More than "good."
Wonderful album to start off the year.
"In the Canop…
Yeah, me too if it fits.My only concern is that the "Chicago" one might be too long.
I remember either the last time or the year before that someone submitted a long one and you couldn't fit it in the allotted space, so there's that...
I like the idea, but still fuzzy on how to get an actual title out of it.How would you exactly word the title of the discussion?So, are we doing something like "What Are You Listening To Right Now At 25 O'Clock, Duke?"
(Dukes of Stratosphear reference)I think one of "special" aspects of our little group here is that many of us don't spend a whole lot of time in the past - on occasion, yes, but I think we're mostly in search of new(ish) releases and so these older, maybe lesser known bands may be …Yea! Thanks a bunch. Really no hurry on this - just dropping info for you to know whenever you had gotten a chance to get to it. It's the holidaze - everyone's running around cRaZy! Thanks again!You don't want to link to a hosted image because it puts an enormous strain on the website hosting the image by unnecessarily using their bandwidth, potentially leading to increased costs for them and slower loading times for their users, especially…Yes, that's been my problem since about the time of the upgrade. I always try to drag from my desktop because it causes problems for the host of the site if you just link to a hosted image. But a while back, I could no longer just drag and drop from…Hey! This sounds familiar!(Quote) We could probably use these in 2050 if we're still here.@jonahpwll Dave! Thanks for the excellent recommendations for this year. I'm in agreement on most all of these. Been a good year! I would definitely add this one:
I like your "What are you listening to right now (sitting cross-legged on the floor, 25 or 6 to 4)?" It's long, so that might be a problem tho.(Quote) I've never owned or used a laptop (no cellphone either). I much prefer having a set space to work on things with no portability. I now have to contend with the loss of my 4 storage drawers that have been so great to have on my Mac tow…Oh, good! Glad you like it. I just kinda stumbled across it and listened to a few things here and there and figured that a pound was a more than reasonable price. 🤪
I'm guessing that my picture problem may have to do with an old browser t…Still can't drop pix, so you get this instead:
https://psychedelicsourcerecords.bandcamp.…Aaahhh, yes Dr. Hutt just turned 84 a couple of weeks ago!
Still wanting that Hank Wangford / Jon Langford album to
be created Random Radio Comment by rostasi November 2024
Here's the Mark McGuire pic from above:
Yeah, I understand, but it's just been a thing only in the last few days.
I can drag from my desktop to the comment space at other discussion boards
(and, until a few days ago, here too), but that's no longer the ca…OK, thanks for that. I'm resigning myself to upgrading my 15 year old computer.Can you still do this?Anyone else having problems dropping pix in the comment box?
Used to be able to drag and drop and I can't get it to do this anymore.