Great Expectations: is a go!



  • With these numbers, how long before we can overthrow a Middle Eastern dictatorship?
  • ScissorMan - Middle Eastern? Last week. We need a little more time though before we can move into Latin America.

    I just posted on the OTR wall as MiG, thanking them.

    We need to start making use of that Twitter account to at least Tweet the new articles.

  • Ar this very moment I'm working on an article that should be up as a draft in a couple of hours or so, Craig, as long as all the links etc work. Great figures! Are we ready to launch on the emusic Message Board?
  • Bad Thoughts - One quick question on your article, a paragraph starts with the sentence "A cover of Tom Waits' “Fish and Bird” is one of two songs on the album." Should that be "one of two cover songs"?

    Otherwise it looks great.

  • Craig - I've uploaded my article as a draft,but I have not yet even checked it as a preview. It is early evening here and living in rural England, my broadband connection is really slow at this time of day, when it is at peak demand - uploading took nearly 5 minutes. So I'll check it tomorrow and then move it into Pending.
  • I have a moment to look it over, if you want.
  • Yes do have look if you wish BT, thanks, but it is exactly as copied and pasted from Word, so I don't know if the links work or images etc are OK. The last article I pasted in seemed to loose all sense of my carefully organised layout on Word, so I didn't pay quite so much attention this time, knowing I'd probably need to revise it anyway.
  • @Craig: I made a couple of little changes to my "A History of Classical Music through Recordings" post, so I guess it's gone back to Draft status. Actually I didn't realise I'd sent it for review in the first place.
    Part 1 (Gregorian chant) is also in Draft but I think I'm finally happy with it. I was thinking it should follow the introductory post fairly quickly. I'll submit the two together after one final check. Parts 2 to 5 are in my head but currently nowhere else.
    I suppose "A History of Classical Music through Recordings" should be a new category, as there should be - oh, I don't know, 50? 100? of these things.
  • It looks like you used the formatting for the forum rather than for the blog platform. I'll fix it, if you want.
  • It worked last time BT - you can use both I thought?? Maybe I am wrong though. Thanks for your help
  • Thanks Nereffid. Let me know when your final check is through. I saw the Gregorian one in there and figured it would be good to go a couple days after the intro.

  • @Greg: dammit, you made me go searching for my Steeleye Span albums! Anyway, it sounds great. I made some comments and made some changes to formatting. I think I added a few missing periods after url codes (I think we all make this mistake).
  • Thanks, Craig. I fixed the problem--I neglected to write that the album is "mostly instrumental" at the top.
  • Ah, that makes sense.

  • I saw this link that had something to do with one of your posts on the blog...

    ...which they also tweeted about.
  • Wow, GP - when you're hot, you're hot!
  • OK, my introduction and Gregorian chant posts are ready to go.
  • Thanks BT - I'll go back to it and adjust accordingly. I often feel that Steeleye Span are one of those bands that never quite made it as big as they ought to have done. Personnel changes, even untimely deaths, all had their impact. I admit though that I've never really listened to them for years - I didn't know that they had released Winter until researching for the article
  • edited December 2011
    @kez, lol, don't worry, I'm guessing most of my posts are going to be about artists who interest about five other people.
  • @Craig: I noticed in your last Minneapolis post that you link to mediafire. Did you check that this is not copyrighted material? (I'm a little jumpy over SOPA.)
  • BT - That Media Fire download was put there by the artist. I'm jumpy about it too, so don't worry about me!

    Thanks Nereffid. I think I'll put the Intro up tomorrow, then I have one ready to go for Friday, and the Gregorian will follow on Saturday. Hopefully then Greg's is finalized for Sunday.

  • Good lord that Gregorian Chant article is an interesting read. I added a link to what will be the introductory post in your source notes at the bottom.

  • Thanks Craig for the link. I meant to do that myself.
  • edited December 2011
    Hi folks! I've been busy with a home improvement project foisted on me by my daughters who decided to put some paint swatches on the bathroom wall which they planned to paint. This has turned into a major project including replacing the floor. I'm nearly done with everything so I should have some time to do the new theme. I'll whisper the Paypal info to the folks who offered to contribute.

    Other things: The BBCode you use on this forum should also work on MiG. MS Word formatting is lost when you paste to the blog editor so don't spend time on it. This is actually a good thing, as anyone who's seen the HTML Word emits can attest. "Bloated" doesn't begin to describe it.

    edit: Re stats - The server collects stats. I'll post some pretty pictures when I get a chance.
  • @Nereffid, I just read your new piece posted on MiG, "A History of Classical Music through Recordings." I love it! This is going to be a great, great series. This introduction sure whets the appetite - it left me anxious to read the next part on Gregorian Chant and forward from there. Really wonderfuly written, interesting and informative.
  • edited December 2011
    @Nereffid, the intro to the classical series is already informative and interesting - I'm looking forward to the rest and expect to learn a great deal. Is it worth adding a link to the Hammerschmidt album? I was intrigued.

    @BT and everyone else, for the "best free and NYOP" piece I'm drafting stuff on the following:
    Ambient & Electronic: Benjamin Dauer - Saturation Point; Erik Nilsson - Recollage; and maybe either Fragile by A Damned Age or Correspond by Devin Underwood & Marcus Fischer
    Post-Rock: Nice Wings Icarus - S/T; Cliff Dweller - Ghosts of the Dust Bowl (actually really unsure what genre this is).
    Am doing some proper re-listening before committing.
  • I've added a comment to the introductory post, giving the link to the Hammerschmidt album. I thought this detail was a bit incidental to the post. I tend to be very sparing with links.
    Actually I've gone back to the Gregorian post and added album links there, so someone will need to release that again.
  • @GP: Awkward! I was planning on Recollage as well, but since it is more your genre ...
  • I'll reschedule it Nereffid.

  • edited December 2011
    @BT, feel free to go ahead - I haven't written my paragraph on that one yet and have enough others and a fair bit of time pressure. This is exactly why I posted my list. It is a very fine release, isn;t it?
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