Great Expectations: is a go!



  • GP - I think it was amclark, as he introduced it to me. He'd be the best person to write about it

    I'm finally back to a 'normal' routine after the Christmas/New Year break; once I've caught up with work over the next couple of days I should be back to being able to write more articles
  • @Craig, I think I am going to have my piece on Hoping for the Invisible to Ignite ready later today or tomorrow. The fact that The Silent Ballet just named it to their top 5 of the year might be a small argument in favor of that piece getting posted soonish while there's a little buzz, whereas the piece I already submitted for review, the Mixtape piece, has no time sensitivity at all, so I suggest waiting for the Hoping piece to go up first and saving the Mixtape piece for whenever there's a lull. Am waiting on something from jonahpwll for the Best of Free piece then that should be ready also to fairly short order. Then I enter my manic January and will likely go quiet for a while; I tried to front-load a little.
  • I'm still out of town and just not really having the time to sit down and do much of anything. I'll be back later today and I'll try then, but no promises, since I'm usually burnt out after traveling.

    Tuesday is my busy day at Emu.

    But Wednesday I can definitely kick something out.
  • That's fine.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm still picking at the Hoping for the Invisible to Ignite piece, and want to listen to the album through once more with it in front of me before releasing it, but if anyone would like to read through it and make suggestions that would probably be helpful. I'm finding I'm starting to edit mistakes into it at this point.
  • Scissorman wrote several pages back: "if I had to pick three free/NYOP Indie-Rock acts from 2011, they'd be the aforementioned Rebecca Peake, Eric Maskol, Love Culture, and I guess The Arctic Flow," - has anyone listened to those and does anyone feel able to write a 100 word description of any of them? Bit too far out of my main genres for me to feel confident doing so.
  • I could probably do something on the Maskol and Love Culture. I'll take a look.

  • edited January 2012
    To All Concerned,
    Between my family medical issues, the holidays, and my own orthopedic travails I had not seen the website in a bit and let me just say it is looking very good. One of these days I hope to snatch back the overrun storage space that my so-called office/den has become from the jaws of chaos, and have something to contribute. Being able to physically get to the wall of CDs for reference material would be helpful in that regard. Until such time I must say I am suitably impressed and congrats to all. Dave
  • edited January 2012

    Good job we're all using pseudonyms around here.
  • GP - Loving the album review. I noted a couple mistakes I saw in an editor's note. Would love to post the article tomorrow, so let me know if it's good to go.

  • "Dave? .......................... Dave's not here."
  • No, he just ran off with Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich
  • @Craig, just off to bed, will do the edits in the morning. Thanks.
  • @Craig, OK, I've pruned a little more dead wood. I think "eros" should not be capitalized since it refers to a mode of desire rather than to the Greek god (see e.g. the third line of

    It's ready to go now. Must...stop...revising... (pries fingers from keyboard).
  • Makes sense to me. Just checking.

    It's ready to go up in an hour or so. I've also started to put a few reviews into the free music post (Although I'm going to completely rewrite the Dpony one that is there now). I'll add photos later today.

  • Is there any sense in creating an author account for Music is Good for posts that do not have a single author?
  • That was my thought as well. Maybe an account for "MiG Staff" or something.

  • Photos are up on my free music paragraphs and the Dpony entry has been fixed (or burned to the ground and rebuilt, same thing).

    I also embedded Kez's Soundcloud player while I was there.

  • Thanks, Craig. When Jonah's ready I'll give it another once over and submit. (@BT, if this drags on for long enough and your time frees up, feel free to throw in more of your choices).
  • Craig - I'm currently working on two articles but neither may be ready before Monday or Tuesday next week as my mother goes into hospital tomorrow for 2 or 3 days. The first is the next part of the English Folk Music series and the second is looking at different versions of the song Little Wing. That may be ready first as it is likely to be the shortest and will consequently need less time
  • @Craig - it looks to me like one of the links in your "Music that has influenced me" piece needs fixing. When I click on the "series" link in the top paragraph of your article from the home page, it calls up all previous pieces in that category (which I think is what you intended), but when I click on the "series" link after I open your article, the link just shows your piece.
  • edited January 2012
    I took the liberty of making a couple of small changes to my most recent MiG post after correspondence with the band (very nice people).
    ETA, they just tweeted our blog.
  • Greg - Thanks for the info. Best of luck to your mother!

    kez - That's really weird. I can't imagine why the link would change depending on whether the jump is open. I'll take a look though.

    GP - Sweet! We also just got 'liked' on Facebook by Frederic D. Oberland, which has to be based on your posts.

  • Okay, I'm dumbfounded by that link issue, and have no idea how to fix it. The link is obviously right because it works in one instance, and hovering over the link gives the same destination in each form, so..... Anyone with any ideas?

  • Still in conversation with FP - fascinating long chat with the lyricist about the intent of the lyrics (and my interpretation, which is in some respects different!).

    Would there be any sense in me asking if they are interested in an email interview for MiG? Or would that be too much on the same band relative to our total output?
  • Not at all. Go for it.

    I've been thinking someone needs to do an email interview with higaru about Makanuchi Bento too. In fact, I'm going to go post on that thread about it.

  • I just glanced up at "ETA, they just tweeted our blog." and had a moment of alienation, thinking 'what on earth would someone 10 years ago have thought that sentence means?'
  • @Craig - about the link issue in your music has influenced me article - When you "read more" and click on the 'series' link, it looks like there's a 2011 in the code that is not there on the homepage link.

    @GP - Yeah, what would we have thought you were talking about 10 years ago? That's funny. Also - congrats on the tweet. Also, your suggestion of an email interview is a great idea.
  • Farewell Poetry agreed to an interview in the second half of January. Just goes to show it's always worth asking!
  • Yes, it certainly does pay to ask! I'm working on a draft and had emailed Ed Ochs, former Billboard music editor, to ask about something related to my post and in the process of our correspondence I mentioned how the writers on our new blog share a common interest in doing what they can to promote little-known artists. He told me he liked the idea of our blog and its purpose - even said to send him a link to my piece when it's up and he would post it on his website (yah!). He couldn't have been nicer. Very cool guy.
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