Great Expectations: is a go!



  • edited December 2011
    Wrong thread!!
  • Only if it would free you up to rec another. And yes, it's a great work ... well balanced, and my son loves it.
  • Sure, go ahead, and I'll do both of the last two ambient ones I mentioned.
  • Anybody have anything they're working on? Nothing to go up today and thus far nothing thereafter, either. I can put together something short if necessary, but we can't go too long without posts.

  • A few months ago I started a thread on the ten records that had most influenced me and others contributed too. It wouldn't take long for each of us who contributed to that thread to turn thse into a series of articles - any use? I could start the first one fairly quickly if others could add their list with commentary. If ten albums per article is too may we could limit it to say 5 or 6 each???
  • kezkez
    edited December 2011
    @Craig - I have a baroque piece almost done. I should be able to get it finished and submitted for editorial review in the next couple of days. I also have another piece still in my head not yet drafted.

    @Greg - I think I contributed to that thread of influential records. I might be able to put together something along the lines of whatever I wrote there after I finish the baroque piece.
  • edited December 2011
    They are all still there Kez - but I can't remember of you contributed or not. I've looked at mine and it should only take me an hour or so to adapt by just adding another sentence or two to each album

    update - yes you did Kez, quite an eclectic selection, which would be great
  • @Greg - yes, I found my contribution in that thread. I could probably write a piece on those selections that wouldn't take too awful long.
  • That all sounds great Greg and Kez. Thanks!

  • I'll be starting it in about 30 minutes then Craig - interestingly though I have one chage to make! I hope other contributors to MIG will do their contributions from the original thread too to add to MIG
  • I just noticed that MiG doesn't have anything new to put up. I don't know what the etiquette on this type of thing is, but I'd be happy to stick my Bill Frisell "Sign of Life" opinion piece up there right now.
  • P.S. Where that's thread you guys are talking about the influential albums?
  • That would be awesome jonahpwll. I think if we add a note at the top that it is cross posted from it would work.

  • Never mind. It helps to spell 'influential' correctly when using a search engine.
  • I mean, never mind about the thread question. Regarding the Frisell piece, let me get it over there right now. If someone wants to run a quick edit, go for it. One of the things I really enjoy about my blog is that I can be as informal as I want; the ugly side to that enjoyment is that informal sometimes becomes sloppiness.
  • I'll bump it Jonah
  • I'll be unable to get anything done between this week and January - Christmas holidays, away from computer, that kind of thing. But I now have Part 2 of my History in draft form, and I'll try to get another Classical Highlights thing done tonight. Actually come to think of it I might be able to get another Highlights one done by the end of the month.
    I have a few things previously done on my own blog that might be suitable for musicisgood. I'll have a look at them later and add them if I think they're OK - they could be held back for any future lull in posting.
  • edited December 2011
    Craig - article there in draft. I think it is OK to go, I've checked it in Preview. I've put a YouTube clip at the end, but it could just as easily go at the start, with the words too - if you think that works better, do move! (Music by John MIles, could almost be a theme for Music is Good!)
  • Okay, my Bill Frisell - "Sign of Life" review is up if anyone wants to look it over. I feel like I've scoured it pretty good for flaws, which means there's probably something dead obvious that I've overlooked.
  • Thanks guys. I'll get one up soon, likely jonahpwll's Frisell because it's a crosspost and I won't feel bad that it lost time at the top of the page. The rest will help for the remainder of the week, and I don't think it's an issue if we slow down over the holidays as most blogs do.

    I've also just about finished a draft of my top 20 albums of the year, so that'll go in the queue as well.

  • Right - the latest Classical Highlights is done. Publish as needed.
  • I like it. I'll keep doing some ABC articles original to MIG, but you can always consider my BITW site as a grandparent's pantry of articles for the taking when the cabinets at MiG are empty.
  • jonah - Adding the word 'varied' in the sentence that currently reads: "There was a stretch of time where Frisell's sound dramatically from album to album."

  • Why thank you. It's now changed on BitW as well.
  • I've also submitted History, Part 2.
    There won't be another of these for a month or so, so perhaps it could be scheduled for a week or two in the future, so they're more evenly spaced.
  • Can you see the example post in the Posts section of Wordpress? I never used WP except as admin so I have no idea what you can see. I think I'll make a dummy Author account so I can see what's going on.

    @Dr. Mutex

    I totally understand what you're talking about there. Last night I had a screaming match with my blog when it kept insisting that certain features weren't active. What the hell are you talking about?! They're right they're on the screen, you fucking braindead template!!!

    That's when it occurred to me that I may be seeing things that aren't normally there.

    Also, we've finally given up trying to get into our old paypal account. It's been so long since we've used it that we can't remember any of the info to get into it, the email it was associated with is inactive and long forgotten, and it occurred to us that the bank account is was associated with is, also, probably old and gone.

    I'll set up a new one tomorrow (Wed), after all my Tues & Wed emusic stuff is over.

  • edited December 2011
    Just catching up with this thread after a couple of days of airports, planes, and crappy in-flight movies (writing this from 8,000 feet up in the hills outside Nairobi). I am planning to write a review piece about the Hibernate and Home Normal 'Festive Greetings' release - combination of review and thoughts on the notion of an ambient Christmas album. It's faintly possible I'll get that done this week, though the schedule is fairly heavy (and this might not be best location to be meditating on what to say about ambient versions of In the Bleak Midwinter). If not, maybe on the planes back or early next week.

    Also various people said they would contribute to the 'best free and NYOP" piece...I'm working on some sections and I know BT is and my recollection is others signed up in principle?...but that's for a bit later in December.

    I wonder what a realistic expectation for frequency will be as we go forward? Given the inevitable tensions between quantity and quality, I'm not too worried if we don't flog ourselves to have something up quickly, as long as the gaps don't yawn too long (what would too long be? 2 weeks? Or is that way to long to qualify me for the blogosphere?)
  • Two weeks is waaaay too long. I wouldn't go more than a few days really, but a lot of that can be much briefer than what we've been writing thus far. Most of our articles have been over 1,000 words, and there's nothing wrong with a 300-500 word intro to give something some press.

    I'll put the History part 2 up in a couple weeks Nereffid.

  • Another thought/question: we have rhetorically positioned the blog as being about good music. Does this imply a general policy of not including more negative reviews? (I'm not sitting on a negative review, or against a policy of focusing on the good...just curious for future reference.)
  • Another thought/question: we have rhetorically positioned the blog as being about good music. Does this imply a general policy of not including more negative reviews?
    I thought that it would be, at least in the context of individual album reviews. I have shelved a review of an album that I was entirely thrilled with. I think that it would be better to direct readers toward things we think are worthy of their attention rather than feel we must cast our opinion on every trendy thing that comes along.
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