Great Expectations: is a go!



  • @BT - I do have some Pogues music - I would have recognized the song as being from The Pogues even without reading your blog text - but I don't have anything of theirs with "Fairytale from New York" on it. I like it, and your writeup was very entertaining and informative for me.
  • Kez - I think FTONY was released as a Kirsty McColl song initially. Certainly I have on a CD of hers. just been out into some local shops and I heard in both the first two I went in. It is being played everywhere here at the moment, including a TV advert for our biggest supermarket, so it is difficult to avoid. BT's review was brilliant.
  • @Craig, I think the Ambient festive piece is ready to go whenever you want.
  • Sorry I disappeared there guys. Getting caught up on everything and will get stuff posted.

  • So my cousin does graphic design and at the family funeral this weekend I discussed Music is Good with him. He may well come up with some branding ideas for us in exchange for credit. I assume folks would welcome that?

  • I think tattoos would be less painful.
  • Holy carp, I've been away far too long... so much to read about...
  • Welcome back Thom, yes lots have been going on here!
  • Night Transition theme is live. Thanks to everyone who contributed. I'll get the author images loaded soon. If you haven't sent me yours yet, please do so.
  • Craig: The services of a graphic designer would be great
  • I don't know if the weirdness was because I began a draft before the NT theme went live or if it's a problem inherent in the new theme, but my visual editor view varied quite a bit from what the Preview function gave me when I looked my new post draft over. If that type of asynchronous matching between visual editor and draft views is going to be S.O.P., it's gonna make editing a bitch if there's a problem with lining up objects and text.

    I'll give it a run with a new post to see if it was just bad timing on my part.

    In any event, I have an article up there for Lama - "Oneiros" if anyone wants to look it over. I'm gonna take another look at it tomorrow, just to be sure that it look as good to me in the daylight as it does at night, but I think I'm pretty much ready to let it go.

    Dr. M, I finally got to creating a paypal, now I just have to wait for their confirmation "deposit". I didn't want you to think I forgot about that.

  • My baroque piece is ready for review. It turned out pretty long. Let me know if I need to shorten it.
  • Night Transition looks good. I noticed, though, that there is no allowance for two lines in titles.
  • I like the new look - thanks Dr M
  • Looking good Doc M! I will note that the Dashboard link gives me an 'Oops', or more specifically a 'D'oh' page. I can still get in through the meta admin link, though.

    My cousin will be digging into branding for MiG after the 4th. I've given him the #1 banner option from amclark2's work as edited by GP and informed him of the MiG idea. Anything else folks want me to specify?

  • edited December 2011
    What do y'all think about the following as a possible blog post genre: guide to an artist or label in the shape of a review of 5 key releases (title: "See You in Five"? "Five-Step Program"? Other ideas?). The artist/label should have more than 10 releases and be worth knowing about but not a household name. I was immediately thinking I could do Tetsu Inoue (artist) and 12k (label) at some point for starters. Or did we talk about this already and I'm remembering it rather than having thoughts?
  • I just re-read the first post and saw that Dr. M was looking for admins.

    I'd be happy to be an admin and let everyone know the different types of plugins and widgets out there and get them installed if people vote to have them. I don't mind doing some of the admin work.


    It's a good idea, and I strongly recommend not going over five releases. I've been doing some drafts of artist overviews on my site, and anything more than five gets to be exhausting. But maybe that's just me.
  • Okay, I'm good with the Lama "Oneiros" review. Unless someone sees flaws in it or just doesn't like it, I'm cool with it being scheduled to publish.
  • edited December 2011
    @kez I noticed the issue with the long titles. When I send the developer the payment for the theme, I'll ask if anything can be done about it. I'm not sure how that should be handled. If the title box expands to hold two lines it may look bad if we ever have a short article that lets you see the super-sized title box near a regular one. Maybe this is why some of the other themes choose to keep the title by itself.

    @cafreema I'll take a look at the link. It's a common mistake developers make to assume that WordPress is installed in the folder the URL indicates instead of checking the location. IIRC if you choose the "My Profile" link it will take you into the admin area, then you can go where you want.
  • I'm missing pictures for cafreema, Nereffid, greg, and Bad Thoughts. If you sent me something I no longer have it. If I don't get pictures for you folks, I'm likely to use photos of my household pets. Kez, ScissorMan, and Germanprof now have images loaded.
  • Photo was sent yesterday Doc M.

  • kezkez
    edited December 2011
    @Dr. M - I can't find your emails address at the moment, so I'm posting here a short blurb you can use in my author box to go along with the image:

    EDIT// I just remembered I can insert the author blurb by updating my profile on MiG. Just added it.
  • Looking at the blog author list, it occurred to me that I'm the only female. Come to think of it, women aren't even very well represented on emusers! I don't know why that is, but I'd sure feel a lot better if a few more of the female gender would write stuff on the blog. I am sure NankerP has her hands full with her own blog, but how about it, Mommio or Katrina? I've always enjoyed posts from both of you and I'm sure you could write up some good stuff for MiG. Think about it.
  • I remember Martyna being a nice active member of emusers not long ago, too. I don't know where she went. Maybe the radioactive cows finally caught up to her. Martyna, if you're out there... walk away from the glow!
  • kezkez
    edited December 2011
    About those glitches in pieces with a 2-line title - maybe we could just work around the problem for the time being by shortening the titles in the few longer titles. Taking the words "A Place" out of the title on my Nathan piece would probably make it a one-liner. The other long titles look like they could be pared down to one line easily enough. The title to Nereffid's Classical Highlights American Record Guide, though, seems to need every single word currently there, so I guess that's not the perfect solution after all.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm about to upload my contributions to the collaborative 'Best of free/NYOP' piece. Looking back up the thread, I think at least kez, Scizzorman and BT were thinking about contributing, and BT was going to pull it together.
    BT, I'm going to put it in a draft and do the linking, and then you can copy and paste it from there into a master article draft. I'll also add tags so you can see what tags to add to the master.
    ETA: OK, it's posted. When the whole is put together, are we going to do it by author sections or post author names at the end of each mini-review?
  • @Dr. M. - my author box on MiG seems to be messed up. The photo looks like it is separated from the rest of the description. Take a look when you get a chance.

  • After thinking I wouldn't, I decided to go ahead and work on a top twenty list for MiG, since mine has no overlap with Craig's. Needs some more work, but I should have it ready to go some time between Christmas and New Year.

    Craig, something's happened to the layout on your Top Twenty piece in the new design - one of the album covers displays in the wrong place.
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