A Modest Proposal



  • I'mnottoosmartwiththisstuffsoiapologize.com?
  • earcandyforconnaisseurs.com
  • If you want to keep it simple, is "WeLikeMusic.com" taken?

    Or can we get MusicIsGood.org instead?
  • musicnerdsinc.com
  • I like welikemusic.com if it's available. Musicnerdsinc.com is also good.

    The attorney in me is also crying out that we need an Editor-in-Chief and a couple named Senior Editors so that if an issue comes up there is a designated person to deal with it. I'm thinking if a label or artist makes a complaint or something, because I envision this being mostly a democratic blog, but sometimes someone may need to be able to act fast without consulting everyone else. Thoughts?

  • edited October 2011
  • if an issue comes up there is a designated person to deal with it.

    I nominate Frogkopf.
  • frogkopf.com or .net?
  • I suggest jackedupjazz.com

    Wait, nevermind its already taken.

    How about degeneratemusicjunkies.com

    Or maybe musicjunkies.com

    Or perhaps wemusic.com
  • edited October 2011
    welikemusic.com is $2,688.00
    Musicnerdsinc.com - $9.99
    (musicnerds.com is taken, thought musicnerds.info is $1.99)
    musicisgood.org - $6.99
    musicjunkies.com - taken
    wemusic.com - taken
    degeneratemusicjunkies.com $9.99 (though speak for yourself :-) )
    frogkopf.com $9.99 (very inside-joke-ish)
    I'mnottoosmartwiththisstuffsoiapologize.com - "an invalid character was detected" - not sure if that's referring to the apostrophe or the lack of smarts.
  • Musicisnice.com - $9.99
  • Right. I'm summarily appointing myself Associate Sub-Editor Emeritus. My first act is to suggest that we stop worrying about what it's called until we (a) settle once and for all whether it's a zine or a blog, (b) set it up, and (c) work on it for a bit to see what form it takes.
  • I'm away from my computer for 20 hours and it is all happening!! Great idea - I'd be really happy to contribute. No preference for blog, zine etc - I'm not that technically minded. I agree catchy name - but take GP's point about cost. I'm content to let anyone with technical understanding than me to set up, as long as I'm told how to add items. But I do think it is a really good idea, Craig
  • Nereffid is right that we need to settle the zine v. blog question, but I think it'd be good to have a name pre set up.

    This is what I propose:

    1) It's a blog that the current active posters will have authority to post to;
    2) It's called musicisgood.org (I'll put up the $6.99); and
    3) Someone with some tech skills can get the basic set up (they'll get our eternal gratitude and if they want they can be dubbed "Publisher") and then we'll discuss specifics.


  • I'm cool with wordpress. If it takes off we'll probably want more control, but that's quite a way away at the moment.

  • Second the motion.

    If the difference between blog and zine is spontaneous vs scheduled contributions/publication, then I say call it a blog.
  • I would like to see the blog more than the 'zine, since the latter seems to imply more organization that is likely to happen. Even if the content from emusers.org was available through something like Flipboard, that would make the reading experience just a bit better.
  • Blog sounds like the reasonable choice. Maybe not as flashy as a zine, but less likely to feel like a burden.
  • Being fairly technologically illiterate on nomenclature, my aye would run to the blog in the interests of spontaneity if that's the gist of it.
  • Should it be at all moderated? Will there be any guidelines as to what fits there? I am assuming (a) there is no sense in duplicating this board on a blog platform, and so most of what is currently posted here still gets posted here, (b) the blog is for more joined up prose kinds of things, like reviews, short articles, etc. that have undergone some process of composition involving cogitation, (c) it might be worth thinking about managing flow (e.g. if we all get inspired in the same week should the pieces all go up at once and then nothing for weeks or be posted at intervals in a queue?)
  • Goes back to the editor discussion, for which I nominate Craig and Nereffid, the trans-Atlantic wonder duo. I agree that our tweets of what we're listening too or finding at emu and the like should probably just stay here.
  • Who wants to/is capable of the tech end?
  • I'm capable of the tech end, but whether or not I actually want to is a little more dicey. Right now I do, but I have a history of losing enthusiasm for things after a few months.

    This is sort of important, also: The $6.99 is just for the domain name for the first year. Unless you work for an ISP or a really cool company that will let you do this on their DNS server(s) for free, you might then have to pay a certain amount per month to redirect traffic from that domain to WordPress, Blogspot, or wherever you actually host the blog. Some domain registrars (such as GoDaddy) include domain forwarding as a "free service," but it's still something you have to keep up over time... and of course, the registration system is set up so that you almost always end up putting the whole thing in the hands of one person. So you want that person to be stable, trustworthy, and above all, at least slightly wealthy (enough so that he/she won't make a fuss over annual renewal fees). I myself am trustworthy and ever-so-slightly wealthy, but "stable," ehh, not so much!

    There's always that 0.001% chance that the thing will "take off" and become a significant website, capable of generating ad revenue, etc. - at which point the domain/site owner's control could become a significant issue.

    To avoid all that, it could just be a redirect from a subdomain of emusers.org - in other words, we'd set up "blog.emusers.org" (or whatever) to redirect to a free blog on WordPress or Blogspot. I don't know how much traffic this site gets, but the incoming links from here would help the 'zine's Google rankings somewhat. It's not quite as impressive as having a dedicated domain, and people would get redirect warnings from their browser (unless they've got those turned off), but with a community-driven blog like this, sometimes it's better to avoid the business side of things as much as possible.
  • I agree with each of your assumptions GP, and agree with SM that avoiding the business side is a good plan, but I do like the idea of a dedicated domain. Any ideas what the annual cost could be SM?

    I would also be willing to serve as an editor, which in my view is more of a traffic cop than anything else.

  • I might have someone who would host it for us, and then we could just use a Wordpress template, but still have control over our site with our own domain name. I have to talk to a buddy of mine this weekend to get reminded of the details. But it might save us both in terms of control and cost (ie, free).
  • I like free.

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