The performing arts center around the corner from us is named after Oskar Schindler. When they do donation drives it simply comes up as "Oskar Schindler" on the phone. One night when they called I asked my wife if she wanted to take it. She's said no. I told her it's probably a bad idea for a Jew to ignore the phone when he calls. We both laughed, then I said, "You realize you just laughed at a Holocaust joke, right?"
Just to say that he's back. We have all, especially amclark I am sure, missed his rants!!! I was beginning to wonder what had happened to him.... See There has been a recent thread over there wondering why there are so few posts nowadays - perhaps it is because of said person (Mr W) and similar, putting off others. You did a good job amclark a few weeks ago getting him off for a while - the problem is that others seem to take over his role.
@BT - it must be early over there! I usually have emusers to myself at this time of day. A nice bright sunny spring morning here.... hope it is so good there
We put the boy in pre-school, which means I must be up a little earlier than before to do some reading or writing. Today is not exception, although my wife and I are going over to a friend's house to record some "old-timey" songs. I think we'll do Daddy's Gone to Knoxville (Mark Knopfler's composition), New Moon Over My Shoulder, Deep River Blues, and something instrumental, either Jackson Stomp (a classic from the Mississippi Sheiks/Mississippi Mudsteppers constellation) or Hommage
@BT - sounds a good day! We tend to get up early too - my wife is head of a primary school (5-11) and likes to leave home by 7.00am to have a quiet hour before children arrive. When I'm working, and teaching early like tomorrow, I go out at the same time. I can work well with lots of quiet and, more to the point, no students interupting the flow! It really is time I started doing some more writing now I have the time but other things always seem to get in the way...
Who's ready to fess up that they were behind the Fake Wanderer that was on Amie? The statute of limitations must have run out by now. Inspector Dupin ratiocinates that the culprit is among us.
Ratiocination - the favored method of reasoning of Poe's Inspector Dupin (Murders In The Rue Morgue, et alia). One of my English electives in college was a course in Mystery Fiction - a subject the professor took very seriously, but the reading list was to die for.
I get the ire directed towards Wanderer, who loves to troll, but I just don't see the comparison to Jazzshrink, whose opinions and stances seem honestly held to me, and otherwise is just someone who's occasionally let himself be dragged into some back-and-forth sniping better indulged by no one. In that example, he quite accurately labels some releases that qualify as bootlegs in the US. Regardless of one's opinions about the worthiness of US copyright law surrounding such material, the information stands, and as far as eMusic policy goes, it's an interesting question to raise to them.
I won't judge the issues that he raises about copyright, but I find it very suspicious that he would be so acutely aware of where there are likely to be copyright violations. Indeed, his observations are off topic, dealing with American violations rather than the nature of copyright in the European Union.
Heh, interesting. To me he's (apologies for my near-certain gender presumption clearly a jazz geek with significant (probably decades-earned) label familiarity that goes with the territory. I could have mimiced his post with a bit of research - I certainly am aware enough of MCR's spectrum of releases to know about his point. (The releases he picked out were all in a very recent MCR addition, so it wasn't like he pulled them out of some mental catalogue he keeps.) Otoh, frankly I consider it much more farfetched that a record-company goon could have rattled off that stuff.
Plus I don't consider the tangent quite OT, since his snarky first comment was on topic, and then Noah asked for specific examples. It remains an interesting eMusic policy question, imo.
Anyway, I have no relationship to Jazzshrink, I'm just trying to explain my puzzlement about the lumping with Wanderer.
As the person whose thread got jacked, I have to say I wouldn't have thought Jazzshrink to be an RIAA whore. It's a valid and interesting topic in its own right. And I wouldn't say Jazzshrink was responsible for the thread veering OT, either (not that I'm complaining - at least the thread's being kept alive).
Hang out on a jazz message board and you'll probably see that EU copyright law is discussed more than you'd think. Because if effects so much jazz, it's kind of a hot button issue.
Regading jazzshrink... Karg is right. Many of jazzshrink's posts have mirrored my own thoughts at the time. There has been more than one occasion where I googled a "label" name to see just how crooked they were. Margate/Unique has been getting some of my attention lately.
Whatever one may think of jazzshrink, his posts are right in line with what one might expect from any jazz geek. He just seems out of place because, overall, jazz is very underrepresented on both the emu site and forum. Go to AAJ (or any major jazz forum) and you'll see a greater number of posts that mirror his own.
All of you need to be fair: this is not the first time I've raised this concern about jazzshrink, and my opinion is not solely based on what he wrote about copyright in this one instance, nor am I the only one to raise this concern. It's just one bit of evidence that otherwise contributes to the picture.
He wouldn't have to actually work for the RIAA or a label for that, though... He might be an (ex-)musician himself, or a band manager, or an attorney with one or more clients who are musicians. Or even just related to someone like that? If anything, musicians (and their managers/attorneys) might be even more vocal about copyright violations, since musicians are (generally speaking) getting screwed by both the labels and the file-sharing sites, not to mention the bootleg industry in Andorra or San Marino or Ukraine or wherever else they happen to be operating these days.
Still, not a bad idea to avoid anything that might sound like a pro-piracy argument in a venue that he might be reading, assuming you're in any way identifiable.
Besides, the nastiness only shows when people bash eMu for raising prices, doesn't it? The RIAA wouldn't care so much about that - eMu is small potatoes as far as they're concerned. The individual labels would, but not the RIAA. Even then, if they were smart they'd be trying to act nicey-nice to such people rather than calling them "whiny" or whatever... Whereas, an ex-musician who's long-since given up on ever being able to generate real revenue from recordings, due to the vagaries of digital distribution etc., might not feel so constrained.
I'm catching up with posts having been away for a couple of weeks. Some interesting comments on EU copyright law. I've added my views on this several times on emusic threads so won't repeat it all here. But it really will all hot up soon as The Beatles Love Me Do comes out of copyright in 2012, followed by both Please Please Me and With The Beatles albums in 2013. I suspect that there will be major pressures to change it soon, not least by Apple now that they have exclusive download rights
DAMN! That just put in image in my head that I'd rather not have.....
Edit: yes, it was huggable rhino; here. Not that that puts us any closer to an actual identity.
It was not me, although I did friend the Wanderer at Amie.
That's a nice word - I'll have to remember it to throw in a lecture at some point! Mind you it would help if I knew what it meant...
Having read through the thread over there I am beginning to wonder if he and jazzshrink are one and the same, or maybe twin brothers?
I wish I would have gotten a screen shot of that profile...
Are you talking ratiocination
- so YOU were the person behind the infamous Wanderersux.
Plus I don't consider the tangent quite OT, since his snarky first comment was on topic, and then Noah asked for specific examples. It remains an interesting eMusic policy question, imo.
Anyway, I have no relationship to Jazzshrink, I'm just trying to explain my puzzlement about the lumping with Wanderer.
Whatever one may think of jazzshrink, his posts are right in line with what one might expect from any jazz geek. He just seems out of place because, overall, jazz is very underrepresented on both the emu site and forum. Go to AAJ (or any major jazz forum) and you'll see a greater number of posts that mirror his own.
Still, not a bad idea to avoid anything that might sound like a pro-piracy argument in a venue that he might be reading, assuming you're in any way identifiable.
Besides, the nastiness only shows when people bash eMu for raising prices, doesn't it? The RIAA wouldn't care so much about that - eMu is small potatoes as far as they're concerned. The individual labels would, but not the RIAA. Even then, if they were smart they'd be trying to act nicey-nice to such people rather than calling them "whiny" or whatever... Whereas, an ex-musician who's long-since given up on ever being able to generate real revenue from recordings, due to the vagaries of digital distribution etc., might not feel so constrained.