Great Expectations: is a go!



  • That would probably be the easiest way, yes.

  • @GP - I don't mind at all that you shortened my contribution on the freebie piece. It is one of my major weaknesses to be long-winded.
  • edited January 2012
    Hmm. I thought the author could be changed but I don't see a way to do it. Maybe it was a plugin. Anyway, I created an account for MiG Staff and sent the details to Germanprof.

    edit: I was right, as usual. For some reason, the author dropdown is missing on the edit post page, but it's available in the bulk edit function (check box beside the post in the list & click edit). Post now belongs to MiG Staff.

    edit2: Have to select "Author" in the screen options widget at the top of the Edit Post page, then the Author dropdown appears (in our case) below the Editorial Comments box.
  • Can anyone tell me the proper way to create an empty line so as to move text down? In the latest post I've used the ugly solution of inserting:
    which fools it into thinking something's there. Otherwise if a paragraph is too short for the picture beside it, the picture ends up overlapping the next paragraph. Is there a code for "insert empty line here"?
  • edited January 2012
    Maybe I'm not understanding something... why can't you just hit the return key a few times to get the desired effect?

    Otherwise, here's three different options you can enter on the html view...

    &nbs_p (but take out that underline symbol. including it was the only way I could get the symbol to show)

    They'll each have a similar effect, though results might vary differently. I think I have them ordered from greatest to smallest effect.
  • Thanks. I'll try those next time. I find that in the relevant circumstances if I hit the return key several times, it does not include all the blank lines in the visual output - the gap does not get bigger.
  • Thanks for taking care of that Dr. Mutex.

    GP - I also just use return carriages, but I usually draft in view mode rather than html. I suppose that could make a difference.

  • @GP

    Hey, now that you mention it, I've run into that problem before, too, where I hit the return key for desired spacing, then after I save it, it returns to its previous spacing. What I did to fix that was go into HTML view and do the return key spacing and then it worked. For some reason, doing that in Visual doesn't always work, but I can't explain why. I have noticed that whenever I run into that problem, there seems to be an embedded audio player nearby or an image.

    But next time you want to hit return a few times for spacing, try doing it on the HTML side and see if that solves your problem.
  • P.S. My NYOP/Free Bandcamp is looking like it may grow into its own thing. Go ahead and run what you have and maybe we can put together a separate one for jazz (and related). It wouldn't hurt to have an extra article to fill the calender.

    We're going up to Frankfort today to look at houses, but tonight I'll take stock at what I've got and post a short list here of what I'm looking at writing about, and then if anyone wants to add, we can have a MiG Staff jazz bandcamp article.
  • Let me just interject here with an apology for my lack of involvement lately. Currently working on the Nereffid's Guide Awards, so I'll have a related post on that around the end of the month. Hopefully a couple of history posts will soon follow, and I have a few more ideas for one-off posts too.
  • edited January 2012

    If you haven't begun the next history post, could you clarify a comment you made some time ago:

    It would be a propos for kez's post, as well as to some I intend to write.
  • I think that all I was getting at was that up till that point (for the sake of narrative purposes, anyway; I doubt if there was any one moment of realisation) medieval music, what little I knew of it, sounded to me simply as a recreation of something that happened long ago - a museum piece and not much more, no matter how enjoyable it might be. But the Paul Hillier recording helped me realise that such music could be very much a living thing, that the very act of performing it anew could pull it out of the museum. Hillier and Lawrence-King perform their 13th-century material as if they might have written it themselves today. Plus there's the fact that medieval music sounds so different from the centuries-old "classical tradition" that it might as well be modern music.
  • edited January 2012
    @jonahpwl, </br> worked, thanks.

    In Chrome and Firefox and IE (I tested all three) on the MiG home page under the Authors heading on the right, all of the RSS feed buttons are off by one line - they appear one line too low, so that BT doesn't have one and there's a stray one at the bottom.
  • Is there any reason why MiG would be effected by WordPress going black tomorrow?
  • I don't think so. MiG is simply using a Wordpress template. On BitW, I might lose some functionality on my statistics package, because it's tied into the WP site, but that should be it. I do wonder if there'll be any issue as far as spam protection (if using a WP plugin), but I gotta assume that would be a no or WP would account for it.
  • Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was run through WP or not.
  • edited January 2012
    12k agreed to let me review the new Kane Ikin for MiG. I'm a little giddy about that - a label I admire. I will have three album reviews over the next couple of weeks, life permitting.

    Question for when I title those: is "Vital Albums" our generic name for album review articles now, or does it mean "extra special albums that are a step up from reviews"?

    Also do we want a generic header for interviews? Just "Interview: Band name"?
  • GP - I think Vital Albums is a step up from a review, but that's just me.

    We probably should have an interview header of some sort.

  • I agree, both counts. Will have a review ready by tomorrow night - drafted it this evening.
  • OK, used some lunch hour, the Underneath the Stars review is I think ready to publish unless there are edits.
  • In addition to some bandcamp jazz nyop stuff, I'm going to begin a new series of articles for both MiG and BitW (I think I'll publish them on MiG first, then reprint them on BitW later when I need a break for the day and only have the energy to copy & paste with an attribution).

    I don't know what I'm going to title the series (open to suggestions), but I'd like us to write some articles about physical cds that break the mold and offer things that a digital album couldn't. For instance, the three that I'm working on right now are John Zorn's "Femina", which comes with a booklet of art photos that are just too cool and which inspired the music on the album, Stockton Helbing's "Battlestations & Escape Plans", which has a booklet of custom art and story chapters that coincide to each tune, and Storm/Nocturne's "VIA", which has a booklet of locations that inspired each of the songs on the album.

    I'm going to do mini-reviews of each album and include some embedded audio, but more importantly, I'm going to include home photos of the booklets and other bits of the album and describe what's there, how it appeals to me as a music listener and art lover, and, I dunno, just talk about why I think each is so damn cool.

    I think it would be a neat series to include on MiG, and it's one that probably everyone would be able to write something for, because we've all run into albums like that (vinyl, too, not just cds) as well as exemplary box sets.
  • Good idea. I've been buying some of that stuff too lately - the offtesky release that came with hand printed art in a hessian bag, and the one that came in a book that I already reviewed.
  • Spotted in the wild: a MiG citation. (scroll down a little, just below the pictures)
  • Woohoo! That's awesome GP.

    jonahpwll: That's an excellent idea. Some title ideas: 1) But Wait, That's Not All!; 2) Everything but the Undercoating; and 3) Knick, Knack, Paddywack, Give the CD a Bone.

    Okay, maaaaybe not that last one.

  • I was thinking: "Spotlight on the Icing: Reviews of CDs that give more than just cake" or "Spotlight on the Icing: Reviews of albums that give more" or something like that.
  • That is something GP!! The Guardian has a list of music blogs, so I'm going to try to see if I can get MiG added
  • @Greg

    That's a good idea. If MiG gets on some of those larger blog rolls, readership will go up big time.
  • I've emailed the editor of their music and films supplement - he'll probably ignore, but he might just look at the site and realise how good it is and add to their list of music blogs
  • I updated several plugins last night. If you notice any (new) strangeness, let me know.
  • @Dr. Mutex,
    I'm still seeing all the RSS buttons in the panel on the right off by one line.
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