Great Expectations: is a go!



  • @Kez, you go in and make any further changes you want to. Re Fogelberg, how about "(yes, Fogelberg – although one may not necessarily view his music as coming from olden times)". Can't advise on flutes and whistles!
  • It's a tin whistle.
  • edited December 2011
    (Sorry, wrong thread)
  • @GP - I'll edit it now.

    @BT - thanks! I'll change the text to say whistle.
  • kezkez
    edited December 2011
    Edits made.

    I'm not sure how to enter tags, but I would suggest holiday, celtic, renaissance. Forgot to add category, which should probably be folk?
  • Kez, go into your post, to the edit screen. Look at the panel to the right of the screen. The third module down is called "Post tags" - enter them there separated by commas then hit save.
  • OK - I revised the category and added the tags. (Thanks for the tip - dummy me never looked below the Categories box!).
  • That's a really great article Kez - all the links worked fine for me, once I got into Preview. I'm going to follow up the first album on emusic.
  • kezkez
    edited December 2011
    @Greg - I didn't recall them being on emusic. I looked quickly just now, and didn't see them. But, my oh my, what a mess it is to try to find anything there now!!

    One interesting thing I discovered when I tried to find them on emusic through google was this quote on Jimmy Keane's website: ""Emusic describes him as one of the true giants of Irish traditional music of the past fifty years." (I linked Keane's website in my article and read through it, but somehow missed that emusic quote.) Although the reference is repeated on at least a dozen other sites on the web, I couldn't find any description at all on emusic itself under Jimmy Keane right now. I guess they are really broken.
  • The first hyperlink in my blog piece "A Place Where Rocking Chairs Fall Off Their Porches" is broken, due to an extra "http" in the code. I wanted to mention it since I figured we want the new blog presented in the best light possible when announcing it on the emusic thread and other places. Is it possible for me to edit the published piece to fix it? Or can one of the editors do that? (I will make sure all my hyperlinks are functioning from now on! Sorry.)
  • Fixed.

  • Thanks, Craig.
  • I also posted Nereffid's new one and set your Christmas one to post tomorrow. I went in that order so we didn't have two articles from you back-to-back. Hope you don't mind.

  • @Craig - great. I think your decision on the spacing of published articles is a very good idea.
  • So here's a first. I just sent an email to an artist requesting permission to use an image. For some ridiculous reason sending the email made me really nervous.

  • edited December 2011
    Okay, I put up my first article. I really struggled with how I was going to pick a theme. That, plus I've got a bunch of stuff on my calender between emusic, AAJ, and personal writing. I wanted to find a way to make my MIG contributions fun. So I picked a theme. It's called "Know Your ABC's: An Album, a Book, and a Cat", where I do a mini-review of a jazz album, a mini-review of a book (it'll almost always be a comic), and post a picture of a cat that we have at the humane society or a related pet welfare organization.

    I would like to have an Article Title which is always "Know Your ABC's: An Album, a Book, and a Cat" and then a sub-title which would be different for each article (this one is "Storms/Nocturnes, Toadswart d'Amplestone, and Bea". I currently have both of those crammed into the same line.

    I created two new Categories: Jazz and then my article theme.

    I created a handful of tags. I'm probably going to go wild on them. There's so many ways to sort on jazz, and I'd like to hit on most of them. Lead instrument (more than one sometimes), Label, Year, etc.

    Feel free to offer edit suggestions. It's still just a draft. I'm gonna want to review it myself a couple more times. I just needed to get it off my computer and onto another template. Sometimes it's easier for me to edit that way. I'm amazed how many things I missed after I get something posted onto emusic or AAJ.

    I'll probably need some serious formatting tips to help make the article look pretty 'n all. I did okay as far as importing images and touching them up and cropping them.

    I think that's it.
  • Sounds awesome jonah. I'll take a look in a bit.

    I've scheduled an article of mine to go up tomorrow morning because it's somewhat time sensitive based on the topic.

    Obviously there was no reason to be nervous about requesting image permission. It was graciously granted.

  • edited December 2011
    I just posted a draft that is also ready to go as soon as it's approved, titled The Musical Christmas Rescue Mission. I really didn't think I'd get to this, but I got up with a little energy this morning. Craig, feel free to manage the flow as appropriate - someone needs to be in charge of that, despite our natural desire for instant fame and fortune.

    Jonah, I'll look at your piece as well.

    Anyone who wants to read and suggest edits to mine, that would be great too.

    @Dr. Mutex, I finally just emailed you a photo, and added a bio on the bog.

    How soon will we make the skin switch? Seems to me we should be at least telling our personal networks about these Christmas music posts in good time for Christmas - I'm seeing friends post "can anyone point me to some good Christmas music"-type questions already.

    By the way, I had the vague idea to write a piece along the lines of "best free download releases of 2010" highlighting some of the things I've found to be highlights of our free stuff thread - does that seem like a good idea? Could be an annual feature/more than one person could write one.
  • I very much like the idea of a category of Free/NYOP Best-Ofs for each year. I think we should include NYOP, because it can still be free and it allows the listener to donate some money to the artist. But I think it's a great idea, giving some sweat equity back to the artists that remove obstacles to hearing their music.

    Also, agree with having only one or two dispatchers to manage scheduling. As far as my ABC articles go, they will not be time sensitive at all, so feel free to release them whenever is convenient, perhaps saving them for days when no one else has anything lined up to be published.

  • Yeah, I'll take care of getting things posted. If everyone can just make sure to let me know if anything is time sensitive.

    I had an email from Dr. Mutex this morning stating that the developer wants $25 to get rid of the ad links. I have no problem with this, but we'd need a collection. I don't want to lay out all the funds for the site and I already paid for the domain.

  • If that's a reasonable request (the $25, not Craig's point which is), I don't mind splitting the share of it. What, there's 6-9 of us? Money is tight, but I can come up with a few dollars for it definitely.
  • edited December 2011
    jonah - The article is great. One question, though, should it be 'Prince' Waxroth that is building the golem rather than 'Princess'?

    I've added a page fold, but would you like any links added?


    ETA: I asked Dr. Mutex if that was reasonable, if he doesn't post here I'll add his response.
  • Good grief, no matter how many times I read the damn thing... I keep finding bits of lint to pick off the jacket, but somehow overlook the gaping hole. Okay, fixed the princess thing. Thanks for that.

    What exactly is a page fold? Does it have to do with presentation on the site? Like only the first paragraph shows, and then hit the link to Read More? Or does it have something to do with mobile apps?

    Also, what kind of links do people typically add for this kind of thing. I could add a link to the Storms/Nocturnes webiste, and a link to the AAJ dotd for a song from that album, I have no idea what I would link to for the book, and I could link to the humane society website for the cat. Is that what you're talking about?
  • You're right on the page fold. It just keeps posted entries shorter on the main page.

    For links I'd recommend a link to the album site, the publisher if they sell direct, and the humane society.

  • Dr. Mutex says he thinks $25 is reasonable. Anyone willing to kick in?

  • Okay, I added a link for the humane society and also one for VIA. The VIA one is in the header at the top of the review. Should I put it there or is it more typical to put it someone in the body of the article? Also, Eclipse Books is out of business and I can't find any website for Tim Conrad, so no links for that. If a knew of a local comic shop that had it in stock, I would link to that, but I don't.

    Also, I'd like to fool with the font size and maybe font type, too, but I'm not seeing the formatting button. Do I just use the same format language that I would for emusers?
  • Dr. Mutex says he thinks $25 is reasonable. Anyone willing to kick in?

  • edited December 2011
    I don't mind kicking in at all. Put me down for $10. $15 if it lets someone off the hook who's on a tighter budget. Just made some extra money on a speaking gig. Whisper to me where I should paypal it to.
  • I didn't like where the VIA link was in the title: I moved it down into the base of the article.

    Also, I tightened up the Toadswart language a bit. I had some unnecessary bits in there.
  • edited December 2011
    Picking up on the Best of Free and NYOP again (NYOP is a good idea), if I do it there will be a definite bias to electronic and post-rock/instrumental rock. I can think of a few ways of going at such a feature, the first three of which might make it a more useful feature to the wider world than the fourth would:

    1. several of us each write our own Best of Free and NYOP - question here is possible overlap if several of us loved the same release(s).
    2. several of us collaborate on one big one by pooling our picks here first.
    3. Several of us write each taking one or more genres and those either get posted separately or as one big one
    4. I just write one and you live with the gaps :-)

    Thoughts? Anyone want to come in on this? I can probably find time soon to skim the free stuff and bandcamp threads and compile a list of what from there was released this year. Or I could do one of them and someone take the other.
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