Dirty Bastard ale myself, which at 8.5% gets the job done.
Correction: 6.1% apparently. I saw 6.66% on the tag in the store and just saw that same # on some 'rate your beer' page. I then dug a little further and got to the company's official sight and they publish a 6.1% figure.

Well not drinking it right now, but maybe later tonightI got this as a Christmas present and I do highly recommend it if you can find it.
There is a retail locator on their website
But the thing is, they make an excellent beer and it's perfect for me;
balanced, dark and the head is smooth and creamy if you pour it properly.
I keep some pint glasses in the freezer for this type situation and trust me it is worth a brisk walk in the ass freezing cold.
But don't let the smooth taste fool you, it's got alcohol by volume of 9.4% so chug one on the way back and you won't really give a shit about the cold.
Strength: 9% ABV
Size of Bottle: 33cl
Beer Description: Wild ‘brettanomyces’ yeast is added to the original Straffe Hendrik Tripel beer to produce this fruitier version. It will continue to develop the more mature it becomes. Quantities are limited.