Still can't drop pix, so you get this instead:
(Quote) We could probably use these in 2050 if we're still here.
@jonahpwll Dave! Thanks for the excellent recommendations for this year. I'm in agreement on most all of these. Been a good year! I would definitely add this one:
I like your "What are you listening to right now (sitting cross-legged on the floor, 25 or 6 to 4)?" It's long, so that might be a problem tho.(Quote) I've never owned or used a laptop (no cellphone either). I much prefer having a set space to work on things with no portability. I now have to contend with the loss of my 4 storage drawers that have been so great to have on my Mac tow…Oh, good! Glad you like it. I just kinda stumbled across it and listened to a few things here and there and figured that a pound was a more than reasonable price. 🤪
I'm guessing that my picture problem may have to do with an old browser t…Aaahhh, yes Dr. Hutt just turned 84 a couple of weeks ago!
Still wanting that Hank Wangford / Jon Langford album to
be created Random Radio Comment by rostasi November 25
Here's the Mark McGuire pic from above:
Yeah, I understand, but it's just been a thing only in the last few days.
I can drag from my desktop to the comment space at other discussion boards
(and, until a few days ago, here too), but that's no longer the ca…OK, thanks for that. I'm resigning myself to upgrading my 15 year old computer.Can you still do this?Anyone else having problems dropping pix in the comment box?
Used to be able to drag and drop and I can't get it to do this anymore.Great new thing that the station has added is a (mostly) complete playlist listing.
If you go to and look on the right-hand side, you'll click on "all playlists"
and you can go to any of the station's shows and scroll to get playl…Trying an alternative to Mixcloud.
Click on the pic and you get t…
Yeah, it stems from "What were you listening to HEAR 2-4?"
... and, yes! this new thing that the station (or maybe it was Pacifica itself?) added was a total surprise to me. All I've ever had to do was upload a full show to them and they …Yeah, I think everything pre-September 17 doesn't show playlists because that seems to be the date that they added it (and fixed it - it had been down for almost a week before that), so it isn't retroactive to before then. Anyway, it should work for…About a week ago, our archive went down and it wasn't showing any new shows being archived.On top of that, the live feed at the top of the page disappeared. I contacted management and
told them that it looked like there was an attempt at …(Quote) Link doesn't work right, but I could imagine.I think that may be the CD reissue of the 1972 album on Muza.(Quote) Yeah, it's unfortunate that she's just announced a diagnosis of cancer.Yes, I always buy the multimedia version - even with the earlier issues as PDF and no physical copies. The new ones have physical copies and PDF files with the tunes, so that's nice. The physical mag costs more than I like because they have t…